(北京化工大學(xué)文法學(xué)院外語系 北京 100029)
On Assimilation of English Sounds
(北京化工大學(xué)文法學(xué)院外語系 北京 100029)
Assimilation is a common phenomenon in English pronunciation,mostly being found between consonants in natural,connected speech.This paper makes a careful study of assimilation in English speaking,meanwhile a systematic knowledge of assimilation will be helpful for the pronunciations of English learners,facilitate English fluency and improve listening comprehension.
So far,there are many definitions of assimilation.Some people agree that“when one sound is changed into another because of the influence of a neighboring sound,there is said to be a process of assimilation.”(Ladefoged 1975: 92)
Others think that“nasalization,dentalization,and velarization are all instances of assimilation,a process by which one sound takes on some or all the characteristics of a neighboring sound.”(胡壯麟2001:60)
According to Longman Pronunciation Dictionary,“assimilation is a type of coarticulation.It is the alteration of a speech sound to make it more similar to its neighbors.”(Wells 2000:49)
3.1 Regressive Assimilation
“If a following sound is influencing a preceding sound,we call it regressive assimilation.”(胡壯麟2001:60)It is“by far the most common case of assimilations in English”(Ladefoged 1975:92),which sharing another name of anticipatory coarticulation.
The alveolar consonants[t],[d],[n],when they occur at the end of a word or syllable,can optionally assimilate to the place of articulation of the next syllable.Thus,[n]can become[m]before[p],[b],[m],as in the examples
ten men[tEn mEn]→[tEm mEn]
Similarly,[n]can become[N]before[k],[g],as in
fine grade[faIn g◆eId]→[faINg◆eId]
In the same way[d]can change to[b]and[g]respectively,as in
red paint[◆Ed pe?nt]→[◆Eb peInt]
Meanwhile,[s]and[z]can change to[∑]and[Z]respectively,but only before[∑]or[j]at the beginning of the next syllable.In“you,”“your”the [j]may then disappear.
this shape[△Is∑eIp]→[△I∑∑eIp]
as you see[Θz ju si:]→[ΘZ(j)u si:]
3.2 Progressive Assimilation
If a preceding sound is influencing a following sound,we call it progressive assimilation or perseverative assimilation.In other words,“a consonant can assimilate to the place of articulation of the consonant at the end of the preceding syllable.”(Wells 2000:49)“For example,in the pronunciation of the phrase‘it is’[It Iz]as‘it’s’[Its]as a result of the perseveration of the voicelessness of[t].”(Ladefoged 1975:92)
“This kind of assimilation can operate only if the words are said without a phonetic[?]between the plosive and the nasal.Furthermore,it cannot apply if the sound after the nasal is a vowel.”(Wells 2000:49)
hap p e n ed [∪hΘ p n d] → [∪hΘ p md]
hap p e n in g [∪hΘ p n IΝ] (can n o t ass im ilate fu rther)
3.3 Yod Coalescence(Coalescent Assimilation)
“Yod coalescence(or coalescent assimilation)is the process with changes [t]and[d]plus[j]into[t∑]or[dZ]respectively.”(Wells 2000:50)
Across word boundaries it mainly affects phrases involving“you”or“your.”
let you[lEt ju]→[lEt∑u]
The status of yod coalescence depends on whether the following vowel is strong or weak.Where the vowel is strong,yod coalescence can frequently be heard in BrE.(In AmE there is usually no[j],so the possibility does not arise.)
Where the vowel is weak,assimilation is often variable in BrE,but obligatory in AmE.
factua l [∪fΘ k tju? l] ? [∪fΘ k tΣ u?l]
Historically,a process of yod coalescence is the origin of the[t∑]used by all speakers in words such as“nature,”and of the[dZ]in words such as“soldier.”Similarly,yod coalescence involving fricatives([sj]→[∑],[zj]→[Z])explains the [∑]in words such as“pressure,”“delicious,”“patient,”“Russian,”and the[Z]in words such as“measure.”
4The Practical Value of Assimilation to English Learners
4.1 To Facilitate Fluency in English Speaking
Even the most standard pronunciation may sound weird if it is pronounced all the way standard as transcription.It is easy to find that assimilation can facilitate English fluency.Only“foreigners who make insufficient use of them sound stilted.” (Ladefoged 1975:93)Thus,English learners need to know more about systematic knowledge of assimilation,and try to practice as much as possible in natural,connected speech.
4.2 To Improve Listening Comprehension
Many English learners fail to understand the daily conversation between native speakers.Here,assimilation plays an important role in changing pronunciations and accelerating language speed.
For example,the voicing of fricatives and affricates in English is severely influenced by the voicing of the following sound.
five past [faIv pΑ∶st] →[faIf pΑ∶st]
has to [hΘz t?] → [h Θs t?]
It is not hard to find“devoicing,a process by which voiced sounds become voiceless.”(胡壯麟2001:61)
Such kind of small changes accumulate together until some pronunciations totally deviate from the original.
Assimilation plays an important role in English phonetic variations.In order to be familiar with assimilation,get used to the daily speech of native speakers as well as improve oral English,English learners must do more study of assimilation,and have a more systematic knowledge about how to put the theory into practice.
Ladefoged,Peter.A Course in Phonetics.Orlando:Harcourt College Publisher,1975.
Wells,JC.Longman Pronunciation Dictionary.Hong Kong:Pearson Education Asia Limited,2000.
This paper makes a careful study of assimilation in English speaking,meanwhile a systematic knowledge of assimilation will be helpful for the pronunciations of English learners,facilitate English fluency and improve listening comprehension.
Assimilation English Sounds