盧明峰 曹學(xué)偉
. 病例報告 Case report .
盧明峰 曹學(xué)偉
先天性巨趾畸形是一種非常罕見的先天性畸形[1],目前病因尚未明確,該病無明顯的遺傳因素,染色體研究也尚未發(fā)現(xiàn)異常,2015 年 2 月至 2016 年 4 月我院收治成人先天性巨趾畸形 2 例?,F(xiàn)報告如下。
例 2,患者,男,19 歲。左足趾巨大畸形 19 年來我院就診?;颊叱錾蠹胰怂彀l(fā)現(xiàn)其左足第 1、2 趾變大畸形,隨著年齡增長,左足第 1、2 趾不斷長大畸形,無伴足趾疼痛,現(xiàn)影響美觀及日常生活。專科檢查:左足第1、2 趾巨大畸形,第 1 趾長約 7 cm,周長 25 cm,第 2 趾長約 5 cm,周長 12 cm,局部無紅腫,無壓痛,無胼胝體形成;足趾關(guān)節(jié)活動無明顯受限,趾端感覺和血運良好?;颊邿o先天畸形家族史。左足 X 線片 ( 圖 4 ) 提示左足第1 跖骨增大,第 1、2 趾骨軟組織影稍增厚,診斷為先天性巨趾 ( 左足第 1、2 趾 )。2015 年 6 月 15 日在腰麻下行左趾先天性巨趾畸形遠節(jié)趾骨截骨術(shù)+左長屈伸肌腱止點重建術(shù)+左足第 2 趾近端趾間關(guān)節(jié)融合術(shù),術(shù)后復(fù)查左足 X 線片 ( 圖 5 ) 左足趾截除遠節(jié)趾骨,第 1 跖骨較前片縮小,第 2 趾近段趾間關(guān)節(jié)行小關(guān)節(jié)融合,術(shù)后患趾血運感覺和活動較好。術(shù)后隨訪 9 個月肢端血運感覺良好,外觀及功能明顯改善,無復(fù)發(fā)病例。
圖1 術(shù)前右足正位片:右足趾改變,符合先天性巨趾畸形Fig.1 The preoperative anterioposterior film of the right foot: The form of the right hallux was abnormal.Congenital gigantism of the foot was conformed
圖2 足部螺旋 CT 平掃片:右足第 1 跖趾骨粗大,關(guān)節(jié)增生肥大及周圍軟組織增生,符合先天性巨趾畸形并創(chuàng)傷性關(guān)節(jié)炎,第1 跖趾關(guān)節(jié)半脫位Fig.2 The CT scan of the right foot: The first plantar phalanges of the right foot became large, with the joint and surrounding soft tissue hyperplasia.Congenital gigantism of the foot with traumatic arthritis was conformed
圖3 術(shù)后復(fù)查片:與前片相比,右足?趾截除遠節(jié)趾骨,第1 跖骨較前片縮小,患者足趾功能及外觀很好地改善,右足?趾關(guān)節(jié)對位正常,形態(tài)良好,呈術(shù)后改變Fig.3 The postoperative film: The distal phalange of the right hallux was cut.The first metatarsal of the left foot shrank.The function and appearance of the 2 patients’ toes were improved after the surgery.The hallux of the right foot joint was normal.The shape was well after the surgery
先天性巨趾畸形是非常少見的足部畸形,可以發(fā)生于單趾或者多個足趾[1],尤其是第 2、3 趾的發(fā)生率最高,其次是趾,多見于單側(cè)發(fā)病。王海華等[2]報道多趾巨大畸形患者多于單趾畸形的患者,脛側(cè)足趾好發(fā)。本研究2 例患者巨趾畸形均是單側(cè)發(fā)病,第 1 例是趾單趾發(fā)病,第 2 例是多趾發(fā)病。巨趾癥在四肢先天性畸形疾病中的發(fā)病率非常低,約為 1 / 18 000[3],男女的發(fā)病率無明顯的差異,并且也沒有明顯的遺傳傾向[4]。該病的發(fā)病原因目前尚不明確,最新觀點認為由于生長抑制因子缺乏或局部內(nèi)因子表達,導(dǎo)致了足趾神經(jīng)損害和脂肪、纖維組織過度增殖蓄積而成[4-5];一般來說,患此病的嬰兒出生后即出現(xiàn)。對于出生時不明顯,隨年齡增長患趾增粗變長的患者較少見。而本次報告的病例 1 屬于上述情況。先天性巨趾以足趾軟組織和骨的過度生長為主要特征,累及神經(jīng)較少[6],常發(fā)生在側(cè)方或跖面,不對稱的肥大足趾亦導(dǎo)致側(cè)彎,異常增大的腳趾常導(dǎo)致患者穿鞋困難和行走不便,從而導(dǎo)致患者前去醫(yī)院就診。臨床中,先天性巨趾畸形分兩種類型:靜止型和進展型;靜止型患者肥大的足趾出生時已伴有,但不會再發(fā)展,與其它足趾同等比例生長,并且治療效果較好;進展型的患者巨趾亦為出生伴有,然而肥厚增大的足趾的生長速度遠遠超過正常足趾,而且往往影響其它足趾。
圖4 術(shù)前雙足正位片:左足第 1 跖骨增大,第 1、2 趾骨軟組織影稍增厚,診斷為先天性巨趾 ( 左足第 1、2 趾 )Fig.4 The preoperative anterioposterior film of the feet: The first metatarsal of the left foot was enlarged.The soft tissue shadows of the first and second phalanges were slightly thickened.Congenital gigantism of the foot was diagnosed
圖5 左趾先天性巨趾畸形遠節(jié)趾骨截骨術(shù) + 左長屈伸肌腱止點重建術(shù) + 左足第 2 趾近端趾間關(guān)節(jié)融合術(shù)后改變,左足趾截除遠節(jié)趾骨,第 1 跖骨較前片縮小,形態(tài)大小基本正常,第2 趾近段趾間關(guān)節(jié)行小關(guān)節(jié)融合,術(shù)后發(fā)現(xiàn)患趾血運感覺和活動較好Fig.5 Osteotomy of the distal phalanges of the left hallux, the check point revascularization of the left long toe flexion tendons, the joint arthrodesis of the second left proximal interphalangeal joint were performed.The distal phalange of the left hallux was cut.The first metatarsal of the left foot shrank.The form and size were normal.The joint arthrodesis was performed on the second proximal interphalangeal joint.The blood supply, feelings and activities of the 2 patients’ toes were well after the surgery
對于成人巨趾畸形的治療,手術(shù)矯形是首選,其目的是使患足和健足能穿同樣的鞋,并且行走無痛,最后是美觀問題。由于畸形的形式形態(tài)多種多樣,故對應(yīng)的手術(shù)方式也多種多樣,主要是在改善外形和功能的基礎(chǔ)上進行。巨趾的常用手術(shù)治療方法有:軟組織切除術(shù)、骨骺遏止術(shù)、截骨術(shù)、趾列切除術(shù)等。王海華等[2]對 12 例患者進行手術(shù)治療,術(shù)式包括軟組織縮容、截骨術(shù)等,效果都比較顯著;Kalen 等[7]和 Ishida 等[8]研究發(fā)現(xiàn)處于進展型巨趾畸形復(fù)發(fā)率較高,采用截趾聯(lián)合縮容手術(shù)更為適合。本組 2 例均處于進展期,嚴重影響美觀、功能和生活。為了保存患趾功能,選擇遠節(jié)趾骨截骨矯形術(shù)外加肌腱止點重建術(shù),能很好改善患者足趾功能及外觀,術(shù)后隨訪 2 例患趾血運感覺和活動較好。
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[6] 周禮祥, 袁長深, 梅其杰, 等.巨趾癥1例報告.醫(yī)藥前沿, 2013, 14(14):329-329.
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( 本文編輯:李貴存 )
Two cases of adult congenital macrodactylia
LU Ming-feng, CAO Xue-wei.
The second Clinical College, Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510000, PRC
Objective To analyze and discuss the clinical therapy and treatment outcomes of congenital gigantism of the foot.Methods The clinical documents of 2 cases of congenital gigantism of the foot were retrospectively analyzed.The 2 patients’ average age was 20 years old.All the deformities were found at birth.The cases of multiple toes involved were more than that of single toe, and the cases of tibial toe involved were more than that of fibular toe.The forefoot was enlarged.All the phalanges involved and partial metatarsal bones were enlarged.Marked increase in subcutaneous fat was found in all the cases in the operation, which infiltrated the interossei and articular capsules.The appearance of the nerves and their branches in the foot were normal and fatty infiltration was not discovered.Corrective osteotomy and reconstruction of tendon check point were performed on the 2 patients, who were followed up for 1 year.The appearance and function of the limb were observed.Results The 2 patients were satisfactory with the postoperative function and appearance.Conclusions According to the age, clinical classification, degree of pathological changes and limb function, the 2 cases of the digital gigantism of the foot are in progress.To save the function, we choose corrective osteotomy and reconstruction of tendon check point.The function and appearance of the 2 patients’ toes get improved after the surgery.The blood supply, feelings and activities of the toes are well during the follow-up.
Toes; Congenital abnormalities; Hallux
510000 廣州中醫(yī)藥大學(xué)第二臨床醫(yī)學(xué)院研究生 ( 盧明峰 );510000 廣東省中醫(yī)院骨三科 ( 曹學(xué)偉 )
曹學(xué)偉,Email: 1543896277@qq.com
2016-05-18 )