




      2009-09-14 03:18:52JamesPalmer
      雙語時代 2009年9期




      We?ve done directors and actors in previous installments of this series – now we turn to the movies themselves! Plenty of wonderful movies have been left out – alas, we just don?t have the space. One strange thing stands out here: China has never produced a great animated movie in recent years. Let?s hope that changes in the next few years!



















      Springtime in a Small Town


      This is one of the few Chinese movies to have been remade, and both versions are classics. The original Spring in A Small Town, made by the great Shanghai director Fei Mu in 1948, is a beautiful film, but got caught up in the tides of history – a quiet, reflective film, it was deemed ?unrevolutionary? by the new government, and received almost no showing. It enjoyed a renaissance in the 1980s, and was remade by Tian Zhuangzhuang in 2002, both as an exercise in craftsmanship and to introduce the film to a new generation. The plots of both versions are almost identical, dealing as they do with the return of Zhang Zuyuan, a city doctor, to his old friend Dai Liyun?s house just after the end of the war against the Japanese. The invalid Dai lives with his wife in a sexless, but affectionate, marriage, but Zhang and Dai?s wife, Yuwen, had a passionate affair ten years ago, and their feelings for each other rekindle.


      One interesting point about the film, in both versions, is its lack of evil. The closest thing to a villainous character is the husband, Dai Liyun, and even he is a decent and honorable man – the audience feels nothing but sympathy for him most of the time, especially as he becomes increasingly sidelined in his own house. At one point he wanders off from a drinkinggame, and nobody even notices that he?s gone. The cinematography is gorgeous – modern film quality makes the recent version look better, although it?s filmed in the same crisp black and white as the original, and the Chinese countryside has rarely looked better.


      The mood of the movie is melancholy, full of regret for lost loves and lost opportunities, but with moments of great humour and joy. Its also intensely erotically charged while having almost no actual sexual content; there are scenes between the lovers where they?re fully clothed and barely touching that are more crackling with sexual energy than any nude scene in a Hollywood blockbuster. A warning, though, this film is slow. Very, very slow, and very little ?action? happens – it?s all about the beauty of the shots and the subtle development of the characters, so it isn?t for everyone. If you find you like this style, however, you might want to check out the British forties classic Brief Encounter, about two married lovers longing for each other, but restrained by both society and their own sense of marital fidelity, or the quiet grace of the Danish classic Babette?s Feast.














      Outside of the worst reaches of American straight-to-DVD-movies, war is very rarely glorified in Western cinema anymore. Even the most hackneyed of military films has to touch upon the blood, betrayal, and pointless waste of real war - although for many young men, the gore, horror, and violence depicted in films like Full Metal Jacket or Apocalypse Now are attractive in themselves!Chinese war movies, in contrast, have often been propagandistic affairs, glorifying battle and sacrifice.


      Assembly, directed by Feng Xiaogang, was the first modern Chinese movie to take a more realistic approach to war and its aftermath. Its battle scenes are particularly notable – filmed with alternating close and long shots, both showing the emotions of the characters and the grim face of the battlefield. In some ways it imitates Spielberg?s seminal war movie, Saving Private Ryan, including using Spielberg?s technique of faded out, dark colours for the battle scenes, making them look all the grimmer.


      What makes the movie particularly interesting, though, is its exploration of the bureaucracy and politics around war – it takes place over the course of the end of the Chinese Civil War and the beginning of the Korean War – and the nature of heroism and memory. This leads to a greater emphasis on interpersonal scenes (played out amongst beautifuly rendered ruined landscapes) than most war movies, although the exploration of the nature of wartime brotherhood – explored here through the relationship between the men of a unit ruthlessly sacrificed by their commanders – is a common theme. It?s worth watching back to back with Saving Private Ryan, and perhaps also with the Japanese/American masterpiece Letters from Iwo Jima, directed by Clint Eastwood.











      Farewell, My Concubine


      This beautiful and disturbing movie is considered by many to be the greatest Chinese film of all time, and it?s easy to see why. From the stupendous opening, where two beautifully made-up figures confront each other on a grand stage, to the scenes of misery and poverty in pre-war China, the film is visually ravishing. The plot is about a Peking Opera troupe who recruit a young boy, ?Douzi,? who is trained to play female roles alongside his counterpart, ?Shitou.? They end up appearing before the great men of four governments; the old imperial order, the Nationalists, the Japanese, and the Communists, while going through their own personal sufferings and loves.Douzi becomes the adult Cheng Dieyi (played by Leslie Cheung), and Shitou Duan Xiaolou (played by Zhang Fengyi), both famous actors, but their conflicted love for each other alternately pulls them together and drives them apart. Alongside the main plot, the action of the Peking opera also called Farewell My Concubine parallels and illuminates the characters? feelings for each other.


      Fantastically visually lush and beautifully acted – Leslie Cheung?s own sexual orientation and eventual suicide lend an extra tragedy to the film – the film has many themes. One key one is identity, particularly sexual identity – Douzi?s homosexuality seems to be shaped in part by his training and abuse, while all the characters find themselves absorbed in the roles they play on stage. The theme of sexual abuse also permeates the film, both literally and symbolically – Douzi, as a young boy, is abused by a eunuch, while his acceptance of his ?role? as a girl comes after Shitou orally assaults him with a very phallic pipe. The gruesome opening, where his extra finger is cut off by his mother so the troupe will take him, is also hideously remiscent of castration – a horror we remember later that his eunuch abuser also suffered. The relationship between politics and art, particularly as the troupe suffers during the Cultural Revolution, comes to the fore at various points, particularly in the dealings between the troupe?s master and the various government authorities he has to work around. A marvellously rich, detailed, multi-layered film, worth watching again and again. The melodramatic Amadeus deals with similar themes of music and passion, but perhaps the closest Western equivalent would be the fantastic movie Cabaret, about sexual ambiguities and gorgeous dancer routines in a Berlin cabaret during the end of the Weimar era, as the Nazis come to power.


      網(wǎng)友點評:“力拔山兮氣蓋世,時不利兮騅不逝;騅不逝兮可奈何,虞兮虞兮奈若何?!碑斈暝隈斚麓饲攘T,虞姬自刎而死,最后的訣別,就這么成了傳唱千古的凄美絕響??梢哉f電影《霸王別姬》的成功來自故事,來自人物,來自導演,來自音樂,來自戲里戲外不能分割的愛恨糾纏。電影原作者李碧華是香港文壇大名鼎鼎的才女,被稱為“天下言情第一人”,這跟瓊瑤哭天喊地的言情完全不是一回事,她的其他作品《青蛇》、《胭脂扣》、《生死橋》 、《秦俑》、《餃子》、《潘金蓮之前世今生》、《誘僧》等無一不是精品。而《霸王別姬》讓大家認識了不一樣的張國榮。很難說是程蝶衣成就了張國榮,還是張國榮成就了程蝶衣,直到現(xiàn)在大家還在深深地懷念哥哥。他自己的人生也如一場戲,也許正應驗了那句“不許美人遲暮,只留英雄白頭”。一路情闖蕩到臺下,沒有了名正言順的眉眼,世俗的眼睛里容不得。至于導演陳凱歌,在面對最新差強人意的電影《梅蘭芳》,回過頭看看曾經(jīng)的絕唱《霸王別姬》,恐怕只能感嘆“往事不要再提”。












      Bullet in the Head


      Bullet in the Head is John Woo?s masterpiece, a complex, tough movie with fantastic action scenes – and one that sadly flopped on its original Hong Kong release. Ah well, it happens to all the best movies. Not that we?ve got anything against his other early movies – The Killer is a melodramatic masterpiece, and Hard-Boiled a great action thriller – but this is the pinnacle. It opens with a marvellous sequence, set to a cover of the Monkees? I?m a Believer, which cuts between a Hong Kong dance hall in the late 60s, where three young men are grooving away with their girlfriends, and those same loveable youngsters involved in brutal gang violence. A lovely, disturbing sequence, it immediately sets up the theme of the movie; youthful innocence corrupted by violence and war. After accidentally killing a prominent gangster, the three protagonists flee Hong Kong, looking to make their fortunes in wartime Saigon. There they become caught up in the rescue of a beautiful singer indentured to a cruel boss (a common trope in Woo?s work, one taken from the melodramas of the 1930s) but, after freeing her and escaping with suitcases full of money, find themselves captured by the Vietcong and subjected to a cruel imprisonment which, even after their release, takes a terrible psychological toll.

      《喋血街頭》是吳宇森的經(jīng)典之作,情節(jié)復雜、暴力,充滿了激烈的打斗場景——一開始在香港首映票房慘淡。但好像幾乎所有好電影都出現(xiàn)過這種情況。不是說他的其它早期電影不好——《喋血雙雄》是劇情片典范,《辣手神探》則是經(jīng)典的動作驚悚片——而這部則是他的巔峰之作。電影一開場是一系列絕妙的圖片,伴隨著門基樂隊的歌曲《I?m a Believer》畫面突然切換到上個世紀六十年代末期的香港舞廳,三個年輕人和各自的女友正在一起跳舞嬉戲,隨后他們就卷入了一場殘忍的黑幫暴力事件。動人卻揪心的故事情節(jié)發(fā)展,但這很快就確立了電影的主題;年輕無辜的人被暴力和斗爭所腐蝕。在無意錯殺了一個黑社會老大后,三個年輕人逃離香港,準備前往處于戰(zhàn)爭中的越南西貢市(已改名胡志明市Ho Chi Minh City)尋找未來。在那里他們試圖營救一個陷入殘忍老板之手的美麗歌女(吳宇森慣用的手法,借鑒于上世紀三十年代的劇集),但在成功解救她并帶著一箱子錢跑路時卻被越共抓住,并遭受了非人的監(jiān)禁,即使出獄后依舊擺脫不了心理陰影。

      Woo is clearly working within the framework of the Western ?Vietnam movie? – in particular, aspects of the plot closely follow The Deer Hunter, a 1978 classic about three young Americans taken prisoner in Vietnam, and the effects it has on them. Woo, however, brings a uniquely Chinese perspective to the story; his heroes are there by tragic personal circumstance, rather than the draft, and their motivations are more financial than warlike. The movie brilliantly shifts gears two-thirds of the way through; the first part is really a wartime gangster epic, while the last third returns to the regular grimness of the Vietnam movie. As you?d expect from Woo, the action sequences are beautifully choreographed – perhaps too beautifully, when it comes to the outdoor war pieces, which look rather too much like gangster movie shootouts to be convincing. Yet the movie finds its own stylised reality, creating a world that?s both over-the-top and emotionally convincing. Watch it alongside The Deer Hunter and Platoon to contrast takes on the Vietnam story.




      1. in installments

      意為“分期地”。也可以說by installments。

      例句:The equipment will be paid in installments with the commodities produced by our factory.


      I can't afford to pay that much right now. May I pay by installments?


      2. catch up in


      例句:We were so caught up in the movie that we forgot what time it was.


      3. wander off


      例句:Don't wander off too far, Tom.


      The child wandered off and got lost.


      4. outside of


      5. come to the fore


      例句:We encourage top-notch talents with innovative ideas to come to the fore.


      The labour question must come to the fore next session.


      6. shift gears


      例句:Going up the steep hill, the lorry shifted gears.


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