



      Abstracts of Major Papers in This Issue

      2013-03-27 09:24:02
      當(dāng)代外語研究 2013年7期

      TheOrientation,LayoutandDevelopmentofChinaForeignLanguageMajorEducation, by DAI Weidong, p. 1

      Facing relevant problems in foreign language major education, this paper tends to analyze the orientation, layout and development concerned. It points out that foreign language is a kind of cultural resource, and this discipline is of the character of humanities. Its layout should be based on needs analysis and be local, traditional and reasonable. It explains the developmental strategies from the norm and evaluation, teaching curriculum and national teaching quality standard, talents cultivation, curriculum development, materials design and teacher education, in the hope of promoting the development of foreign language education.

      FurtherUnderstandingtoSaussure’sTheoryontheFeaturesofLanguageSign, by FENG Zhiwei, p. 6

      Based on the new research results of contemporary linguistics, the author discusses the theory on features of language sign from a new point of view. It is the commemoration to 100th anniversary of the death of De Saussure.

      OntheConceptsofHumanBeinginSaussureandHeidegger’sTheoriesofLanguage, by YE Qichang, p. 13

      Saussure’s conception of the unified subject or ideal speakers is only another name for the collective consciousness, while Heidegger’s shepherds of language can be understood as the lonely and heroic Dasein. Both concepts refer to “metaphysical beings” instead of actual human beings on the foundation of life to life relationship. The paper also points out that Heidegger’s thought plays an active role in awakening one’s language awareness and evoking serious thinking about language instruction and research.

      TheInvestigationintotheScientificNatureLyinginSaussure’sTheory, by ZHOU Pin & ZHU Wenqian, p. 19

      This paper investigates into the modernity and revolutionariness as well as the limitations in Saussure’s theory so as to explain why he is entitled as “the father of modern linguistics” based on Floris Cohen’s study on the evolution of modern science. The deep reasons of the deficiency in theoretical innovation in Chinese linguistic field is explored into in accordance with Cohen’s arguments on the distinct approaches to the understanding of nature between Chinese and Western civilizations. Finally, the methodological principles for the scientific development of Chinese linguistics is advanced.

      AStudyoftheConstructionandtheApplication“6+2”ofForeignLanguageLearningSystems, by LU Lihong, p. 25

      Environment is an essential factor for foreign language learning. Under the guidance of the theories of language pedagogy and learning, the paper explores the theoretical framework for foreign language learning environment, and analyzes the systematic structure for foreign language learning environment: situation, resources, tools, scaffolding, learning community, and evaluation. “Six+Two” foreign language learning environment possesses the following characteristics: opening, integrity, suitability, and balance. Taking the National Excellent Course “Corporate Secretary English” as an example, the paper shows the design of “Six+Two” foreign language learning environment, in the hope of offering references to the design of foreign languages learning environment.

      AReviewoftheStudyofLexicalInferencingProcessinginReadingaSecondLanguage, by WEI Rong & FAN Lin, p. 30

      As an important source of L2 incidental vocabulary acquisition, lexical inferencing is a complex mental activity throughout the process of text comprehension. Due to the important role of L2 lexical inferencing in learners’ lexical competence development and text comprehension, great importance in research has been attached to it both at home and abroad. Research adopting various methods to investigate L2 lexical inferencing in reading has yielded significant results. This paper first provides the definition of lexical inferencing, then elaborates and reviews its processing models, knowledge sources, research methods, and affecting factors, and points out its significance in L2 vocabulary teaching and learning. The paper further analyzes the unresolved problems and controversies in this field, and finally provides suggestions for future research to enrich and expand relevant studies.

      AnAnalysisofPronounandConjunctionwithPrototype-setTheory, by LIU Zhenbiao & CUI Yanyan, p. 35

      Prototype theory has been developed very fast in many research fields since its establishment. With the development of it in the field of linguistic study, prototype theory was applied in many branches and sub-branches of linguistics, and was well applied in SLA, especially in lexical acquisition of second language. This study mainly concentrates on clarifying that through manifesting the application of prototype-set theory in the actual processes of pronoun and conjunction analysis, combining prototype theory and set theory of math, the prototype-set theory can be effectively applied in the process of lexical study. It is a good approach to lexical acquisition of second language, and it can offer us a good method and research perspective, so prototype-set theory is important for the lexical acquisition of second language, and researches of prototype-set theory in lexical acquisition of second language will be a new researching field with a great future.

      OntheE-CTranslationStrategyofEconomicLiteratureinModernChina, by WU Yangbo, p. 40

      Economic literature is vital to the development of a country. The present study provides a chronological review of the E-C translation strategy of economic translation in modern China during the period of 1840-1949 by overviewing the social contexts of the three different periods and analyzing typical translators’ activities as well as their translated economic literature. Through literature review and text analysis ofAManualofPoliticalEconomy,TheWealthofNations, andDasKapital, it is found that various domesticated translation strategies, like deletion, omission and addition, were used by the translators in order to revitalize China.

      OnMotivationofImplicitationinE-CSubtitlinginViewofRelevanceTheory, by PENG Zhiying, p. 44

      Subtitles, as a special type of texts, are characteristic of condensation, multimodality and audience-orientedness. In the light of the principle of optimal relevance, subtitling aims at conveying efficiently the movie author’s communicative intention to the target audiences in the target language. In view of Relevance Theory, due to diverse features of English and Chinese, implicitation in E-C subtitling is an inevitable option from the perspectives of textual factors, target audience and linguistic structure.

      AnAnalysisofSignifyingRevisioninErasurefromthePerspectiveofGates’SignifyingTheory, by LUO Hong & WANG Mingyue, p. 49

      Henry Louis Gates, Jr. gives a groundbreaking in the unique interpretative system and the great vernacular tradition of African-American literary criticism—the Signifying Theory, which provides a methodology and perspective in African-American literary criticism within the tradition of Black Vernacular. From the critical perspective of Signifying Theory, this paper analyzes the text ofErasure, representative work of African-American writer Percival Everett. Not only the story’s whole narrative structure comprises of signifying revision of its sub-textFuck, but the rhetorical strategies are embodied with the black difference. As a result, the novel is infiltrated with sharp satire profoundly. Also it reflects the nature of “blackness”, an important concept in Gates’ Signifying Theory.

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