




      2016-10-20 03:40:48曹廣福

      何 莉, 曹廣福

      (廣州大學(xué) 數(shù)學(xué)與信息科學(xué)學(xué)院, 廣東 廣州 510006)



      何莉, 曹廣福

      (廣州大學(xué) 數(shù)學(xué)與信息科學(xué)學(xué)院, 廣東 廣州510006)


      Bergman-Sobolev空間; Toeplitz算子; 本性范數(shù)

      0 Introduction

      Denote by R the real number set, N the natural number set and N*the positive integer set.

      Forβ∈R and 1≤p<+∞, the Sobolev space Lβ,pis the completion of all functionsf∈() for which

      Forp=2, the space Lβ,2is a Hilbert space with the inner product


      Here,L2denotes the usual Lebesgue spaceL2(,dA) and the notation·,·L2denotes the standard inner product inL2.

      Whenp=+∞, the corresponding Sobolev space is written as


      with ‖f‖Lβ,∞=‖βf‖L∞+‖f‖L∞.SinceeachfunctioninLβ,∞can be extended to a continuous function on the closed unit disc} by Sobolev’s embedding theorem (see Theorem 5.4 of Ref.[1]), we will use the same notation between a function in Lβ,∞and its continuous extension onin this paper.


      In this paper, we calculate the essential norm of Toeplitz operators on Bergman-Sobolev space with positive integer derivative in terms of the boundary value of the corresponding symbol.

      1 Essential norm of Toeplitz operators

      Lemma 1For eachλ∈

      Proof. See Proposition 3.2 of the paper given in footnote*HE L, CAO G F. Toeplitz operators on Bergman-Sobolev space with positive integer derivative[J]. Sci China Math Ser A, 2016, preprint..

      Proof. See Lemma 3.3 of the paper given in footnote①.

      Proof. See Lemma 3.4 of the paper given in footnote①.

      Lemma 4Letu,v∈Lβ,∞andζ∈. Then, limλ→ζ).

      Proof. See Lemma 3.5 of the paper given in footnote①.

      Theorem 1Letu∈Lβ,∞,β∈N*. Then, ‖Tu‖e=maxζ∈}|u(ζ)|.

      Proof. Setρ=maxζ∈|u(ζ)| for simplicity. Choose some pointη∈so thatu(η)=ρ. For anyK∈,

      byLemma4withv=1, this indicates ‖Tu‖e≥maxζ∈|u(ζ)|.

      ②LEE Y J. Compact sums of Toeplitz products and Toeplitz algebra on the Dirichlet space[J]. Tohoku Math J, preprint,2016.

      for everyj>j0.

      Moreover, sinceuis continuous on, we can choose somer∈(0,1) such that |u(z)|≤ρ+εfor everyr<|z|<1.

      asj→∞. Since

      for eachj∈N*, it is not difficult to get that


      for everyj>jβ. Notice that

      for eachj∈N*, where

      asj→∞, we have

      Direct calculation follows that


      by Minkowski inequality. Since

      by Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, where

      is a positive number, there exists an integerj*≥0 such that


      whenj>j*because ‖kfj‖A2→0 for each integer 0≤k≤β-1 asj→∞ by Lemma 3. Furthermore, for everyj>jβ,


      Then, by combining the inequalities (1), (2) and (3), we have


      asj>max{jβ,j*}. This implies that

      2 Main result

      The main result is the calculation of the essential norm of the Toeplitz operators in terms of the boundary value of their corresponding symbols. That is

      Theorem 2Letu∈Lβ,∞,β∈N*. Then,


      AcknowledgmentsThe authors would like to thank professor YOUNG J L in Korea for helpful discussions.

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      【責(zé)任編輯: 周全】

      date: 2016-01-05;Revised date: 2016-04-18

      s: National Natural Science Foundation of China (11501136); The key discipline construction project of subject groups focus on Mathematics and information science in the construction project of the high-level university of Guangdong Province (4601-2015); Guangzhou University (HL02-1517) and (HL02-2001)

      Essential norm of Toeplitz operators on Bergman-Sobolev space

      HE Li, CAO Guang-fu

      (School of Mathematics and Information Sciences, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006, China)

      In this paper, we study some properties of Toeplitz operators on the Bergman-Sobolev space. Mainly, we calculate the essential norm of these operators in terms of the boundary value of their corresponding symbols.

      Bergman-Sobolev space; Toeplitz operator; essential norm

      O 177.1Document code: A

      1671- 4229(2016)04-0018-04

      O 177.1


      Biography: HE Li(1986-), female, Doctor of science. E-mail: helichangsha1986@163.com.

      A Tale of Two Cities:Creating city images through “Shanghai Police Real Stories” and“Guard the Liberation West”
      《廣州大學(xué)學(xué)報( 社會科學(xué)版) 》2016 年( 第15 卷) 總目次
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