



      An Interpretation of Emma as Female Bildungsroman

      2015-08-10 03:14:51ZhuLei
      校園英語·中旬 2015年7期

      Zhu Lei

      【Abstract】Emma is “the greatest and most representative work” written by Jane Austen.After experiencing a period of pain and displeasure because of growing-up,Emma finally becomes more mature and self-recognized.This thesis tries to interpret the book from the perspective of female Bildungsroman,which can be seen as one of the reasons why the novel is so substantial and attractive.

      【Key Words】Bildungsroman; Emma; Emma; grow-up

      1.A general introduction of Bildungsroman

      Bildungsroman is a combination of two words,with the German word “bildung” meaning “education” and the French word “roman” meaning “novel”,which were popular especially in Germany from the 19th century on.There are different opinions upon the definition of Bildungsroman.But they all pay attention to the process of development and growing-up of a person who grows from immaturity to maturity through education.Education here doesnt only mean reading books or learning knowledge in school; in broad sense,it refers to increasing life experience and facing the challenge of life in order to cultivate and accomplish oneself.The result of self-cultivation may be different because of peoples difference in gift and the environment they stay.However,after getting lost in different ways,they will finally find the right direction to recognize and realize the meaning of life and their being.So Bildungsroman is one of novel types which describes and detects the change and development of the protagonists in spirit,morality,psychology and society.

      2.A general introduction of Emma

      Dr.Kettle,a famous British literary critic,regarded this novel as “the greatest and most representative work” written by Jane Austen[1].Emma,a beautiful and clever landowner,likes matchmaking for others according to her own subjective judgment.She becomes the patron of an orphan girl,Haley Pieter,and always arranges her to find future partner,acting upon her own will.Finally,with Emmas arbitrary encouragement,Haley mistakenly thinks that she falls in love with the wealthy landowner,Mr.Knightley.Till then,Emma realizes her own problems and finds out the fact that it was herself who loves Mr.Knightley.Ultimately,both Emma and Haley find their matched companions.

      3.An interpretation of Emma as female Bildungsroman

      Emma is not an ideal heroine,as Austen once pointed out,“I am going to take a heroine whom no one but myself will much like.”[2]Emma is a beautiful young lady who has 30,000 pounds a year.She rules her parental household and all her immediate circle.There is no one to challenge her strong will and good intelligence and no one who doesnt love and admire her.She neednt worry about her economic situation like Elizabeth and other heroines under Jane Austens pen.She is very kind to others especially to the poor.However,she is not perfect too.She inclines to judge person by appearance and social status especially in association with marriage consideration.She arranges matches according to her own understanding.She thinks over Frank Churchill as an attractive person long before she meets him just as she manufactures Mr.Elton as the ideal spouse for Harriet Smith.In her opinion,Robert Martin couldnt match Harriet for his low social status.And to some extent,she is cynical and over-confident on her judgment and intelligence.She is like a spoiled child,lacking of rigorous guidance on her life road.She not only disrupts the lives of others,but also almost loses her true love.

      4.The growing-up of Emma

      Because of her beauty and richness,Emma has a lot of men to pursue her.But she doesnt know how to deal with them; she picks up Harriet Smith in order to keep herself out of this kind of feeling.She disowns powerful unacceptable impulse by attributing them to Harriet.She is immature in emotion.After making a series of mistakes,Emma finally recognizes the impropriety and mischievousness of her conduct toward Harriet,and with the help of Mr.Knightley,becomes mature.She settles all her problems and learns to discover herself and others.Mr.Knightley reaches on the deepest level of her emotional life and rescues her; she can do nothing but love him.She becomes wise enough to know that she doesnt know everything and shouldnt make every comment too personally.After correcting her mistakes,she achieves the development of herself.Through admitting her love for Mr.Knightley and helping Haley find a proper husband,she grows up emotionally and spiritually.

      After experiencing a period of pain and displeasure because of growing-up,Emma finally recognizes her problems and bravely overcomes them.Therefore,she becomes more mature and self-recognized to get a happy ending.



      [2]Austen-Leigh,James Edward.A Memoir of Jane Austen [M].1926.Ed.R.W.Chapman.Oxford:Oxford University Press, 1967:157.



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