



      Silver and Gold 《銀與金》

      2017-02-07 02:57:03科斯莫蒙克豪斯愛藝ByCosmoMonkhouse
      英語世界 2017年12期

      文/科斯莫·蒙克豪斯 譯/愛藝 By Cosmo Monkhouse

      Silver and Gold 《銀與金》

      文/科斯莫·蒙克豪斯 譯/愛藝 By Cosmo Monkhouse

      或許,對于阿瑟·休斯先生(1832—1915) 畫 風(fēng)柔和、令人喜愛的作品來說,特里斯特先生的藏室是品鑒的最佳場所。相比我們印制的其他畫作,他的這幅《銀與金》(布面油畫,99.06厘米×67.31厘米)……更接近人們心目中的拉斐爾前派作品,因為畫作呈現(xiàn)的是“純粹”的情感,畫面充溢對草葉和花朵細(xì)致入微的刻畫。如果說拉斐爾前派運動還有所貢獻的話,那就是激發(fā)了年輕畫家的創(chuàng)作力,讓他們不僅能描繪自己所知的一切,還能傳遞他們的所思所感。[圖見本期封底]

      There is probably no house in which the tender and loveable art of Mr.Arthur Hughes (1832—1915) can be better studied than in Mr. Trist’s1In 1883 the Hughes was part of “the collection got together by Mr. Trist at his house in Brighton.”. His Silver and Gold (oil on canvas, 99.06cm ×67.31 cm) … come[s] nearer to what the public reckons as Pre-Raphaelite than any other of the works we print;for they are “purist” in feeling and filled with almost infinite detail of grass and leaf and flower. If the Pre-Raphaelite movement did nothing else, it at least strung up the energies of our young painters to put into their pictures not only all they knew, but whatever they could think and feel.

      [2] The charming contrast of youth and age to which the title of Silver and Gold has been given, tells its tale too plainly to need description in the text.Except that he is a timid and imperfect draughtsman, and somewhat too sweet and over-gentle, it is difficult to understand why Arthur Hughes should have failed of those academic honours which have fallen to the lot of men of far more ordinary endowments. I know of no modern picture more poetical in feeling or more exquisite in colour than his Morte d’Arthur nor has any one drawn Ophelia2參見本刊2017年第3期封底文《奧菲利婭》的介紹。more lovely or more pathetic. In the Trist collection you see him always exquisitely tender and true in colour, always sweet and wholesome in sentiment: Whether he appears in some lovely English landscape with flowery foreground; or in that sketch for The King’s Orchard (made famous by Mr. Ruskin’s praise in 1859—the wellremembered apple-blossom year at the Royal Academy); or in the charming group of children in church dabbling their fingers in live sunbeams. In the matter of execution, the patience and dexterity of such pictures as that of the sailor-boy at his mother’s grave3參見本刊2017年第6期封底文《出海歸來》的介紹。, with its dewdrops and cobweb and Chingford Church covered with innumerable ivy leaves, are notable indeed; while in Enid and Geraint4杰蘭特是圓桌騎士之一,伊妮德是其妻子。, and another picture of a female head, he has given us the quintessence of English womanhood,with its loveliness, its purity, and its sweetness of disposition.


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