




      2014-02-21 01:44郭宏興高珂陳曦鄧慶文唐蓉暉鄧瑞華
      中國現(xiàn)代醫(yī)生 2014年2期


      [摘要] 目的 探討蘭索拉唑?qū)?jīng)皮內(nèi)鏡下胃造瘺術(shù)(PEG)并發(fā)癥的防治作用。 方法 選擇我院收治的鼻咽癌患者90例,分為對照組、1周治療組和2周治療組,每組30例,對照組行PEG腸內(nèi)營養(yǎng),1周治療組和2周治療組行PEG腸內(nèi)營養(yǎng)后分別予蘭索拉唑治療1周和2周,分析4周后三組患者的營養(yǎng)指標(biāo)和并發(fā)癥的發(fā)生情況。 結(jié)果 術(shù)后三組患者營養(yǎng)指標(biāo)較術(shù)前明顯改善(P<0.01),治療組患者并發(fā)癥的發(fā)生率顯著低于對照組(P<0.01),1周治療組及2周治療組患者的并發(fā)癥發(fā)生率無明顯差異(P>0.05)。結(jié)論P(yáng)EG能改善患者的營養(yǎng)情況,術(shù)后使用蘭索拉唑1周,能降低并發(fā)癥的發(fā)生。

      [關(guān)鍵詞] 經(jīng)皮內(nèi)鏡下胃造瘺術(shù);蘭索拉唑;并發(fā)癥

      [中圖分類號] R730.5 [文獻(xiàn)標(biāo)識碼] B [文章編號] 1673-9701(2014)02-0051-03

      Clinical study on lansoprazole for percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy complications prevention and treatment.

      GUO Hongxing1 GAO Ke1 CHEN Xi2 DENG Qingwen1 TANG Ronghui1 DENG Ruihua1

      1.Department of Gastroenterology, the Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Southern Medical University, Guangzhou 510900, China; 2.Department of Otolaryngology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510900, China

      [Abstract] Objective To investigate the role of lansoprazole for percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy(PEG) complications prevention and treatment. Methods Researched ninety patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma in our hospital. The patients were divided into control group, one week treatment group and two weeks treatment group, with each group thirty cases. The control group received PEG enteral nutrition, one week treatment group and two weeks treatment group were respectively given lansoprazole treatment one week and two weeks after received PEG enteral nutrition. The three groups patients of nutritional indicators and the incidence of complications were analysed after four weeks. Results The three groups patients after surgery compared with preoperative nutritional parameters improved significantly (P<0.01). The incidence of complications in treatment groups was significantly lower than in the control group (P<0.01). Patients in one week treatment group and two weeks treatment group with no significant difference in the incidence of complications(P>0.05). Conclusion PEG can improve the patient's nutritional status; postoperative use of lansoprazole one week, can reduce the incidence of complications.

      [Key words] Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy; Lansoprazole; Complications


      1 資料與方法

      1.1 一般資料

      1.1.1 病例標(biāo)準(zhǔn) ①鼻咽癌經(jīng)治療或未治療后,導(dǎo)致吞咽困難、神經(jīng)性厭食患者;②患者可以耐受麻醉、胃鏡檢查以及一般手術(shù);③患者有胃腸道功能存在,可以耐受腸內(nèi)營養(yǎng)。④患者咽、食管、賁門無嚴(yán)重狹窄,可通過胃鏡檢查。

      1.1.2 病例選取 根據(jù)病例納入標(biāo)準(zhǔn),選取2010年10月~2013年8月我院收治的鼻咽癌患者90例。對照組30例,男24例,女6例,年齡33~82歲,平均(44.6±10.3)歲;1周治療組30例,男23例,女7例,年齡35~81歲,平均(46.2±15.1)歲;2周治療組30例,男25例,女5例,年齡32~80歲,平均(46.7±12.3)歲,三組患者的年齡、性別間具有均衡性。endprint

      1.2 研究方法

      1.2.1 設(shè)備和藥品 日本Olympus公司生產(chǎn)的GIF-XQ260型電子胃鏡,美國COOK公司生產(chǎn)的PEG-24一次性使用胃造瘺管,活檢鉗,江蘇奧賽康藥業(yè)股份有限公司于2010年3月6日生產(chǎn)的注射用蘭索拉唑(奧維加)、國藥準(zhǔn)字H20080336。

      1.2.2 PEG腸內(nèi)營養(yǎng) 患者術(shù)前禁食8h,常規(guī)檢查血常規(guī)、凝血常規(guī)、肝腎功能等正常后行PEG術(shù)?;颊呦茸髠?cè)臥位,當(dāng)胃鏡到達(dá)胃內(nèi)后取仰臥位,檢查上消化道無器質(zhì)性病變后,將胃鏡放置在胃體上部,調(diào)節(jié)胃鏡前端對準(zhǔn)胃前壁,注氣使胃腔充盈擴(kuò)張,并使胃壁與腹壁緊貼,將胃鏡置于胃體下部前壁,根據(jù)胃鏡在腹壁的透光點(diǎn),用手指按壓局部腹壁,胃鏡下可見到胃前壁壓跡,即確定該處為造瘺部位,行皮膚消毒、鋪洞巾后,在穿刺點(diǎn)局部麻醉至腹膜,于穿刺點(diǎn)皮膚作0.6~1.0cm的切口至皮下,行鈍性分離至肌膜,將套管穿刺針垂直刺入胃腔后退出針芯,沿套管插導(dǎo)絲入胃腔,術(shù)者用活檢鉗經(jīng)胃鏡活檢孔插入胃腔夾牢導(dǎo)絲,將胃鏡連同活檢鉗和導(dǎo)絲一起從口腔退出,將導(dǎo)絲與造瘺管鼠尾狀擴(kuò)張導(dǎo)管套牢,緩慢將造瘺管引導(dǎo)經(jīng)口送入胃腔并經(jīng)腹壁開口處輕輕拉出,直至其尖端拉出腹壁外并感覺明顯阻力。再次插入胃鏡觀察蘑菇頭,使之與胃壁緊貼后消毒傷口,并在腹壁處固定,手術(shù)完畢。于手術(shù)24h后緩慢、少量、多次進(jìn)食,術(shù)前、術(shù)后均常規(guī)應(yīng)用抗生素預(yù)防感染,術(shù)后2周內(nèi)傷口每日換藥1次。進(jìn)食前后均用0.9%氯化鈉溶液30~50mL沖管,防止堵塞。每次喂食抬高床頭使患者處于半臥位或坐位,喂食完畢后保持此姿勢30~60min,以減少胃食管反流的發(fā)生。

      1.2.3 蘭索拉唑治療 術(shù)后治療組患者均給予蘭索拉唑治療,按藥品說明書操作:用專用溶劑溶解注射用蘭索拉唑鈉40mg后,加入0.9%氯化鈉溶液100mL中稀釋后靜脈滴注,每隔12小時1次;1周治療組治療1周,2周治療組治療2周。

      1.2.4 觀察指標(biāo) 觀察三組患者術(shù)后4周體重指數(shù)(BMI)、血紅蛋白(HGB)、白蛋白(ALB)、前白蛋白(PA)營養(yǎng)指標(biāo)情況。統(tǒng)計三組術(shù)后吸入性肺炎、反流性食管炎、上消化道出血和消化性潰瘍的發(fā)生情況。

      1.2.5 統(tǒng)計學(xué)方法 采用SPSS 13.0統(tǒng)計軟件對數(shù)據(jù)進(jìn)行處理,計量資料用(x±s)表示,多組比較行組間方差分析,兩兩比較采用q檢驗,計數(shù)資料比較采用χ2檢驗。P<0.05為差異有統(tǒng)計學(xué)意義。

      2 結(jié)果

      2.1 三組營養(yǎng)指標(biāo)改善情況


      2.2 三組并發(fā)癥發(fā)生情況


      表1 三組患者營養(yǎng)指標(biāo)的比較(x±s,n=30)

      3 討論







      [1] Gaudw MW, Ponsky JL, Izant RJ Jr. Gastrostomy without laparotomy: a percutaneous endoscopic technique[J]. J Pediatr Surg, 1980, 15(6): 872-875.

      [2] Abbasi AN, Zahid S, Bhurgri Y, et al. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma - an update of treatment and acute radiation induced reactions from a tertiary-care hospital in Pakistan[J]. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2011, 12(3):735-738.

      [3] Peerawong T, Phungrassami T, Pruegsanusak K, et al. Comparison of treatment compliance and nutritional outcomes among patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma with and without percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy during chemoradiation[J]. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2012, 13(11):5805-5809.

      [4] 魏祥志, 張科, 汪永和, 等. 賁門癌、食管癌術(shù)后早期腸內(nèi)營養(yǎng)應(yīng)用的體會[J]. 中國現(xiàn)代醫(yī)生, 2011,49(31) :139-141.

      [5] Oostdijk EA, de Smet AM, Bonten MJ, et al. Effects of decontamination of the digestive tract and oropharynx in intensive care unit patients on 1-year survival[J]. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 2013, 188(1):117-120.

      [6] Hutchinson E, Wilson N. Acute stroke, dysphagia and nutritional support[J]. Br J Community Nurs, 2013, Suppl:26-29.

      [7] Thomson M, Rao P, Rawat D, et al. Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy and gastro-oesophageal reflux in neurologically impaired children[J]. World J Gastroenterol, 2011, 17(2): 191-196.

      [8] McGinnis CM, Worthington P, Lord LM. Nasogastric versus feeding tubes in critically ill patients[J]. Crit Care Nurse, 2010, 30(6):80-82.

      [9] Johnston SD, Tham TC, Mason M. Death after PEG: results of the national confidential enquiry into patient outcome and death[J]. Gastrointest Endosc, 2008, 68(2): 223-227.

      [10] Schrag SP, Sharma R, Jaik NP, et al. Complications related to percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tubes. A comprehensive clinical review[J]. Gastrointestin Liver Dis, 2007, 16(4): 407-418.

      [11] Szarszewski A, Szlzgatys-Sidorkiewicz A, Borkowska A, et al. Posterior gastric wall ulceration as a complication of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy. A report of 2 cases[J]. Med Wieku Rozwoj, 2009, 13(3): 209-211.

      [12] Yen HH, Yang CW, Su WW, et al. Oral versus intravenous proton pump inhibitors in preventing re-bleeding for patients with peptic ulcer bleeding after successful endoscopic therapy[J]. BMC Gastroenterol,2012, 12(1): 66.

      [13] Tomita T, Kim Y, Yamasaki T, et al. Prospective randomized controlled trial to compare the effects of omeprazole and famotidine in preventing delayed bleeding and promoting ulcer healing after endoscopic submucosal dissection[J]. J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2012, 27(9): 1441-1446.

      [14] Yoshida S, Nii M, Date M. Effects of omeprazole on symptoms and quality of life in Japanese patients with reflux esophagitis: final results of OMAREE, a large-scale clinical experience investigation[J]. BMC Gastroenterol,2011,11(1): 15.

      [15] Chan WH, Khin LW, Chung YF, et al. Randomized controlled trial of standard versus high-dose intravenous omeprazole after endoscopic therapy in high-risk patients with acute peptic ulcer bleeding[J]. Br J Surg, 2011, 98(5): 640-644.




      [1] Gaudw MW, Ponsky JL, Izant RJ Jr. Gastrostomy without laparotomy: a percutaneous endoscopic technique[J]. J Pediatr Surg, 1980, 15(6): 872-875.

      [2] Abbasi AN, Zahid S, Bhurgri Y, et al. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma - an update of treatment and acute radiation induced reactions from a tertiary-care hospital in Pakistan[J]. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2011, 12(3):735-738.

      [3] Peerawong T, Phungrassami T, Pruegsanusak K, et al. Comparison of treatment compliance and nutritional outcomes among patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma with and without percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy during chemoradiation[J]. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2012, 13(11):5805-5809.

      [4] 魏祥志, 張科, 汪永和, 等. 賁門癌、食管癌術(shù)后早期腸內(nèi)營養(yǎng)應(yīng)用的體會[J]. 中國現(xiàn)代醫(yī)生, 2011,49(31) :139-141.

      [5] Oostdijk EA, de Smet AM, Bonten MJ, et al. Effects of decontamination of the digestive tract and oropharynx in intensive care unit patients on 1-year survival[J]. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 2013, 188(1):117-120.

      [6] Hutchinson E, Wilson N. Acute stroke, dysphagia and nutritional support[J]. Br J Community Nurs, 2013, Suppl:26-29.

      [7] Thomson M, Rao P, Rawat D, et al. Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy and gastro-oesophageal reflux in neurologically impaired children[J]. World J Gastroenterol, 2011, 17(2): 191-196.

      [8] McGinnis CM, Worthington P, Lord LM. Nasogastric versus feeding tubes in critically ill patients[J]. Crit Care Nurse, 2010, 30(6):80-82.

      [9] Johnston SD, Tham TC, Mason M. Death after PEG: results of the national confidential enquiry into patient outcome and death[J]. Gastrointest Endosc, 2008, 68(2): 223-227.

      [10] Schrag SP, Sharma R, Jaik NP, et al. Complications related to percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tubes. A comprehensive clinical review[J]. Gastrointestin Liver Dis, 2007, 16(4): 407-418.

      [11] Szarszewski A, Szlzgatys-Sidorkiewicz A, Borkowska A, et al. Posterior gastric wall ulceration as a complication of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy. A report of 2 cases[J]. Med Wieku Rozwoj, 2009, 13(3): 209-211.

      [12] Yen HH, Yang CW, Su WW, et al. Oral versus intravenous proton pump inhibitors in preventing re-bleeding for patients with peptic ulcer bleeding after successful endoscopic therapy[J]. BMC Gastroenterol,2012, 12(1): 66.

      [13] Tomita T, Kim Y, Yamasaki T, et al. Prospective randomized controlled trial to compare the effects of omeprazole and famotidine in preventing delayed bleeding and promoting ulcer healing after endoscopic submucosal dissection[J]. J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2012, 27(9): 1441-1446.

      [14] Yoshida S, Nii M, Date M. Effects of omeprazole on symptoms and quality of life in Japanese patients with reflux esophagitis: final results of OMAREE, a large-scale clinical experience investigation[J]. BMC Gastroenterol,2011,11(1): 15.

      [15] Chan WH, Khin LW, Chung YF, et al. Randomized controlled trial of standard versus high-dose intravenous omeprazole after endoscopic therapy in high-risk patients with acute peptic ulcer bleeding[J]. Br J Surg, 2011, 98(5): 640-644.




      [1] Gaudw MW, Ponsky JL, Izant RJ Jr. Gastrostomy without laparotomy: a percutaneous endoscopic technique[J]. J Pediatr Surg, 1980, 15(6): 872-875.

      [2] Abbasi AN, Zahid S, Bhurgri Y, et al. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma - an update of treatment and acute radiation induced reactions from a tertiary-care hospital in Pakistan[J]. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2011, 12(3):735-738.

      [3] Peerawong T, Phungrassami T, Pruegsanusak K, et al. Comparison of treatment compliance and nutritional outcomes among patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma with and without percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy during chemoradiation[J]. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2012, 13(11):5805-5809.

      [4] 魏祥志, 張科, 汪永和, 等. 賁門癌、食管癌術(shù)后早期腸內(nèi)營養(yǎng)應(yīng)用的體會[J]. 中國現(xiàn)代醫(yī)生, 2011,49(31) :139-141.

      [5] Oostdijk EA, de Smet AM, Bonten MJ, et al. Effects of decontamination of the digestive tract and oropharynx in intensive care unit patients on 1-year survival[J]. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 2013, 188(1):117-120.

      [6] Hutchinson E, Wilson N. Acute stroke, dysphagia and nutritional support[J]. Br J Community Nurs, 2013, Suppl:26-29.

      [7] Thomson M, Rao P, Rawat D, et al. Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy and gastro-oesophageal reflux in neurologically impaired children[J]. World J Gastroenterol, 2011, 17(2): 191-196.

      [8] McGinnis CM, Worthington P, Lord LM. Nasogastric versus feeding tubes in critically ill patients[J]. Crit Care Nurse, 2010, 30(6):80-82.

      [9] Johnston SD, Tham TC, Mason M. Death after PEG: results of the national confidential enquiry into patient outcome and death[J]. Gastrointest Endosc, 2008, 68(2): 223-227.

      [10] Schrag SP, Sharma R, Jaik NP, et al. Complications related to percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tubes. A comprehensive clinical review[J]. Gastrointestin Liver Dis, 2007, 16(4): 407-418.

      [11] Szarszewski A, Szlzgatys-Sidorkiewicz A, Borkowska A, et al. Posterior gastric wall ulceration as a complication of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy. A report of 2 cases[J]. Med Wieku Rozwoj, 2009, 13(3): 209-211.

      [12] Yen HH, Yang CW, Su WW, et al. Oral versus intravenous proton pump inhibitors in preventing re-bleeding for patients with peptic ulcer bleeding after successful endoscopic therapy[J]. BMC Gastroenterol,2012, 12(1): 66.

      [13] Tomita T, Kim Y, Yamasaki T, et al. Prospective randomized controlled trial to compare the effects of omeprazole and famotidine in preventing delayed bleeding and promoting ulcer healing after endoscopic submucosal dissection[J]. J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2012, 27(9): 1441-1446.

      [14] Yoshida S, Nii M, Date M. Effects of omeprazole on symptoms and quality of life in Japanese patients with reflux esophagitis: final results of OMAREE, a large-scale clinical experience investigation[J]. BMC Gastroenterol,2011,11(1): 15.

      [15] Chan WH, Khin LW, Chung YF, et al. Randomized controlled trial of standard versus high-dose intravenous omeprazole after endoscopic therapy in high-risk patients with acute peptic ulcer bleeding[J]. Br J Surg, 2011, 98(5): 640-644.


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