L ingnan Culture and Lingnan Study(by GUO Jie,CHENG Guo-fu,CHEN Shao-hua,ZUO Peng-jun)
Abstract:In this paper,we try to probe into the prolongation and development of the research on Lingnan culture from three dimensions:regional feature,ethnic nature and international background.We also explore the subsequentalternative path of expanding our research from the pointof view of creative thinking and structuring the foundation work of Lingnan study.From the case ofWang Zhaomin's painting,we explicate the relationship between the local culture of Lingnan region and artistic creation.It is crucial to understand the importance of the research on Lingnan culture from the need of providing a strong scholastic support to the construction of a culturally strong province.Through these efforts,we look forward to further discussion of the construction of Lingnan study and the progress of the research on Lingnan culture in a wider background and amulti-angle view.
Lingnan culture;Lingnan study;research;construction
A Study on the Classification M anagement and the Financial Inpu t System for Senior M idd le Schools under the Background of Public Institution Reform in China(by LIU Fu-xing)
Abstract:Under the background of public institution reform in China,seniormiddle schools as a kind of public institutions should have new orientation.We should reclassify it's property of corporation and conduct Classificationmanagement.Seniormiddle schools'structure of financial input is determined by the structure of seniormiddle school education holders.Themeasuresof financial input system in seniormiddle schools include the ensurance of the position of the government as investment subjects,thematurity of the pattern ofmulti-channel fund-raising system,and the standard of cost sharing mechanism in senior middle schools.
Key words:public institution reform;seniormidd le school;classification management;financial input system
On Legal Regulation of General High School Education in China(by YU Ya-feng)
Abstract:It is necessary and feasible to establish legal regulation system in generalhigh schools.In the process of the present reform of public education system,themain tasks of the legal regulation should be concerned with the issues of providing guarantees for education fund and teaching conditions,admissions and charges,Artsand Sciences division,academic evaluation,the identity and employmentofhigh school teachers,the students'right to education,and the discipline.As a basic education available to the public,the generalhigh schooleducation has a nature of obvious publicity.Based on the basic value of publicity,the government should make a particular series of educational laws according to the Education Law.For the main tasks mentioned above,the government should establish a series of unified and standard legal systems coherentwith each other,including the system of investment fundsmainly financed by the government,the safeguard system,the public-oriented system of college entrance examination,the evaluation system adapted with the requirement of quality education and all-round development,the classified management system of teachers'employment,the subvention system for studentsmainly sponsored by the government,the system of accountability and so on.
Key words:general high school education;legal regulation;legislation;legal system
China's Senior High Schools System Reform:the Status Quo,Problem and Development Trend(by LIU Fu-cai)
Abstract:It is an essential trend in theworld education development to bringmarket system into education field.The diversity of school systems is the key contentof China's senior high school education policy.The problems that exist in the development of education system reform in senior high schools are:“no clear education characteristics”,“no proper education structure”,“no normal school running and management”.The reform of the senior high school system should be concerned with the improvements in the school characteristics,classificationmanagement,optimisticmechanism and legislation standardization.
Key words:senior high school;school system;mixed school;conversion school
Chinese Zero-Anaphora:The Topic-Based Analysis(by YANG Ning)
Abstract:Anaphora and its resolution p lay an important role in the reader's cognitive processing of the discourse.This research has been a hot topic in linguistics,especially in psycholinguistics.Compared with English language,Chinese language tends to be economical.In termsof anaphora,the latter tends to omit asmuch linguistic information as possible,provided that the Chinese provides sufficient linguistic context,thus the Chinese discourse enjoys very high frequency ofzero-anaphora.Asa result,its resolution constitutesa key problem to the readers'interpretation of the Chinese discourse.This paper,by introducing how topic factors(topic continuing and topic discontinuing)restrain the reader's interpretation of zero-anaphora resolution,intends to give a tentative interpretation of this linguistic phenomenon in the Chinese discourse.
Key words:anaphora;zero anaphora;topic continuing;topic discontinuing
The Conceptual Structure of K inship Words of Dai Nationality(by ZHANG Ji-jia,YANG Chen,CUIZhan-ling)
Abstract:By using themethod of natural classifying and multi-dimensional scale,the study probed into the conceptual structure of kinship words of Dai nationality.The subjectswere 83 senior high school pupils.The results showed that there were 5 categories in the conceptual structure of kinship words of Daxinationality:(1)themembers of the family before one'smarrige;(2)themembers of the family after one'smarrige;(3)the eldership and compeer members of cousinship;(4)the grandchildren and nephews of collateral branches and in-law;(5)the compeer brothers in-law and the compeer sisters in-law.There were two dimensions in the conceptual structure of kinship words of Dai nationality.One is the intimate level of the relatives before one'smarrige,the other is the intimate level of the relatives after one'smarrige.The conceptual structure of kinship words of Dai nationality was determined by the attributes of kinship words,and influenced by themarriage form,the fashions of production and life styles.
Key words:Dai nationality;kinship words;structure of conceptsW ording Effects in the M easurement of Perceived O rganizational Support:A M ultitrait-M ultimethod Analysis(by XU Xiao-feng,LIU Yong)
Abstract:The present research explored the constructof Perceived Organizational Support(POS).Using a sample of391 employees,theexploratory factor analysis(EFA)indicated thatwording effect exists in negatively worded items.A confirmatory factor analysis(CFA)andmultitrait-multimethod(MTMM)were used to evaluate the effect of item wording.The results indicated thatmethod effects associated with negatively worded items were significant.Method variance has important effecton total variance of POS.The research notonly explored the cause ofwording factor but also suggested the necessity to develop Chinese scale of POS.
Key words:Perceived Organizational Support Scale;wording effect;multitrait-multimethod
Some Im portant Theoretical Concepts of Stanley Fish's Reader-Response Criticism:A Critical Study(by FANG Han-quan)
Abstract:Relating to his Reader-Response Criticism,F(xiàn)ish puts forth some important theoretical concepts such as text and reader relationship,interpretive communities,readers that constitute interpretive communities,and methods for text analysis.Fish's view on text and reader relationship differs from that of other reader-response theorists in thathe regards the textnotas the object for interpretation,butas the productof interpretation.The reader produces both the textand itsmeanings,but is inevitably constrained by the norms and conventions of his or her community.The idea of interpretive communities is a socialized understanding system,and what lies behind Fish's thinking at this point is to socialize the reader.For several decades of the last century,Chinese interpretive communitieswere by and large ideologically oriented,and thiswasmainly responsible for the radical tendency in their literary criticism.According to Fish,as a result of adopting different interpretive strategies,from a same piece of literary text,different communities generate different interpretations,but each reading is true only for the reader of his or her own interpretive community.His broadvminded attitude toward different interpretive results deserves appreciation.The term“informed reader”Fish adopts refers to a kind of idealized reader or critic with literary competence,and critics of Practical Criticism have dissenting opinions on his reader perspective.Fish'smethods for text analysis as specified in his Affective Stylistics are quite unique,but not necessarily perfect without blemish.
Key words:Reader-Response Criticism;text and reader relationship;interpretive communities;informed reader;methods for text analysis
“Self-fashioning”Human Cultural Behavior——The Analysis of Greenblatt'Cultural Poetics Core Theory(by FU Jie-lin)
Abstract:In the Cultural Poetics theory by Greenblatt,he explicates the“Self-fashioning”culturalbehavior of human culture,and reveals the culturalmeaning bymeansof text interpretation.In termsofGreenblatt'Cultural Poetics,the theory of“Self-fashioning”isboth a core-componentand an important starting point in the theoretical interpretation.In Greenblatt's view,“Self-fashioning”is notonly formed by the potential power of political ideology in a variety ofexternal suppression and subversion,but also established by the inner knowledge structure of thementalecho and the psychological reclamation,which is a complicated and multiple tensional process full of various social forces.Thus,text interpretation is amore complex theoretical pilgrimage for“Self-fashioning”.Since culture is an intertextual structure of thewhole human behavior,“Self-fashioning”is the concept of some text flowing in intertextual structure of human culture.
Key words:Greenblatt;new historical;Cultural Poetics;Self-fashioning;human cultural behavior
A Brief In troduction to Unusual Biography of Ancient Chinese Personage(by DAI Ji-hua)
Abstract:Chinese ancientbiographies developed well and unusual biography is one of their important forms.The writers of unusual biography mostly had rocky and winding life experiences,which provided some transmission conditions for writing unusual biography.Unusual biographymakes different knowledge conception as its standards,has eclectic writing form,and flexiblewritingmethod.Unusual biography has retained a large number of primary sources for peop le today,reflected a biography spirit on the real life and human nature revelation,and been a precious heritage of Chinese history.
Key words:life experience;knowledge conception;eclectic;flexible;biography spirit
Tude Shipped Times Form ulation M ade in Northern W ei Dynasty(by SUN Xian-feng)
Abstract:The Northern Wei Dynasty hadn't thought about the problem of Tude and the dynasty running orders when theymade their dynastic title at the beginning.After they ascertained the dynastic title,they drew the experience of Tude of Cao and Wei Dynasty which had the same dynastic title.In order to successfully rule the Han peoplewho live in the area of Central Plain,Dao Emperoreven regarded himselfas one of the Huang Emperor's descendents and arranged the corresponding inheritance pedigree.Meanwhile,he considered Huang Star as the Northern Wei Tude auspice to promote the policy of granted monarchy authorized by the God.
Key words:the Northern Wei Dynasty;tude;auspice;Huang Star
Non-Probabilistic Justification of Induction and Its Difficulties(by RONG Li-wu)
Abstract:There are two theoreticalmodels for justification of induction,that is,probabilistic justification and non-probabilistic justification.According toour analysis,probabilistic justification is justified on thebasis ofmathematical statistics,but itdoesn'tdetermine sufficiently the validity of justification of induction.On the other hand,as a supplementof probabilistic justification,non-probabilistic justifications,such as Peirce's so called“self-correctingnature of induction”and Lewis's“a Priori analytical justification of induction”,do not serve as the genuine supplement of probabilistic justification.
Key words:induction;probabilistic justification;non-probabilistic justification
Im p lication Theory and Consistency Princip le(by YANG Fu-rong,ZHOU Zhen-xiang)
Abstract:Implication and consistency are indispensable in the logical system.Implication is an expressiveway in the logical system and consistency is the basic condition for the existence of logical system.Implication and consistency keep in close touch with each other.No matter whether it is Russell' material implication,or Lewis's strict implication,we can derive similar“implication paradox”.The reason is that itviolates the intuition of languageand the principle of consistency.So,proper and valid reasoning is inseparable from the discussion of implication and consistency principle.
Key words:implication paradox;strict implication;consistency
Foreign Trade,Econom ic Structure and Em p loyment Structure——An Em pirical Analysis Based on Guangdong Data from1979to2008(by LIYong-jie,LIU Xin)
Abstract:This paper examines the evolution of employment structure based on the dependence on foreign trade and industrial changes from 1979 to 2008.The empirical results show that the evolution of employment structure is not only impacted by industrial changes,but also affected by dependence on foreign trade.When the dependence on foreign trade grows by 1%,the proportion of primary industry employment falls 0.03%,the proportion of secondary industry employment increases by 0.02%,the proportion of tertiary industry employment increases by 0.03%.Therefore,Guangdong should accelerate the transformation of foreign trade growth mode,and change effectively the economic structure and employment structure.
Key words:dependence on foreign trade;employment structure;economic structure;cointegration
A Com parative Study on R&D Efficiency Correlating with Financing Resources:Em pirical Evidences from Guangdong(by LING Jiang-huai,LIYing)
Abstract:The support which is given to R&D by finance is extensive and strong,but financial depression still hinders the lifting of R&D efficiency,resulting in Macmillan Gap.This papermakesa simplemodel to analyze the rationale of finance affecting R&D,and has found that financialdevelopmentcan promote R&D efficiency.This paper adopts Copeland Index Analysis Method tomeasure the value of TFP so as to avoid the imperfection of Solow Residual AnalysisMethod and Translog Method.Moreover,ituses panel data from 2002 to2008 from enterprises in Guangdong tomake empiricalanalysis.Main conclusions are that:external financing promotes R&D efficiency significantly,the elasticity coefficients increase in the order of small andmiddle-sized traditional enterprises,large-sized traditional enterprises,large-sized tech-based enterprises and small and middle-sized tech-based enterprises;different financing sources give different promoting impacts on R&D efficiency,and the extent increases in the order of venture capital,F(xiàn)DI,civilian credit,bank and shares;FDI restrains R&D efficiency and labors crowd out R&D efficiency.These conclusions are basically consistent with our hypotheses.
Key words:R&D;external financing;efficiency
The Effect on Internal Capital M arket of Financing Constraints——An Em pirical Study Based on the Pyram idal Ownership Structure(by ZHOU Chuan-li,KE Ping)
Abstract:Compared with external capitalmarkets(ECM),ICM has such advantages as reducing the cost of information and transaction and inspiration conflict.It can improve the efficiency of internal capital allocation and release financial constraints.Under the pyramidal ownership structure,based on differentownership structuresand ownership types,internal capitalmarket can fully loosen financing constraints.The ICM ofstate-owned and private-owned groups have different effects on financing constraint,so does the separation of ownership.These study findings have practical significance in optimizing the capital structure of enterprisegroup,guiding the internal capitalmarket financing in the rightways and promotinga healthy developmentof enterprisegroups.
Key words:internal capitalmarkets;financing constraints;enterprise group;Pyramidal Ownership Structure
The Institutional Cause and Econom ic Consequence for the Largest Shareholder's Expropriation(by GU Dong-qing,XIE Jun)
Abstract:This paper studies the statistic relationship between corporate performanceand the largest shareholder's expropriation,and checks the other receivable account's impacton corporate performance.Empirical result suggests that the otheraccount receivable hasa significantnegative effecton corporate performance,and the largest shareholder could have predation of the corporate resources by the other account receivable.
Key words:resource predation;asset strip;the other account receivable;the largest shareholder;equity incentive
The Analysis about Spillover Effect of FDI in China——Based on the Separation of Horizontal Linkage Effect and Vertical Linkage Effect(by GU Zheng-hai)
Abstract:With the reform and opening to the world,our country has become one of the largest countries that absorb FDI.The inflowing of FDIhas broughtmuch-needed capital,new technologies,marketing techniques andmanagement skills for our country.Whileallof these potentialbenefits of FDIbecome very important,particular emphasis is placed on the contribution of FDI to increasing productivity and competitiveness of the domestic industry.This paper applies econometric analysis to argue that the inflowing of FDI has spill effect to the firms through backward linkage.However,there are both spill effect and competitive effect to the firms through horizontal linkage and forward linkage.
Key words:FDI;spillover effect;horizontal linkage;vertical linkage
Localized Structure of Crim inal Due Process(by GUO Tian-wu,SUN Mo-fei)
Abstract:Scholars in our country are accustomed to discussing due process in western culturalbackground.Thismethod causes the dilemma of judicial reform in our country,and even leads to the difficulty in constructing the due process to a certain degree.On accountof this situation,we should reconstruct the source of law,judicialmode and variety of judicial procedure,on the basis of reconsidering the basic theory and practical experience of due process,retaining the quintessence of the theory and practical experience of due process,and respecting legal tradition and actual situation in our country.In this way we can provide guidance and support to criminal proceeding reform of our country.
Key words:due process;criminal proceduremode;localization;substantial justice
On Further Im provement of the Protection of Private Property Rights(by ZHANG Xiang)
Abstract:Constitution is the fundamental law of a country,and is also the basis for the formulation of the other laws.Private property rights occupy very important position among all of the citizens'rights.It is thematerial basis for the realization of the right to life,liberty and other rights.Constitution should be strengthened on the protection of private property rights of citizens.Recalling the history of the Constitutionalism in our country,we can see that our Constitution's protection of private property passed through a bumpy road.Although the Amendment to the Constitution(2004)made a breakthrough on this issue,it still can not fullymeet the needs of social and economic development.There is still a need for further improvement of the Protection of Private Property Rights.
Key words:private property rights;basic right;constitutional protection