【Abstract】Content-based instruction (CBI) refers to an approach of subject integration to language teaching in which the teaching is organized around the subject or information that students will acquire. Based on the deficiency of the previous studies, the thesis proposes a Content-Based Instruction, in order to improve the quality of English Writing Teaching in senior school and students' actual level of writing.
【Key words】CBI; Senior English Writing Teaching
1. Introduction
Writing is an important research topic in English Teaching in Senior High School. The traditional writing teaching method in senior high school is single and boring. How to mobilize the enthusiasm of high school students' English writing learning become a problem for high school teachers. Content teaching method is to adapt to the development of students' personality. And the research can promote teachers to continue to study the teaching theory. Hoping to promote the teaching of English writing in senior high school.
2. Definitions of CBI
Content-based Instruction is a kind of integration of the theme content and language teaching activities. In this mode, we should pay attention to the cultivation of students' language skills and encourage students to learn language as a new kind of information and ideas.
3. Models of CBI
3.1 The Immersion Model
The immersion model is a carefully researched example of content-based instruction. It illustrates the effectiveness for kindergarteners to adolescents of instruction which focus on teaching subject matter through the medium of the second language.(Briton, 1989) The target language itself is largely learned incidentally.
3.2 The Sheltered Model
Another form of content-driven instructions are sheltered courses-content classes taught through the medium of a second language using special methods and techniques to shelter subject matter,make the content more accessible to second language learners. Content courses are usually taught by a content area specialist, such as a university professor who is a native speaker of the target language.
3.3 The Adjunct Model
In the adjunct model students are concurrently enrolled in two linked courses—a language course and a content course (Briton, 1989). A key feature of the adjunct model is the coordination of objectives and assignment between language and content instructors. TThe courses share a content base but differ in their focus of instruction.
4. CBI vs traditional teaching model
4.1 Defects in the traditional teaching methods
From the analysis of troditionnal teaching approach, many problems were come up at the same time: First, it's a totally teacher-centered classroom, and students just listen to the order, and do something accordingly. Second, if such a model lasts for a long time, students may soon feed up with such a monotonous classroom activity. Regardless of students' needs and interests, they may be quickly tired with such a course.
4.2 The advantages of CBI
First, CBI makes students feel that learning a language is interesting and motivation When students fulfill a real purpose in the target language. Second, CBI also helps students develop a much wider knowledge of the world. The integration of related content and language can feedback into improving and supporting their general educational needs. Third, CBI helps students to develop valuable study skills, which is quite useful for their future study.
5. Conclusion
The content teaching method is based on a solid theoretical basis. The two language teaching practice proves that the teaching method guided by the content teaching method can stimulate students' motivation and improve students' two language acquisition. Ability to broaden students' cross-cultural knowledge. we can combined with other teaching methods to minimize its shortcomings, improve English writing teaching effect and the students writing level.
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