



      Abstracts of Papers in This Issue

      2017-03-12 03:00:39
      外文研究 2017年4期

      Thestudyoftheprocessingofthematisedtime(p. 1)

      WANGXiaowei(School of Foreign Languages, Henan University, Kaifeng 475001, China)

      This paper is to study the manner of how to anchor the concept of time in the position of theme in language under the framework of Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL). Based on the theory of stratification and the realization between different strata, the thesis holds that there are three manners of thematisation for experiential phenomena:the congruent representation in transitivity system, the adjustment of word order including preposing structure and thematised structure at lexicogrammar strata and grammatical metaphor, in which the complexity of meaning and operation increases. All of the manners are also available to the thematization of time. The congruent representation refers to the relational clause with time as the subject; the preposing structure refers to the clause-initial temporal adjunct; the thematised structure indicates those special clauses such as enhanced thematic structure, and yet the grammatical metaphor is a variant of meaning and form.

      Symbolicmeaningsofcolorsinpoetry(p. 9)

      ZHANGHong(School of Foreign Languages, Henan University, Kaifeng 475001, China)

      Color is not only a cognitive category, but also a very important cultural concept. Rooted in culture, poetry contains a lot of color symbols, which are full of associative meanings. The symbolic elements of colors are powerful means of expression in poetry. Taking the poem Elder by Cwietaieva as an example, this paper analyzes the elder’s change of colors—green→red→scarlet red→black—in a year, and illustrates the poet’s delicate emotional changes from her memory of childhood to her concern about the fate of her motherland in order to reveal the semantic, structural and cognitive functions performed by the color symbols in the poem. Moreover, this poem provides some valuable information to the study of the poet’s writing style.

      AstudyoftheteachingmodeldesignofflippedclassroomincollegeEnglishreadingteachingbasedonconstructivism(p. 15)

      XIAOHan(Academic Journal Editorial Department of Xihua University, Chengdu 610039, China)

      Flipped classroom is a new teaching model and it is a new trend of college English teaching. At present, there are many studies on flipped classroom, but there are few studies on the teaching model design of flipped classroom in college English reading teaching. Based on constructivism and the analysis of typical flipped classroom teaching models at home and abroad, this paper tries to construct a flipped classroom teaching model in college English reading teaching which features autonomous reading learning before class, knowledge internalization in class and expanded reading after class. The study is expected to optimize college English reading teaching and promote the development of college English reading teaching reform.

      Self-identityincontrast:FromtheperfectimageofMr.RogersinAutobiographyofMarkTwain(p. 22)

      XUEYufeng(College of Foreign Languages, Zhejiang SCI-TECH University, Hangzhou 310018, China)

      Everybody knows that “Gold can’t be pure and man can’t be perfect”, but inAutobiographyofMarkTwain, the critical and even cynical Mark Twain describes a perfect man, Mr. Rogers, his best friends in his late years of life, emotionally and enthusiastically. While depicting the perfect characteristics of his friend, Twain is actually praising the truth, kindness and beauty of the world, criticizing the opposite. While writing a short biography of his friend, he is in fact thinking of himself all the time. He is a talented writer and speaker, but weak in many other fields, such as in business, in everyday life, and in dealing with people, which are exactly Mr. Rogers’ strong points. By contrasting his own weaknesses and his friends’ strong ones, Twain is stressing the perfect characters in his mind and highlighting his own achievements in language.

      ConventionandinventioninWhitmanandDickinson(p. 28)

      WANGJinbo(English Department, Tongji Zhejiang College, Jiaxing 314000, China)

      This paper offers a comparative study of two American transcendentalists: Whitman and Dickinson. It reveals that both Whitman and Dickinson, with totally different personal experiences and sources of poetic imagination, were deeply influenced by Emerson, the exponent of Transcendentalism, a theory of religious belief in the spiritual life and experience existing beyond the physical life. It further asserts that both Whitman and Dickinson not only shared Emersion’s anti-religious attitude and interest in a new kind of religion through which they could fully express their romantic aspirations, but also abided by the poetic principles formulated by Emerson and his followers. It believes that their abidance was not slavish imitation but added new meanings and dimensions to the romantic idealism of Emerson and expanded the Emersonian vision of the world. It concludes that their poetic advocations and practices demonstrated an essential truth that literature evolves and progresses through convention and invention.

      OnSamuelJohnson’sgenerality(p. 36)

      ZHANGXin(School of Business and Management, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai 200083, China)

      Johnson’s idea of generality first of all is based on Christian’s belief in the very essence of human limitation. It holds that the existence of human beings is to some extent paradoxical, because in pursuit of the limitless human beings tend to concentrate all their attention upon one thing at the expense of all others. In consequence, this will make them lose rationality and end in madness, which are very frequently the butt of 18thcentury English literary satire. So the main function of poetry, according to Johnson, is to present us with the general state of man. By presenting this, it frees us from our limitation and widens our horizon in a way which should enable us to place each particular detail in the context of a whole so as to achieve human being’s self-perfection and self-salvation.

      Theimagesof“thegrotesque”inCarsonMcCullers’sTheReflectionofGoldenEyes(p. 41)

      WANGXiaoxiong(School of Humanities, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310028, China)

      The images of “the grotesque” between two poles in Carson McCullers’sTheReflectionofGoldenEyesrestlessly struggle in gender-based value and fail in the construction of “the other” at length. They are duel-planned and uncompleted. Taking the images into historical context, McCullers commingles the grotesque tradition of Sherwood Anderson with her own meditation of gender. She cries for the disadvantaged group in social transition and her exploration into the fluidity of identities reflects her deep concern about human being’s existence.

      Onthebeautyofnatureandtherevelationof“theOversoul”inEmerson’s“TheRhodora”(p. 48)

      QICongcong(School of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China)

      In Emerson’s opinion, “the Oversoul” is a key concept in transcendentalism, and nature is the symbol of “the Oversoul”. The subject of “nature” appears frequently in Emerson’s prose and poetry. Emerson is good at choosing natural objects as images in his poetry to illustrate his transcendental philosophy. “The Rhodora” is a good example. Centering on the core image “the rhodora”, the poet depicts the environment, the beauty and the source of the wild flower in the poem, which denotes a spiritual journey of one’s experiencing nature, searching for the beauty of nature and attaining revelation of “the Oversoul”. As the representative of nature, the rhodora in the poem has become the symbol of “the beauty of nature” and the revelation of “the Oversoul”. And the poet’s exploration not only benefits personal soul perfection but also does good to the value reconstruction of the society.

      TransgressioninTheYellowWallpaper(p. 54)

      LIUJuan(College English Department/School of Foreign Languages, Henan University, Kaifeng 475001, China)

      TheYellowWallpaperis a semi-autobiographical short story written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, who is a prominent American feminist, novelist, and sociologist. The thesis attempts to examine the existential conditions of the protagonist, especially her behavior against family responsibilities, discourse of power and confined space imposed by patriarchal society in the light of transgression theory by Michel Foucault. The behavior characterized by transgression is an attempt to construct female identity and subjectivity. The heroine’s intention and behavior invisibly deepens the physical and spiritual boundaries on women, but breaks the limits of power from inside at the very moment of her going mad, thus creating a tragic scene in the definition of female identity and reconstruction of female authority.

      Theleisureclass,womenandidentity:AculturalstudyoftheheroineinTheEustaceDiamonds(p. 59)

      ZHAOXimei(School of English and International Studies, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing 100089, China)

      This paper, based on Veblen’s theory of the leisure class, makes an analysis of the changes of the identity of Lizzie, the heroine in Anthony Trollope’s novelTheEustaceDiamonds. The semiotic meanings the Eustace diamonds undergo changes both in their transfer from one owner to another and in their circulation, while Lizzie’s avarice of and crave for them never change. In her pursuit of the diamonds, she oversteps her stance in the vicarious leisure class and presents an image of independence and rebellion.

      Areviewofthedevelopmentofinterpretingtechnologies:Ashiftfrominstrumentalitytointeractivity,andtointelligence(p. 65)

      ZHAOYihui(School of Translation and Interpreting Studies, Xi’an International Studies University, Xi’an 710128, China)

      Since the 21stcentury, against the backdrop of fast development in natural language processing, computer science, cloud computing, big data and artificial intelligence, technology integrates with translation practice deeply. Modern language service industry, featured with technology, collaboration and integration, is compelling traditional translation industry to update itself and turn to new development. Rapid development in translating technologies has brought about unprecedented changes in translation practice, procedure, effect, and even in translation ecology, leading Translation Studies into an era of technological turn. But looking back on the history and present situation of translating technologies, it is found that researches into concepts, objects and methods of interpreting technologies, are few and far between, which is also true of translating technologies. So in the paper the author analyzes the internal and external causes of interpreting technologies from the perspective of technical philosophy, on the basis of which she reviews the chronological development of interpreting technologies and their features at different stages, and analyzes the relationship between interpreting technologies of different stages and their composition features, hoping to provide useful insights for future theoretical and applied studies of interpreting technologies.

      Astudyontheterminologymanagementandtechnologyapplicationsofinterpretingintheinformationage(p. 72)

      WANGHuashu(Collaborative Innovation Center for Language Research & Service, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou 510420, China)

      ZHANGJing(School of Foreign Languages, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu 610101, China)

      In the information age, the rapid development of such technologies as computer-aided interpreting, intelligent voice translation and cloud translation has tremendously changed the working modes of interpreting. Although terminology management plays a crucial role in the efficiency and quality of interpreting activities, it does not receive due attention from domestic interpreters and researchers. The interpreters’ awareness and practices of terminology management are mostly confined to records on paper and simple Excel glossaries. Terminology expertise has not been fully utilized and shared among team members, which results in large quantities of repetitive efforts. This paper discusses the significance of terminology management in interpreting and the relationship between the interpreting process and terminology management, and expounds related technologies and tools, such as terminology acquisition, extraction, conversion, search and maintenance before, during and after interpreting, which aims to help improve the interpreters’ efficiency, promote further study on terminology management technologies in interpreting, expand the fields of interpreting researches, and advance the development of translation theories from an interdisciplinary perspective.

      Researchonthedesignofecologicalinterpretingteachingandself-trainingsystem(p. 78)

      LIUMenglian(Center for Translation Studies, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou 510420, China)

      The paper discusses the pedagogic principle design, instructional design and interactive design of the ecological interpreting teaching and self-training software system. For the pedagogic principle design, it applies some psychological methods and cognitive ideas such as information processing and problem solving to the whole software design. For the instructional design, it uses anchored approaches in the design of declarative knowledge, and advance organizers as well as scaffolding methods in the design of procedural knowledge. For the interactive design, the system obeys both user-centered and sense-comfortable principles for interface interaction design, and meaningful interaction as well as cognitive presence ideas for user-content interaction design. It also uses both social and instructional presence principles for the design of instructor-learner and learner-learner interaction. All these designs are following the theories of user-centered and cognitive development so as to show the ecological characteristics of the system.

      Developmentofspeechrepositoryforautonomousinterpretinglearning(p. 88)

      DENGJuntao(Center for Translation Studies, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou 510420, China/School of Foreign Languages, South-Central University for Nationalities, Wuhan 430074, China)

      GUYukui(National Center for Technology-empowered Language Learning and Teaching, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou 510420, China)

      In the process of integrating information technology into interpreter training, speech repository for autonomous interpreting learning (SRAIL) remains a sparsely developed area. Constructing high-quality SRAIL has a great bearing on interpreting learners in providing rich resources, offering individualized learning choices, enhancing learning efficiency and effectiveness. The study focuses on the development and application of a SRAIL based on the computer assisted interpreter training platform at a key university in China. It proves that the development of SRAIL is beneficial to interpreting learners in creating rich speech resources with multiple topics, varied media forms, easy access and convenient application, and also conducive to cultivating awareness, developing strategies and promoting effectiveness of autonomous interpreting learning.

      AreviewofEnglishCoordinateConstructions:AProcessingPerspectiveonConstituentOrder(p. 94)

      WANGZhongxiang(Institute of Languages, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai 200083, China)

      ZHOUXianwu(Department of College English, Zhejiang Wanli University, Ningbo 315100, China)

      Research on coordinate constructions has witnessed a great achievement, but most of which is overwhelmingly based on introspective method and lacks of more convincing evidence from quantitative method. However,EnglishCoordinateConstructions:AProcessingPerspectiveonConstituentOrder, on the basis of large-scale corpus, conducts an empirical study on three kinds of coordinate constructions from an online processing perspective. It not only probes into the different variables and their priority order, but also seeks a breakthrough in research content, method and perspective, expectedly producing some conclusions with typological implications.

      Anewsteptometonymicstudies:AbookreviewofMetonymyandLanguage:ANewTheoryofLinguisticProcessing(p. 98)

      LIKe&LIShukang(School of Translation Studies, Shandong University, Weihai 264209, China)

      Metonymic studies have witnessed productive achievements in the past three decades in terms of theories and applications. Denroche (2015) adds more contribution to this field inMetonymyandLanguage:ANewTheoryofLinguisticProcessing, which concentrats on the theoretical model of metonymy and the application of metonymy to language learning, communication and translation. Moreover, this book attempts to build the discipline of metonymics, promoting metonymic studies into a new stage.

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