




      2015-05-19 09:16:43鞏慧文
      校園英語·中旬 2015年2期


      【Abstract】Code-switching is a linguistic phenomenon that has been studied by linguists from different aspects.It is widely used in peoples daily communication,especially for people who have developed some knowledge and ability in second language and thus become bilingual.In this article,the author intends to present her understanding about the definition of code-switching,its classification with the help of some specific examples.

      【Key words】code-switching; dialect; communication

      The particular dialect or language that a person chooses to use on any occasion is a code,a system used for communication between two or more parties.Code-switching is the transformation between two variants or among more linguistic variants,which is a common phenomenon of language and culture,cross-cultural communication.Code-switching occurs when a single speaker uses different varieties of language at different times.The term “variety” is used here to refer to the kind of thing which is traditionally referred to as a language,dialect or register.As Gal says,(1988.p.247) “code-switching” is a conversational strategy used to establish,cross or destroy group boundaries,to create,evoke or change interpersonal relations with their rights and obligations.

      Code-switching can be divided into 3 different categories: conversational code-switching,situational code-switching and metaphorical code-switching.

      Situational code-switching occurs when the languages used change according to the situations in which the conversants find themselves.They speak one language in one situation and another in a different one.No topic change is involved.When a change of topic requires a change in the language used we have metaphorical code-switching.Situational code-switching or diglossia,as some linguists call it,occurs when each point of switching corresponds to a change in the situation.Metaphorical code-switching,as the term suggests,has an affective dimention to it: you change the code as you redefine the situation—formal to informal,official to personal,serious to humorous,and politeness to solidarity.Metaphorical code-switching breaks the restricted relationship between different situations and language choices,which results in the conversants more effort being taken to make inferences about the intention of code-switching.An example which is quoted by Jan-Petter Blom and John Gumperz arose out of their research in a town in northern Norway,Hemnesberget,where there is a diglossic situation,with one of the two standard Norwegian languages as the High variety and a local dialect,Ranamal,as the Low one.In the course of a morning spent at the community administration office,we noticed that clerks used both standard and dialect phrases,depending on whether they were talking about official affairs or not.

      Conversational code-switching was taken as a social phenomenon by some linguists after Gumperz.It is noted that a speaker may switch codes within a single sentence,and may even do so many times.There is no change in the situation in conversational code-switching,nor is there any change in the topic which might lead to metaphorical code-switching.Varieties of languages can be used in a single sentence or in different sentences.

      Above are my understanding about the definition of code,code-switching,the classification of code-switching.Code-switching is closely connected with many socialinguistic factors,it is carried out by conversants for different social intentionsor motivations,to secure their social identity or realize the change of their roles as different social participants,etc.A comprehensive understanding of this linguistic phenomenon requires more research in the future.


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