



      Combining Zone of Proximal Development and Dynamic Assessment in Language Learning Classroom

      2016-11-04 12:51李藝
      科技視界 2016年23期


      【Abstract】According to Vygotskys theory of the zone of proximal development(ZPD), in English as a Foreign Language (ELF) classroom, ZPD provides a framework for language learner abilities to support their development, and it provides learners chances to promote the process of development instead of just focusing on the product of development. Based on this theory, dynamic assessment (DA) involves offering mediation to help second language learners perform beyond their current language ability. By combining both, language teachers use them as a tool to reform the teaching mode, stimulating students potential ability, and assessing the improvement in students learning experience.

      【Key words】The zone of proximal development(ZPD); Dynamic assessment (DA); Language learningc; Mediation

      The Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) was proposed by Russian psychologist L.S. Vygotsky as a way of capturing the process of development of children.

      According to Vygotsky:

      Every function in the childs cultural development appears twice: first, on the social level, and later, on the individual level; first, between people (interpsychological), and then inside the child (intrapsychological). This applies equally to voluntary attention, to logical memory, and to the formation of concepts. All the higher functions originate as actual between human individuals. (Vygotsky, 1978:57 in Lock, 1989)

      Therefore, the difference between what a child can achieve when acting alone and what the same child can accomplish when acting with support of internalization is ZPD. ZPD is the collaborative constructions for childrens mental cognitive development.

      The theory of ZPD has inspired language teachers to explore and practice it in real world classroom, especially in second language classroom. According to James P. Lantolf, in English as a Foreign Language (ELF) classroom, ZPD provides a framework for language learner abilities to support their development, and it provides learners chances to promote the process of development instead of just focusing on the product of development. Based on this theory, dynamic assessment (DA) involves offering mediation to help second language learners perform beyond their current language ability.

      Dynamic assessment (DA) is based on the concept of ZPD, it is the process that people will exceed their present ability and to make development to higher levels by working in cooperation with others. In the article Dynamic Assessment of EFL Test Comprehension, author Alex Kozulin and Erica Garb illustrate the methodology of dynamic EFL assessment. The goal of the dynamic assessment (DA) model is not only to measure students performance, to develop individual learning potential, but also can be used to teach strategies about problem-solving skills for students in terms of ELF learning materials. By combining DA with ZPD, language teachers are able to not only evaluate students current language level, but also to predict students further development. Currently, there are three stages in terms of methodology of dynamic EFL assessment: The pre-test, the mediation process, and re-test. The construction of each stage can be designed by the teacher. The pre-test is to give students an ordinary, static test in order to know how student think and what kind of strategies student use. The mediation process will focus on evaluating students knowledge information and activating their knowledge through strategies. Re-test is given without any mediation, and able to get back their pre-test in order to assess their improvement. Therefore, DA can be used as a teaching tool for EFL teachers. DA allows teachers to evaluate students ability, and can serve as a predictor for teachers in order to know students educational needs.

      In terms of the interpretation of the ZPD in DA research, according to James P. Lantolf, there are two approaches to DA. The first one is interventionist DA. In interventionist approach, teacher only gives few hints as the mediation to the learners within their ZPD. The other one is the interactionist DA. In interactionist approach, teacher offers full instructions to help by giving the answers to learners to help them to promote their development instead of provides measurements.

      Both one-on-one and group dynamic assessment could occur in the classroom. The following activity illustrates how both one-on-one and group dynamic assessment occurs in a second language classroom:

      Students are assigned into different groups with three:1. Teacher assigns students to read a news article which includes three questions. 2. Students are required to read and find answers individually. 3. After reading the article, students are asked to discuss the answers in their groups and come up with complete answers, teacher walk around and give feedback to different groups. 4. Each group share their complete answers and the final feedback will be given by the teacher.

      This activity requires an understanding of the relation between development of individuals and development of the group: the reading step is group-as-context, even though students are assigned into groups, the group has no function since there is no interaction between students. The discussion step is group-as-cooperation, each individual retains his or her own goals while understanding their interrelation with the goals of other group members. When they finish cooperation and discussion, they are united in working toward a common goal, which is group-as-collective model. In this activity, students need to work on their own first to understand the reading within their ZPD and it is the processes that make successful reading possible. The discussion step involves interaction and collaboration, and by sharing different aspects of answers to each other, peer mediation occurs, they are constantly mediated and helped by each other to achieve the goal of their development within their ZPD. Walking teacher is also the mediator who works with the students and assesses the improvement in their learning experience. The teacher stimulates students potential creativity of constantly turning the ZPD into present development area. Therefore, in this activity, DA model is used as a powerful diagnostic tool as well as a process for promoting development for second language learners within their ZPD.

      In conclusion, tons of classroom tasks and activities can fell into the zone of proximal development. In EFL classroom or second language classroom, by combining ZPD with dynamic assessment, potential developmental levels are being assessed rather than being neglected, DA can be used as an emerging approach into language learning process, and it will help language teachers not only to measure students current performance, but also to develop individuals learning potential within their ZPD.


      [1]Alex Kozulin &Erica Garb. Dynamic Assessment of EFL Test Comprehension[J].School Psychology International, 2002,23(1):112-127.

      [2]James Lantolf.Sociocultural Theory and Second Language Learning[J].Politics,2000.


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