ACC procedure started in 2010 with 2 accredited full SMCs (in Zagreb and Split) according to ESRS guidelines as published in 2006,and 4 certified somnologists (Hodoba,Krmpotic,Racic,and Dogas) according to ESRS guidelines published in 2009.
Educational programs Since 2003,University of Split and University of Zagreb:elective graduate and postgraduate courses for MDs (Sleep medicine,Sleep apnea);
Regular annual or bi-annual CME courses (Sleep medicine,Sleep disordered breathing,Basic polysomnography,and Advanced polysomnography);
Occasional International basic and advanced courses on sleep medicine and sleep disordered breathing.
Present activities,working groups,task forces
Presently active task forces
Task force for the reimbursement guidelines of the Croatian Department for Health Insurance,Task force of the Croatian Somnological Society for accreditation/certification procedure,Sleep technicians/nurses section of the Croatian Somnological Society,Task force for collaboration with the Croatian Ministry of Health in creating and adopting the legal documents on accreditation of sleep medicine centers,certification of sleep professionals,and education of sleep experts.
Croatian Somnological Society is very active in collaboration with the patient group “Apnea”.
Miscellaneous Croatian Somnological Society - Society for Sleep Medicine of the Croatian Medical Association is using the official journal of the Croatian Medical Association named Lijecnicki vjesnik,which was founded in 1877.
The Society is supporting and actively participating in the Brain Awareness Week,World Sleep Day,and Narcolepsy Day,which take place every year in March.
(黃志力 供稿)
Sleep Medicine Society of Croatia Medical Association
Introduction of Sleep Research Society and Sleep Medicine Academy