




      2014-03-20 07:57:27
      外文研究 2014年3期


      Amorescientificviewofhumanlanguage:Symboldefectsandiconicityrepresentation(p. 1)

      LIUGuohui(College of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai 201306, China);XUXiaoyan(School of Foreign Languages, China Jiliang University, Hangzhou 310038, China)

      Cognitive linguistics has paid great attention to verbal iconicity studies, even to a rather high degree. However, human language is not omnipotent and it cannot objectively represent all we expect. For such symbol carries some inborn defects (like symbol quantity and quality, construction manner), and this results in that the iconicity description is discounted a lot. To make up for the defects, some corresponding measures have to be taken: self-remedy (i.e. self-regulating competence) and other-remedy (i.e. non-verbal symbols and cognition). Through these approaches, maximal simulation of physical and psychological world is expected. Yet such remedying strategies are not original in essence, the described iconicity has been constrained to linguistic representing competence and human cognitive competence, thus we cannot demand too much from language, and should view its iconicity competence more scientifically, for this kind of iconicity is whatsoever a kind of motivation exploration.

      Fromimagerytoconstrual:ReadingnotesonLangacker’sCognitiveGrammar(I)(p. 9)

      ZHANGKeding(School of Foreign Languages/Institute of Linguistics & Applied Linguistics, Henan University, Kaifeng 475001, China)

      Any linguistic theory undergoes a process of development and improvement, so does Cognitive Grammar (CG), which is one of the best-developed and most influential theories in cognitive linguistics. The term image/imagery is one of the most important concepts employed by Langacker in his CG. With the development of CG, this concept is gradually replaced by the term construal. This is not merely a replacement. Our brief survey of the two concepts image/imagery and construal shows that the employment of construal avoids the possible confusions caused by image/imagery, averts the suspicion of circularity in the definition of image/imagery, and reserves the meaning of mental image by using the verbconceivein the definition of the term construal. Furthermore, the definition of construal, together with the adjustment of its dimensions, increases its explanatory power and gains greater consistency and coherence as well.

      Oncoordination(p. 18)

      WANGZhijian(School of Foreign Languages, Henan University, Kaifeng 475001, China)

      Coordination, the central concept for determining the semantic meaning of verbs, is the corresponding pattern between the syntactic componets and the semantic ones. Verbs have at least one type of coordination, but its formation depends on the parameters such as the specific languge and the relevant words. The variations of coordination are helpful in explaining the different types of collocations for one verb or similar verbs, and the semantic governments of different verbs, that is, their possible connections with clauses introduced by correlatives and connectives. Every language has its own unique pattern of coordiantion, the study of which is the best approach for the analyzing the different communicative intentions of sentences, and provides the semantic and grammatical guide for revealing the discourse function.

      Onthedoctors’multipleidentityconstructioninthedoctor-patientconversations(p. 24)

      LIANGHaiying(College of Foreign Languages, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou 730070, China)

      Based on Conversational Analysis and Membership Category Analysis, the present paper makes a detailed analysis of the doctors’ identity construction in doctor-patient conversation. The results show that the doctors maintain the institutional identity in doctor-patient conversations—authorities in medicine; at the same time, in specific contexts, the doctors modify and reconstruct their institutional identities, acting as the knower, sympathizer and helper.

      AcriticalmetaphoranalysisofAmericanpoliticaldiscourse:AcasestudyofStateoftheUnion2014andRepublicanresponses(p. 32)

      ZENGJie,YANGLiping(College of Foreign Languages, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, China)

      State of the Union (SOTU) is the review of the administrative program about the past year and also: the outlook for the coming year. It is a kind of typical political discourse. A critical metaphor analysis of SOTU (2014) and its republican responses is conducted to make a comparative study on metaphor choices, metaphor explanations and the working mechanism of pragmatic effects of metaphors concerning the two parties. The present study tries to reveal their different ideologies and moral values through choosing different metaphors, and to show that specific metaphors can influence people’s political behaviors through activating people’s cognitive mechanism and emotion.

      AtentativestudyofintersubjectivityandreformingtheteachingsystemofcollegeEnglish:TakingZhengzhouUniversityasarepresentativecase(p. 39)

      SONGGencheng(British and American Literature Center, Zhengzhou University, 450000, China)

      Based on the questionnaire about teaching renovation for the graduates of 2014 year in non-English majors, this article,in the context of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, focuses on the otherization between Zhengzhou University teachers and students in College English teaching activities, advocates establishing teachers’ subjectivity status, and fostering a constructive intersubjectivity between teachers and students, in the hope of providing some references for other universities that may be reforming their systems of college English teaching.

      OntheantagonistandalternativerelationsofdeicticwordsbetweenKoseriesandAseries(p. 46)

      ZHENGXingang(School of Foreign Language, Huanggang Normal College, Huanggang 438000, China)

      The antagonist relations of Deictic Words betweenKoseries andAseries represent the opposite aspects in physical space, psychological space as well as time space, while the irrational pheno-menon can also be given a reasonable explanation according to co-gnitive principle of mental space. In terms of preference relation, the speaker is influenced by self-centered subjective perception proficiency, thus manifesting a strong non-objective indicator feature, which is different fromSOseries.

      AmericansocietyintheeyesofMr.Dog:OnPaulAuster’sTimbuktu(p. 53)

      XUEYufeng(School of Foreign Languages, Henan University, Kaifeng 475001, China)

      In his novellaTimbuktu, Paul Auster, a well-known contemporary American writer, takes a gentle, civilized and thinking dog called Mr. Bones as his protagonist. By telling his own various stories, Mr. Bones also shows us his observations of the American society from a dog’s point of view, reminding people to get rid of ideas such as anthropocentrism, androcentrism, and consumerism. By paying special attention to spiritual ecology, the work reveals Auster’s idea of ecological ethics, advocating harmonious relationship between human beings and animals.

      OntheemergenceofBachelard’stheoryofimaginationandreverie(p. 59)

      ZHANGJinghui(Research Institute of English Literature, Henan University, Kaifeng 475001, China)

      Why did Gaston Bachelard, a most significantly profound thinker who has a vital bearing on the scientific philosophy of the 20thcentury, turn to the studies of literature and art during the second half of his research career? Bachelard never severs his early scientific research and his later exploration in poetics and makes an effort to combine the two periods. This still remains a mystery in the academia. Actually, due to the drastic change in scientific revolution at that time, the steering of Bachelard was inevitable. Furthermore, his innovation to the philosophy of science, “New Epistemology of Science”, has laid the same foundation for his poetics.

      Retrospectandprospect:StudiesonOeKenzaburo’spoeticsinJapan(p. 65)

      LANLiliang(School of Foreign Languages, Henan University, Kaifeng 475001, China)

      Studies on Oe Kenzaburo’s poetics have greatly developed in recent 40 years in Japan. Japanese scholars have studied it mainly in terms of stylistics, narrative mode, narrative perspective roughly, and explained the formal features of Oe Kenzaburo’s literary works. But the studies have the following problems: firstly, they are confined to the analysis of some single text and lack analysis of the works as a whole; secondly, many researches on style are seen as being detached from theme, regardless of the constructive function of form to theme; thirdly, most scholars have not brought Oe Kenzaburo’s literary theories into research, so they lack an understanding about the relationship between literary theories and practice. Review on the study of Oe Kenzaburo’s poetics will give us a comprehensive understanding of his literature.

      OnChineseimageintheAmericanliteratureofthe20thcentury(p. 71)

      ZHANGYunchu(Foreign Language School, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610025, China)

      Some American writers’ literary works reflect the political, economic, cultural and national character image about Chinese people. Due to the specific historical conditions and many other reasons, there were inaccurate images filled with those images about Chinese people. The image about Chinese people was literary, conscious and projective. In the face of those images about Chinese people, we would recognize their irrationality, strengthen literary communication and rebuild the image about Chinese people. This paper will mainly analyze American literary works and list literary images about Chinese people in the 20thcentury in order to reveal its irrationality and declare our attitude.

      Languagetechnology-basedprojectcollaborativetranslatortraining:Principlesandmethods(p. 76)

      ZHANGZheng&CUIYao(School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China)

      The author of this paper, based on first-hand MTI teaching experience, explores the principles underlying project-based translator training and holds that collaborative translation has its own concerns, and therefore, when designing and carrying out a training program, practitioners should focus on aspects like pre-project preparation, choice of translation subject, project planning and management, computer-related tool utilization, monitoring students’ performance, organizing post-project evaluation, etc.

      Developingtheterminologicalcompetenceoftranslationlearners(p. 82)

      WANGZheng(School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China; College of Media and Communications, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai 200083, China)

      Based on the model of translation competence proposed by PACTE (2003, 2005), this paper holds that a key element in the instrumental sub-competence is the terminological competence. Despite the key role of terminology in translation practice, terminological training has long been neglected in the system of translator education in China, which thus gives rise to a variety of errors such as wrong terms or terminological inconsistency. Therefore this paper proposes that the development of terminological competence should be strengthened in translator education. We analyze the basic notions of terminology management and elements of terminological competence, describe the skills, exchange standards and computer processing of terminology, and probe into the model for developing terminological competence. We believe that by enhancing their awareness and skills of terminology management, learners are fully capable of crossing the barriers of disciplines and handling technical translation of different fields once they are equipped with basic terminological competence and a good command of encyclopedic knowledge.

      Translatingpopularsciencetextsbyimplementingmoderntranslationtechnology(p. 88)

      XUBin(Foreign Language School, Shandong Normal University, Jinan 250014, China)

      Popular science text, as a type of science text, also shares the characteristics of the latter, such as the high frequency of the use of technical terms. By means of CAT technology, translators can easily manage the terminology in popular science texts and streamline the translating process. Modern translation technology, which is based on computing technology, represented by CAT, and with TM as its core functioning concept, has brought about a tremendous increase of translating productivity, well surpassing that caused by any other translating skills or theoretical models. This paper calls for the translation researchers’ and translators’ attention on the implication of this new technology.

      Astudyonthecomputer-aidedtranslationtechnologiesintheinformationage(p. 92)

      WANGHuashu(School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China)

      The rapid growth of modern information technology has in great measure enhanced the translation efficiency and generated an unprecedented impact on the landscape of the language services industry. Against this context, this paper firstly illustrates the basic concepts of CAT technologies, discusses the important role of major CAT technologies in modern translation practice, and then analyzes the trends in CAT technologies. Finally, the paper reveals that CAT technology has become an indispensable part of modern translation studies and further research into this area is of great significance in improving the overall productivity of language services industry and in promoting innovation of translation studies.

      Theapplicationofcorpusincomparativestudies,translationstudiesandtranslationtechnologydevelopment(p. 98)

      QIANDuoxiu(College of Foreign Languages, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing 100191, China)

      Corpus has been proved to be widely applicable in many fields of study and helped to yield many research findings. This paper reviews the application of corpus and corpora as a method in three closely related fields, namely, comparative linguistic studies, translation studies, and research and development of translation technology. Similarities and differences in its application in these fields are pointed out. It concludes with the view that corpus and corpora will continue to boost studies in language and translation-related fields.

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