閆麗 魏廣生
摘 要:為了豐富Sturm-Liouville(S-L)微分算子的譜理論,研究了閉區(qū)間[0,1]上邊界條件依賴譜參數(shù)的非連續(xù)S-L問題。首先利用該問題在直和空間上的等價刻畫,給出了非連續(xù)S-L問題特征值與連續(xù)S-L問題特征值間的交替關(guān)系,即在非連續(xù)S-L問題的特征值的每個開子區(qū)間內(nèi)都恰有連續(xù)S-L問題的一個特征值,進而由連續(xù)S-L問題的振蕩理論推出非連續(xù)S-L問題的振蕩理論。然后通過Prüfer變換和Hergloz函數(shù)的轉(zhuǎn)換,建立了邊界條件依賴譜參數(shù)的非連續(xù)S-L問題與邊界條件為常值的非連續(xù)S-L問題的轉(zhuǎn)換,得出轉(zhuǎn)換后的特征值與轉(zhuǎn)換前(除去有限個)的特征值相等。最后通過構(gòu)造邊界條件為常值的非連續(xù)S-L問題的特征函數(shù)求得其特征值的漸近式,從而得到了邊界條件依賴譜參數(shù)的非連續(xù)S-L問題的特征值的漸近表達式。新的研究方法可推廣到對間斷點條件依賴譜參數(shù)的S-L問題研究。
中圖分類號:O175.1 MSC(2010)主題分類:47A75 文獻標(biāo)志碼:A
Abstract:In order to enrich the spectral theory of Sturm-Liouvillel (S-L) differential operators, the discontinuous S-L problem with boundary conditions dependent on spectral parameters on closed interval \[0,1\] is studied. Firstly, by using the equivalent characterization of the problem in the direct sum space, the alternating relation between the eigenvalues of the discontinuous S-L problem and the eigenvalues of the continuous S-L problem is given. That is, there is exactly one eigenvalue of the continuous S-L problem in every open subinterval of the eigenvalues of the discontinuous S-L problem, and then the oscillation theory of the discontinuous S-L problem is derived from the oscillation theory of the continuous S-L problem. Through the transformations of Prüfer and Hergloz function, the transformation between the discontinuous S-L problem with boundary conditions dependent spectral parameters and discontinuous S-L problem with constant boundary conditions is established. The obtained converted eigenvalues are equal to those (excluding the finite eigenvalues) before the conversion. Finally, the asymptotic expressions of eigenvalues of discontinuous S-L problems with boundary conditions dependent on spectral parameters are obtained by constructing the eigenfunctions of discontinuous S-L problems with constant boundary conditions. The new research method can be extended to the study of the S-L problem with boundary conditions dependent spectral parameters.
Keywords:operator algebras; Sturm-Liouville differential operator; discontinuity conditions; eigenparameter-dependent boundary condition
3 結(jié) 論
基于文獻\[1\]中的結(jié)論,針對非連續(xù)且邊界條件含譜參數(shù)的S-L問題(1)—問題(5)的特征值給出了精細估計, 首先利用Hergloz函數(shù)的轉(zhuǎn)換,建立了邊界條件含譜參數(shù)的S-L問題與常值邊界條件S-L問題的轉(zhuǎn)換。然后通過直和空間的等價刻畫, 證明了非連續(xù)S-L問題的特征值與連續(xù)S-L問題的特征值間的交替關(guān)系,并建立了該問題的振蕩理論。最后得到了特征值的漸近表達式。研究結(jié)果為該問題的逆問題提供了理論依據(jù)。
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