[俄]巴拉瑟夫·亞力克賽·伊格列維奇著 李熠 譯 程熙 校
[俄]巴拉瑟夫·亞力克賽·伊格列維奇著 李熠 譯 程熙 校
延伸到中下層級政府的小規(guī)模經(jīng)濟腐敗通常就是行政官員或者說是官僚群體的腐敗。它被定義為“官員通過故意扭曲法律、法規(guī)和規(guī)章的適用,以獲得非法的和非透明的收益,從而將國家和非國有經(jīng)濟利益據(jù)為己有”(Anticorruption in Transition,2000,p.xvii)。行政腐敗分為民事腐敗和商業(yè)腐敗。民事腐敗通常發(fā)生在公民與當局、機構和基層政府的相互作用之中。商業(yè)腐敗則通常發(fā)生在私營部門與當局、機構和中低層政府間的關系中。
為了更好地說明那些侵蝕政府和管理體系高層的頂層經(jīng)濟腐敗,我們通常使用“國家俘獲”(state capture)這一概念⑥。也就是“企業(yè)有能力通過對政府官員進行非法和非透明的利益輸送來影響競爭的基本原則的形成”(Hellman,Johns,Kaufmann,2000),又如“那些能在其他經(jīng)濟領域中獲取租金的買家能夠通過基于他們自身的利益去影響政策、法律和規(guī)則環(huán)境”(Hellman,Johns,Kaufmann,2000)而向政府官員贈送禮物。
①The Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials( adopted by resolution 34/169 of the UN General Assembly on 17th of December 1979)//Access:http://www.un.org/ru/documents/decl_conv/conventions/code_of_conduct.shtml.
②Convention on civil liability for corruption(adopted on the 4th of November,1999,entered into force on the 1st of November,2003)//Information and Legal Framework"Garant".
③Federal Law"On Combating Corruption"of 25.12.2008,№273(ed.of 15.02.2016,the)//"Rossiyskaya Gazeta"of 30.12.2008№266.
④Council of Europe Convention on Criminal Law(adopted by the UN General Assembly resolution of 29th of December, 1999)ETS№173//Access:http://www.coe.int/ru/web/conventions/full-list/-/conventions/treaty/173.
⑤TheUnitedNationsConventionagainstCorruption (adopted by the UN General Assembly,number 58/4 of 31st of October,2003)//Access:http://www.un.org/ru/documents/decl_conv/conventions/corruption.shtml.
⑥“收購國家”(state buyup)是俘獲國家的最為準確的解釋。
⑩The Federal Law№94-FZ"On placing orders for goods, works and services for state and municipal needs"of 21st of July, 2005,number 94-FZ(repealed from 01.01.2014)//"Rossiyskaya Gazeta"of 28.07.2005,number 163.
?Federal law"On procurement of goods,certain types of works and services of legal persons"from 18.07.2011,№223-FZ (ed.from 13.07.2015)//"Rossiyskaya Gazeta"of 22.07.2011, number 159.
?Federal Law"On Combating Corruption"of 25.12.2008.№273-FZ(ed.of 15/02/2016)//Legislation of the Russian Federation,29.12.2008,N 52(ch.1),art.6228.
?The Federal law"On the anti-corruption expertise of legal acts and draft laws and regulations"of 17.07.2009.№172-FZ(ed.of 21.10.2013)//Legislation of the Russian Federation, 20.07.2009,№29,art.3609.
?Presidential Decree"On approval of the list of posts of federal public service,with substitution of which federal officials are required to submit information about their income,property and property obligations,as well as information on income,property and property obligations of his wife(husband)and minor children"of 18.05.2009,№557(ed.from 08.03.2015)//Legislation of the Russian Federation,25.05.2009,№21,art.2542.
?Presidential Decree"On the representation of information on income,property and property obligations by the citizens,who aspire to fill government positions of the Russian Federation,and by persons who hold public office of the Russian Federation" (with the"Regulation on the representation of information on income,property and property obligations by the citizens,who aspire to fill government positions of the Russian Federation,and by persons who hold public office of the Russian Federation")of 18.05.2009.№558(ed.of 23.06.2014)//Legislation of Russia, 25.05.2009,N 21,art.2543.
?Presidential Decree"On the representation of information on income,property and property obligations by the citizens,who aspire to fill positions of federal public service,and by federal government officials"(with the"Regulation on the representation of information on income,property and property obligations by the citizens,who aspire to fill positions of federal public service, and by federal government officials")of 18.05.2009.№559(ed. of 15.07.2015)//Legislation of Russia,25.05.2009,N 21,art. 2544.
?Presidential Decree"On the representation of the information on income,property and property obligations by citizens, who aspire to fill management positions in state corporations, foundations and other organizations,and by persons who hold management positions in state corporations,foundations and other organizations"of 18.05.2009.№560(ed.of 23.06.2014)//Legislation of Russia,25.05.2009,N 21,art.2545.
?Presidential Decree of 13.04.2010,№460"On the National Anti-Corruption Strategy and the National Anti-Corruption Plan for 2010-2011"of 13.04.2010.№460(ed.of 13.03.2012) //Legislation of Russia,19.04.2010,№16,art.1875.
?Presidential Decree"On the commissions for compliance of requirements to the official conduct of federal public servants and settlement of conflict of interest"(with the"Regulation On the commissions for compliance of requirements to the official conduct of federal public servants and settlement of conflict of interest")of 01.07.2010.№821(ed.of 22.12.2015)//Legislation of Russia,05.07.2010,N 27,art.3446.
?Presidential Decree"On the National Anti-Corruption Plan for 2012-2013 and amendments to some acts of the President of the Russian Federation on combating corruption"of13.03.2012№297(ed.of 19.03.2013)//Legislation of Russia, 19.03.2012,N 12,art.1391.
?Federal law"On the control of the relevant of costs of persons who hold public office,and other persons to their income"of 03.12.2012.№230-FZ(ed.of 03.11.2015)//Legislation of Russia,10.12.2012,№50(ch.4),art.6953.
?Presidential Decree"The issues of combating corruption"(with"The order of placement of information on income, expenses,property and obligations of property character of certain categories of persons and members of their families on official sites of Federal state authorities,authorities of state power of subjects of the Russian Federation and organizations,and providing these data to the all-Russian mass media for publication")of 08.07.2013№613(ed.of 15.07.2015)//Legislation of Russia, 15.07.2013,№28,art.3813.
?Presidential Decree"On the National anti-corruption plan for 2014-2015"of 11.04.2014№226(ed.of 15.07.2015) //Legislation of Russia,14.04.2014,№15,art.1729.
?Presidential Decree"On the order of notification by persons who hold certain government positions of the Russian Federation,the federal public service positions,and other persons about the occurrence of personal interest in the performance of official duties,which results or may result in a conflict of interest,and on amendments to some acts of the Russian Federation President"(with the"Regulation on the order of notification by persons who hold certain government positions of the Russian Federation,the federal public service positions,and other persons about the occurrence of personal interest in the performance of official duties,which results or may result in a conflict of interest,and on amendments to some acts of the Russian Federation President")of 22.12.2015№650//Legislation of Russia, 28.12.2015,№52(ch.I),art.7588.
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The Corruption in Russia:the Basic Premises, the Direction and Methods of Fighting with It
Balashov Aleksei Igorevich
The article provides the legal and institutional-economic analysis of the concept and content of corruption.The author identified and analyzed the two main approaches to the identification of the category of"corruption"in the Russian and international law: an approach based on the formulation of a clear interpretation of this term,and the approach that defines the corruption through the list of corruption offenses,which are subject to criminalization.Institutional and economic typology of corruption discussed in this article involves the allocation of economic and political,bureaucratic and elective corruption,"state purchase"and the privatization of power. The construction of the theoretical model of corruption,through the synthesis of the regulatory and institutional and economic approaches allow us to understand the goals and directions of the government anti-corruption policy of the Russian Federation,which in 2000-2010s.has evolved successively from countering state capture by oligarchic clans to fight against the administrative(official)corruption and the rate on the"nationalization of the elites."
Corruption;the State Apparatus;State Capture;Privatization of Government Anti-corruption Policy