



      Correction: Curcumin and Apigenin – novel and promising therapeutics against chronic neuroinf ammation in Alzheimer’s disease

      2015-01-21 17:32:16MadhuriVenigallaSandraSonegoErikaGyengesiGeraldnchdoi10410316735374172334

      Madhuri Venigalla, Sandra Sonego, Erika Gyengesi, Gerald Münch doi: 10.4103/1673-5374.172334


      Correction: Curcumin and Apigenin – novel and promising therapeutics against chronic neuroinf ammation in Alzheimer’s disease

      Madhuri Venigalla, Sandra Sonego, Erika Gyengesi, Gerald Münch doi: 10.4103/1673-5374.172334

      This paper adds “Sandra Sonego” as the second author. The correct authorship is: Madhuri Venigalla, Sandra Sonego, Erika Gyengesi, Gerald Münch.

      The correct citation is: Venigalla M, Sonego S, Gyengesi E, Münch G (2015) Curcumin and Apigenin – novel and promising therapeutics against chronic neuroinf ammation in Alzheimer’s disease. Neural Regen Res 10(8):1181-1185.

      The online version of the original article can be found under dx.doi.org/10.4103/1673-5374.162686.


      Venigalla M, Gyengesi E, Münch G (2015) Curcumin and Apigenin – novel and promising therapeutics against chronic neuroinf ammation in Alzheimer’s disease. Neural Regen Res 10(8):1181-1185.

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