




      2013-12-09 06:47ByJillSissonQuinn
      瘋狂英語·原聲版 2013年11期

      By Jill Sisson Quinn


      I am a horrible gardener. I try to blame my repeated 1)dearth of tomatoes on Wisconsins short growing season, but its more due to the fact that I do not like fences. Each year I set out the largest seedlings I can find as early as I can, only to see their leaves lopped off by some hungry 2)critter the first week of June. Then I watch them play catchup all summer, a race of frost against fruit.

      I dont even 3)shoo away my own dog. When the tomatoes finally do appear, she picks them alongside me with her jowls, lofts them in the air, jumps on them where they land, and then, when they dont jump back, loses interest. She shoulders through cucumber plants so crowded the cucumbers are white as cave crickets under the shade of the leaves until she is virtually harnessed to the vines. She disappears into the 4)raspberry bush and digs a hole there to cool off.

      I forget to 5)stake peas. They climb up the garden hose I have attached to a sprinkler on a pipe, and later, suffer when I need to use the hose for something else, and slide it out of its sleeve of pea plant, which falls over like a vegetative cyclone. I plant whole rows of seeds that never appear, leaving a strange gap in the middle of my garden as if the three sisters on one side—the corn, beans and 6)squash—have drawn a line down the middle of their bedroom, at odds with the strangling cucumbers and struggling peppers and tomatoes on the other.

      Despite my low 7)aptitude, I spend a lot of time in the garden examining the weeds I pull up, finding, once, a song sparrows nest full of eggs, and many times toads and shiny blister beetles and glacier-smoothed stones and artifacts of nails and barbed wire from the barn that used to stand on my garden plot.

      I pick what grows and dont fret too much over what doesnt. I think often about what I should have done, what I will do next year but inevitably dont, because here is the truth. I would rather be a gatherer than a gardener. I prefer even the language of gathering. I would rather roam and wander, discover and remember than plan, 8)till, plant, thin, stake, weed, water, tend and 9)prune. I have five million years of hunting and gathering in my brain that 10,000 years of agriculture cant knock out of me. Thus I sew my hybrid passion. A garden as 10)unruly as a forest edge, a place where like my dog and the deer and the rabbits I know must 11)traverse there. I can disappear in the 12)unbridled 13)foliage, and maybe, just maybe, come out with something to sustain me.






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