



      Talking and Listening

      2018-04-10 03:27:09ByYeShengtao
      Special Focus 2018年3期

      By Ye Shengtao

      I have always believed that those who talk and those who listen should not share the same attitude. Many words we have spoken or written down were just like clouds that floated away leaving no traces and influencing no one because the speakers and listeners, or the writers and readers, shared the same attitude.

      Those who tell others to do something need to have done it themselves. Otherwise,they can only say something unpersuasive, which is a waste of energy. If those who tell others to do something have not done it themselves, they should feel hollow and uncomfortable.How can they say something substantive? Moreover, when they tell others to do what they have not done, they should blush with shame, which is worse and harder to bear than being scolded.

      The listener should not reject an opinion because of the person expressing it. There is no need to ask about the speaker's origin and private conduct, unless you want to make friends or claim kinship with the speaker.Just listen to what the speaker says. If it is unreasonable, you certainly do not have to accept it.If it is reasonable, you can take it without hesitation. The speaker may have an ulterior motive,which needs to be identified.Nevertheless, even if the speaker has an ulterior motive, what he says is not necessarily unworthy of adoption. If what the speaker says is reasonable and you have identified his motive, you will be able to exclude the bad effect and only be positively influenced.

      If speakers always worry that listeners will reject an opinion because of the person expressing it, they will rarely say something honest, substantive, or forceful.Although the speaker shall always test his own advice himself before telling others to do so, it is not necessary for the listener to insist such requirement upon the speaker. Otherwise, the listener will often disagree with the speaker, and there will be little advice worthy of adoption in the world. Nowadays, we seem to be in such a situation, so there is a lot of talking with little or no effect.If the speakers and listeners could change their attitudes, I believe that we can make a bigger difference with fewer words. ◆

      (From There Are Ways to Talk,Liaoning People's Publishing House. Translation: Chen Jiani)





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