[US] National Coalition for Core Arts Standards
General Music
Artistic Process:Performing
Process Component: Select—Selectvaried musical works topresentbased on interest, knowledge, technical skill, andcontext.
Anchor Standard: Select,analyze1, andinterpretartistic work for presentation.
Enduring Understanding:Performers' interest in and knowledge of musical works, understanding of their own technical skill, and thecontextfor a performance influence the selection ofrepertoire2.
Essential Question(s):How do performersselectrepertoire?
Grade PreK
MU: Pr4.1.PKa With substantialguidance,demonstrateand state preference for varied musical selections.
Grade K
MU: Pr4.1.Ka Withguidance,demonstrateand state personal interest in varied musical selections.
Grade 1
MU: Pr4.1.1a With limitedguidance,demonstrateand discuss personal interest in, knowledge about, andpurposeof varied musical selections.
Grade 2
MU: Pr4.1.2aDemonstrateand explain personal interest in, knowledge about, andpurposeof varied musical selections.
Grade 3
MU: Pr4.1.3aDemonstrateand explain how the selection of music toperform3is influenced by personal interest, knowledge,purpose, andcontext.
Grade 4
MU: Pr4.1.4aDemonstrateand explain how the selection of music toperformis influenced by personal interest, knowledge,context, andtechnical skill4.
Grade 5
MU: Pr4.1.5aDemonstrateand explain how the selection of music toperformis influenced by personal interest, knowledge, andcontext, as well as their personal and others'technical skill.
Grade 6
MU: Pr4.1.6a Applyteacher-provided criteriafor selecting music toperformfor a specificpurposeand/orcontext, and explain why each was chosen.
Grade 7
MU: Pr4.1.7a Applycollaboratively-developed criteriafor selecting music of contrasting styles for aprogram5with a specificpurposeand/orcontextand, after discussion, identifyexpressive qualities6,technical challenges7, and reasons for choices.
Grade 8
MU: Pr4.1.8a Applypersonally-developed criteria8for selecting music of contrasting styles for aprogramwith a specificpurposeand/orcontext, and explainexpressive qualities,technical challenges, and reasons for choices.
Artistic Process:Performing
Process Component: Analyze—Analyzethestructure9andcontextof varied musical works and their implications for performance.
Anchor Standard: Select,analyze, andinterpretartistic work for presentation.
Enduring Understanding:Analyzingcreators'10contextand how they manipulateelements of musicprovides insight into theirintentand informs performance.
Essential Question(s):How does understanding thestructureandcontextof musical works inform performance?
Grade PreK
MU: Pr4.2.PKa With substantialguidance,exploreanddemonstrateawareness of musical contrasts.
Grade K
MU: Pr4.2.Ka Withguidance,exploreanddemonstrateawareness of music contrasts (such as high/low, loud/soft, same/different) in avarietyof music selected forperformance11.
Grade 1
MU: Pr4.2.1a With limitedguidance,demonstrateknowledge of musicconcepts(such asbeatandmelodic contour) in music from avarietyofcultures12selected forperformance.
MU: Pr4.2.1b When analyzing selected music, read andperformrhythmicpatternsusingiconicorstandard notation.
Grade 2
MU: Pr4.2.2aDemonstrateknowledge of musicconcepts(such astonalityandmeter) in music from avarietyofculturesselected forperformance.
MU: Pr4.2.2b When analyzing selected music, read andperform rhythmicandmelodic patternsusingiconicorstandard notation.
Grade 3
MU: Pr4.2.3aDemonstrateunderstanding of thestructurein music selected forperformance.
MU: Pr4.2.3b When analyzing selected music, read andperformrhythmic patternsand melodicphrasesusingiconicandstandard notation.
MU: Pr4.2.3c Describe howcontext(such aspersonalandsocial) can inform aperformance.
Grade 4
MU: Pr4.2.4aDemonstrateunderstanding of thestructureand theelements of music(such asrhythm,pitch13, andform) in music selected forperformance.
MU: Pr4.2.4b When analyzing selected music, read and perform usingiconicand/orstandard notation.
MU: Pr4.2.4c Explain howcontext(such associalandcultural) informs aperformance.
Grade 5
MU: Pr4.2.5aDemonstrateunderstanding of thestructureand theelements of music(such asrhythm,pitch,form, andharmony14) in music selected forperformance.
MU: Pr4.2.5b When analyzing selected music, read andperformusingstandard notation.
MU: Pr4.2.5c Explain howcontext(such associal,cultural, andhistorical) informsperformances.
Grade 6
MU: Pr4.2.6a Explain how understanding thestructureand theelements of musicare used in music selected forperformance.
MU: Pr4.2.6b When analyzing selected music, read and identify by name orfunction15standard symbols forrhythm,pitch,articulation16, anddynamics17.
MU: Pr4.2.6c Identify howculturalandhistorical contextinformperformances.
Grade 7
MU: Pr4.2.7a Explain anddemonstratethestructureof contrastingpieces18of music selected forperformanceand howelements of musicare used.
MU: Pr4.2.7b When analyzing selected music, read and identify by name or function standard symbols forrhythm,pitch,articulation,dynamics,tempo19, andform.
MU: Pr4.2.7c Identify howculturalandhistorical contextinformperformancesand result in different musicinterpretations20.
Grade 8
MU: Pr4.2.8a Compare thestructureof contrasting pieces of music selected forperformance, explaining how theelements of musicare used in each.
MU: Pr4.2.8b When analyzing selected music,sightread21in treble or bass clef simple rhythmic, melodic, and/or harmonic notation.
MU: Pr4.2.8c Identify howculturalandhistorical contextinformperformancesand result in different musical effects.
Artistic Process:Performing
Process Component: Interpret—Develop personal interpretations that considercreators'intent.
Anchor Standard: Select,analyze, andinterpretartistic work for presentation.
Enduring Understanding:Performers make interpretive decisions based on their understanding ofcontextandexpressive intent.
Essential Question(s):How do performersinterpretmusical works?
Grade PreK
MU: Pr4.3.PKa With substantialguidance,exploremusic'sexpressive qualities(such as voice quality,dynamics, andtempo).
Grade K
MU: Pr4.3.Ka Withguidance,demonstrateawareness ofexpressive qualities(such as voice quality,dynamics, andtempo) that support thecreators'expressive intent.
Grade 1
MU: Pr4.3.1aDemonstrateand describe music'sexpressive qualities(such asdynamicsandtempo).
Grade 2
MU: Pr4.3.2aDemonstrateunderstanding ofexpressive qualities(such asdynamicsandtempo) and howcreatorsuse them to conveyexpressive intent.
Grade 3
MU: Pr4.3.3aDemonstrateand describe howintentis conveyed throughexpressive qualities(such asdynamicsandtempo).
Grade 4
MU: Pr4.3.4aDemonstrateand explain howintentis conveyed through interpretive decisions andexpressive qualities(such asdynamics,tempo, andtimbre22).
Grade 5
MU: Pr4.3.5aDemonstrateand explain howintentis conveyed through interpretive decisions andexpressive qualities(such asdynamics,tempo,timbre, andarticulation/style).
Grade 6
MU: Pr4.3.6aPerforma selectedpieceof music demonstrating how theirinterpretationsof theelements of musicandexpressive qualities(such asdynamics,tempo,timbre,articulation/style, andphrasing23) conveyintent.
Grade 7
MU: Pr4.3.7aPerformcontrasting pieces of music demonstrating how theirinterpretationsof theelements of musicandexpressive qualities(such asdynamics,tempo,timbre,articulation/style, andphrasing) conveyintent.
Grade 8
MU: Pr4.3.8aPerformcontrasting pieces of music, demonstrating as well as explaining how the music'sintentis conveyed by theirinterpretationsof theelements of musicandexpressive qualities(such asdynamics,tempo,timbre,articulation/style, andphrasing).
Artistic Process:Performing
Process Component:Rehearse, Evaluate, andRefine—Evaluate andrefinepersonal andensemble24performances, individually or in collaboration with others.
Anchor Standard:Develop andrefineartistic techniques and work for presentation.
Enduring Understanding:To express their musical ideas, musicians analyze, evaluate, and refine their performance over time through openness to new ideas, persistence, and the application of appropriatecriteria.
Essential Question(s):How do musicians improve the quality of their performance?
Grade PreK
MU: Pr5.1.PKa With substantialguidance, practice anddemonstratewhat they like about their ownperformances.
MU: Pr5.1.PKb With substantialguidance, apply personal, peer, and teacher feedback torefine performances.
Grade K
MU: Pr5.1.Ka Withguidance, apply personal, teacher, and peer feedback torefine performances.
MU: Pr5.1.Kb Withguidance, use suggested strategies in rehearsal to improve theexpressive qualitiesof music.
Grade 1
MU: Pr5.1.1a With limitedguidance, apply personal, teacher, and peer feedback torefine performances.
MU: Pr5.1.1b With limitedguidance, use suggested strategies in rehearsal to address interpretive challenges of music.
Grade 2
MU: Pr5.1.2a Applyestablished criteria25to judge the accuracy, expressiveness, and effectiveness ofperformances.
MU: Pr5.1.2b Rehearse, identify,and apply strategies to address interpretive, performance, andtechnical challengesof music.
Grade 3
MU: Pr5.1.3a Applyteacher-providedandcollaborativelydeveloped criteriaand feedback to evaluate accuracy ofensemble performances.
MU: Pr5.1.3b Rehearse torefinetechnical accuracy,expressive qualities, and identified performance challenges.
Grade 4
MU: Pr5.1.4a Applyteacher-providedandcollaborativelydeveloped criteriaand feedback to evaluate accuracy and expressiveness ofensembleand personalperformances.
MU: Pr5.1.4b Rehearse torefinetechnical accuracyandexpressive qualities, and address performance challenges.
Grade 5
MU: Pr5.1.5a Applyteacher-providedandestablished criteriaand feedback to evaluate the accuracy and expressiveness ofensembleand personalperformances.
MU: Pr5.1.5b Rehearse to refinetechnical accuracyandexpressive qualitiesto address challenges, and show improvement over time.
Grade 6
MU: Pr5.1.6a Identify and applyteacher-provided criteria(such as correctinterpretationofnotation,technical accuracy, originality, and interest) to rehearse,refine, and determine when apieceis ready toperform.
Grade 7
MU: Pr5.1.7a Identify and applycollaborativelydeveloped criteria(such as demonstrating correctinterpretationofnotation,technical skillof performer, originality, emotional impact, and interest) to rehearse,refine, and determine when the music is ready toperform.
Grade 8
MU: Pr5.1.8a Identify and applypersonallydeveloped criteria(such as demonstrating correctinterpretationofnotation,technical skillof performer, originality, emotional impact,variety, and interest) to rehearse,refine, and determine when the music is ready toperform.
Artistic Process:Performing
Process Component: Present—Performexpressively, with appropriateinterpretationandtechnical accuracy, and in a manner appropriate to the audience andcontext.
Anchor Standard:Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work.
Enduring Understanding:Musicians judge performance based oncriteriathat vary across time, place, and cultures.Thecontextand how a work is presented influence the audience response.
Essential Question(s):When is a performance judged ready topresent? How docontextand the manner in whichmusical workis presented influence audience response?
Grade PreK
MU: Pr6.1.PKa With substantialguidance,performmusic withexpression26.
Grade K
MU: Pr6.1.Ka Withguidance,performmusic withexpression.
MU: Pr6.1.KbPerformappropriately for the audience.
Grade 1
MU: Pr6.1.1a With limitedguidance,performmusic for a specificpurposewithexpression.
MU: Pr6.1.1bPerformappropriately for the audience andpurpose.
Grade 2
MU: Pr6.1.2aPerformmusic for a specificpurposewithexpressionandtechnical accuracy.
MU: Pr6.1.2bPerformappropriately for the audience andpurpose.
Grade 3
MU: Pr6.1.3aPerformmusic withexpressionandtechnical accuracy.
MU: Pr6.1.3bDemonstrateperformance decorum27andaudience etiquette28appropriate for thecontextandvenue29.
Grade 4
MU: Pr6.1.4aPerformmusic, alone or with others, withexpressionandtechnical accuracy, and appropriateinterpretation.
MU: Pr6.1.4bDemonstrate performance decorumandaudience etiquetteappropriate for thecontext,venue, andgenre30.
Grade 5
MU: Pr6.1.5aPerformmusic, alone or with others, withexpression,technical accuracy, and appropriateinterpretation.
MU: Pr6.1.5bDemonstrate performance decorumandaudience etiquetteappropriate for thecontext,venue,genre, andstyle.
Grade 6
MU: Pr6.1.6aPerformthe music withtechnical accuracyto convey thecreator'sintent.
MU: Pr6.1.6bDemonstrate performance decorum(such asstage presence31, attire, and behavior) andaudience etiquetteappropriate forvenueandpurpose.
Grade 7
MU: Pr6.1.7aPerformthe music withtechnical accuracyandstylistic expression32to convey thecreator'sintent.
MU: Pr6.1.7bDemonstrate performance decorum(such asstage presence, attire, and behavior) andaudience etiquetteappropriate forvenue,purpose, andcontext.
Grade 8
MU: Pr6.1.8aPerformthe music withtechnical accuracy,stylistic expression, andculturally authentic practices33in music to convey thecreator'sintent.
MU: Pr6.1.8bDemonstrate performance decorum(such asstage presence, attire, and behavior) andaudience etiquetteappropriate forvenue,purpose,context, andstyle.
Artistic Process:Responding34
Process Component: Select—Choose music appropriate for a specificpurposeorcontext.
Anchor Standard:Perceive andanalyzeartistic work.
Enduring Understanding:Individuals' selection of musical works is influenced by their interests, experiences, understandings, and purposes.
Essential Question(s):How do individuals choose music to experience?
Grade PreK
MU: Re7.1.PKa With substantialguidance, state personal interests anddemonstratewhy they prefer some music selections over others.
Grade K
MU: Re7.1.Ka Withguidance, list personal interests and experiences anddemonstratewhy they prefer some music selections over others.
Grade 1
MU: Re7.1.1a With limitedguidance, identify anddemonstratehow personal interests and experiences influence musical selection for specificpurposes.
Grade 2
MU: Re7.1.2a Explain anddemonstratehow personal interests and experiences influence musical selection for specificpurposes.
Grade 3
MU: Re7.1.3aDemonstrateand describe how selected music connects to and is influenced by specific interests, experiences, orpurposes.
Grade 4
MU: Re7.1.4aDemonstrateand explain how selected music connects to and is influenced by specific interests, experiences,purposes, orcontexts.
Grade 5
MU: Re7.1.5aDemonstrateand explain, citing evidence, how selected music connects to and is influenced by specific interests, experiences,purposes, orcontexts.
Grade 6
MU: Re7.1.6aSelector choose music to listen to and explain theconnectionsto specific interests or experiences for a specificpurpose.
Grade 7
MU: Re7.1.7aSelector choose contrasting music to listen to and compare theconnectionsto specific interests or experiences for a specificpurpose.
Grade 8
MU: Re7.1.8aSelectprogramsof music (such as a CD mix or live performances) and demonstrate theconnectionsto an interest or experience for a specificpurpose.
Artistic Process:Responding
Process Component: Analyze—Analyzehow thestructureandcontextof varied musical works inform the response.
Anchor Standard:Perceive andanalyzeartistic work.
Enduring Understanding:Response to music is informed by analyzingcontext(social, cultural, and historical) and how creators and performers manipulate theelements of music.
Essential Question(s):How does understanding thestructureandcontextof music inform a response?
Grade PreK
MU: Re7.2.PKa With substantialguidance,exploremusical contrasts in music.
Grade K
MU: Re7.2.Ka Withguidance,demonstratehow a specific musicconcept(such asbeatormelodic direction) is used in music.
Grade 1
MU: Re7.2.1a With limitedguidance,demonstrateand identify how specific musicconcepts(such asbeatorpitch) are used in various styles of music for apurpose.
Grade 2
MU: Re7.2.2a Describe how specific musicconceptsare used to support a specificpurposein music.
Grade 3
MU: Re7.2.3aDemonstrateand describe how a response to music can be informed by thestructure, the use of theelements of music, andcontext(such aspersonalandsocial).
Grade 4
MU: Re7.2.4aDemonstrateand explain how responses to music are informed by thestructure, the use of theelements of music, andcontext(such associalandcultural).
Grade 5
MU: Re7.2.5aDemonstrateand explain, citing evidence, how responses to music are informed by thestructure, the use of theelements of music, andcontext(such associal,cultural, andhistorical).
Grade 6
MU: Re7.2.6a Describe how theelements of musicandexpressive qualitiesrelate to thestructureof the pieces.
MU: Re7.2.6b Identify thecontextof music from a variety ofgenres,cultures, andhistorical periods35.
Grade 7
MU: Re7.2.7a Classify and explain how theelements of musicandexpressive qualitiesrelate to thestructureof contrasting pieces.
MU: Re7.2.7b Identify and compare thecontextof music from a variety ofgenres,cultures, andhistorical periods.
Grade 8
MU: Re7.2.8a Compare how theelements of musicandexpressive qualitiesrelate to thestructurewithinprogramsof music.
MU: Re7.2.8b Identify and compare thecontextofprogramsof music from a variety ofgenres,cultures, andhistorical periods.
Artistic Process:Responding
Process Component: Interpret—Support interpretations of musical works that reflect creators'/performers'expressive intent.
Anchor Standard: Interpret intentand meaning in artistic work.
Enduring Understanding:Through their use of elements and structures of music, creators and performers provide clues to theirexpressive intent.
Essential Question(s):How do we discern the musical creators' and performers'expressive intent?
Grade PreK
MU: Re8.1.PKa With substantialguidance,exploremusic'sexpressive qualities(such asdynamicsandtempo).
Grade K
MU: Re8.1.Ka Withguidance,demonstrateawareness ofexpressive qualities(such asdynamicsandtempo) that reflect creators'/performers'expressive intent.
Grade 1
MU: Re8.1.1a With limitedguidance,demonstrateand identifyexpressive qualities(such asdynamicsandtempo) that reflect creators'/performers'expressive intent.
Grade 2
MU: Re8.1.2aDemonstrateknowledge of musicconceptsand how they support creators'/performers'expressive intent.
Grade 3
MU: Re8.1.3aDemonstrateand describe how theexpressive qualities(such asdynamicsandtempo) are used in performers'interpretationsto reflectexpressive intent.
Grade 4
MU: Re8.1.4aDemonstrateand explain how theexpressive qualities(such asdynamics,tempo, andtimbre) are used in performers' and personalinterpretationsto reflectexpressive intent.
Grade 5
MU: Re8.1.5aDemonstrateand explain how theexpressive qualities(such asdynamics,tempo,timbre, andarticulation) are used in performers' and personalinterpretationsto reflectexpressive intent.
Grade 6
MU: Re8.1.6a Describe a personalinterpretationof how creators' and performers' application of theelements of musicandexpressive qualities, withingenresandculturalandhistorical context, conveyexpressive intent.
Grade 7
MU: Re8.1.7a Describe a personalinterpretationof contrasting works and explain how creators' and performers' application of theelements of musicandexpressive qualities, withingenres,cultures, andhistorical periods, conveyexpressive intent.
Grade 8
MU: Re8.1.8a Support personalinterpretationof contrastingprogramsof music and explain how creators' or performers' apply theelements of musicandexpressive qualities, withingenres,cultures, andhistorical periodsto conveyexpressive intent.
Artistic Process:Responding
Process Component:Evaluate—Support evaluations of musical works and performances based onanalysis36,interpretation, and establishedcriteria.
Anchor Standard:Applycriteriato evaluate artistic work.
Enduring Understanding:The personal evaluation ofmusical work(s) and performance(s) is informed byanalysis,interpretation, and establishedcriteria.
Essential Question(s):How do we judge the quality ofmusical work(s) and performance(s)?
Grade PreK
MU: Re9.1.PKa With substantialguidance, talk about personal and expressive preferences in music.
Grade K
MU: Re9.1.Ka Withguidance, apply personal and expressive preferences in the evaluation of music.
Grade 1
MU: Re9.1.1a With limitedguidance, apply personal and expressive preferences in the evaluation of music for specificpurposes.
Grade 2
MU: Re9.1.2a Apply personal and expressive preferences in the evaluation of music for specificpurposes.
Grade 3
MU: Re9.1.3a Evaluatemusical worksandperformances, applyingestablished criteria, and describe appropriateness to thecontext.
Grade 4
MU: Re9.1.4a Evaluatemusical worksandperformances, applyingestablished criteria, and explain appropriateness to thecontext.
Grade 5
MU: Re9.1.5a Evaluatemusical worksandperformances, applyingestablished criteria, and explain appropriateness to thecontext, citing evidence from theelementsofmusic.
Grade 6
MU: Re9.1.6a Applyteacher-provided criteriato evaluatemusical worksorperformances.
Grade 7
MU: Re9.1.7aSelectfromteacher-provided criteriato evaluatemusical worksorperformances.
Grade 8
MU: Re9.1.8a Apply appropriatepersonally-developed criteriato evaluatemusical worksorperformances.
Artistic Process:Connecting
Process Component:Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make music.
Anchor Standard:Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make art.
Enduring Understanding:Musicians connect their personal interests, experiences, ideas, and knowledge to creating, performing, and responding.
Essential Question(s):How do musicians make meaningful connections to creating, performing, and responding?
Grade PreK
MU: Cn10.0.PKaDemonstratehow interests, knowledge, and skills relate to personal choices andintentwhen creating, performing, and responding to music.(MU: Cr3.2.PKa, MU: Pr4.1.PKa, MU: Pr4.3.PKa)
Grade K
MU: Cn10.0.KaDemonstratehow interests, knowledge, and skills relate to personal choices andintentwhen creating, performing, and responding to music.(MU: Cr3.2.Ka, MU: Pr4.1.Ka, MU: Pr4.3.Ka)
Grade 1
MU: Cn10.0.1aDemonstratehow interests, knowledge, and skills relate to personal choices andintentwhen creating, performing, and responding to music.(MU: Cr2.1.1a, MU: Cr3.2.1a, MU: Pr4.3.1a, MU: Re7.1.1a)
Grade 2
MU: Cn10.0.2aDemonstratehow interests, knowledge, and skills relate to personal choices andintentwhen creating, performing, and responding to music.(MU: Cr2.1.2a, MU: Cr3.2.2a, MU: Pr4.3.2a, MU: Re7.1.2a)
Grade 3
MU: Cn10.0.3aDemonstratehow interests, knowledge, and skills relate to personal choices andintentwhen creating, performing, and responding to music.(MU: Cr2.1.3a, MU: Cr3.2.3a, MU: Pr4.1.3a, MU: Pr4.3.3a, MU: Re7.1.3a)
Grade 4
MU: Cn10.0.4aDemonstratehow interests, knowledge, and skills relate to personal choices andintentwhen creating, performing, and responding to music.(MU: Cr2.1.4a, MU: Cr3.2.4a, MU: Pr4.1.4a, MU: Pr4.3.4a, MU: Re7.1.4a)
Grade 5
MU: Cn10.0.5aDemonstratehow interests, knowledge, and skills relate to personal choices andintentwhen creating, performing, and responding to music.(MU: Cr2.1.5a, MU: Cr3.2.5a, MU: Pr4.1.5a, MU: Pr4.3.5a, MU: Re7.1.5a)
Grade 6
MU: Cn10.0.6aDemonstratehow interests, knowledge, and skills relate to personal choices andintentwhen creating, performing, and responding to music.(MU: Cr2.1.6a, MU: Cr3.2.6a, MU: Pr4.1.6a, MU: Pr4.3.6a, MU: Re7.1.6a)
Grade 7
MU: Cn10.0.7aDemonstratehow interests, knowledge, and skills relate to personal choices andintentwhen creating, performing, and responding to music.(MU: Cr2.1.7a, MU: Cr3.2.7a, MU: Pr4.1.7a, MU: Pr4.3.7a, MU: Re7.1.7a)
Grade 8
MU: Cn10.0.8aDemonstratehow interests, knowledge, and skills relate to personal choices andintentwhen creating, performing, and responding to music.(MU: Cr2.1.8a, MU: Cr3.2.8a, MU: Pr4.1.8a, MU: Pr4.3.8a, MU: Re7.1.8a)
Artistic Process:Connecting
Process Component: Relate musical ideas and works with variedcontextto deepen understanding.
Anchor Standard:Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historicalcontextto deepen understanding.
Enduring Understanding:Understanding connections to varied contexts and daily life enhances musicians' creating, performing, and responding.
Essential Question(s):How do the other arts, other disciplines, contexts, and daily life inform creating, performing, and responding to music?
Grade PreK
MU: Cn11.0.PKaDemonstrateunderstanding of relationships between music and the other arts, other disciplines, varied contexts, and daily life.(MU: Pr4.2.PKa, MU: Re7.2.PKa, MU: Re9.1.PKa)
Grade K
MU: Cn11.0.KaDemonstrateunderstanding of relationships between music and the other arts, other disciplines, varied contexts, and daily life.(MU: Pr4.2.Ka, MU: Re7.2.Ka, MU: Re9.1.Ka)
Grade 1
MU: Cn11.0.1aDemonstrateunderstanding of relationships between music and the other arts, other disciplines, varied contexts, and daily life.(MU: Cr1.1.1a, MU: Pr4.2.1a, MU: Pr6.1.1a, MU: Re7.2.1a, MU: Re9.1.1a)
Grade 2
MU: Cn11.0.2aDemonstrateunderstanding of relationships between music and the other arts, other disciplines, varied contexts, and daily life.(MU: Cr1.1.2a, MU: Pr4.2.2a, MU: Pr6.1.2a, MU: Re7.2.2a, MU: Re9.1.2a)
Grade 3
MU: Cn11.0.3aDemonstrateunderstanding of relationships between music and the other arts, other disciplines, varied contexts, and daily life.(MU: Cr1.1.3a, MU: Pr4.2.3c, MU: Pr6.1.3b, MU: Re7.2.3a, MU: Re9.1.3a)
Grade 4
MU: Cn11.0.4aDemonstrateunderstanding of relationships between music and the other arts, other disciplines, varied contexts, and daily life.(MU: Cr1.1.4a, MU: Pr4.2.4c, MU: Pr6.1.4b, MU: Re7.2.4a, MU: Re9.1.4a)
Grade 5
MU: Cn11.0.5aDemonstrateunderstanding of relationships between music and the other arts, other disciplines, varied contexts, and daily life.(MU: Cr1.1.5a, MU: Pr4.2.5c, MU: Pr6.1.5b, MU: Re7.2.5a, MU: Re9.1.5a)
Grade 6
MU: Cn11.0.6aDemonstrateunderstanding of relationships between music and the other arts, other disciplines, varied contexts, and daily life.(MU: Cr1.1.6a, MU: Pr4.2.6c, MU: Pr6.1.6b, MU: Re7.2.6b, MU: Re9.1.6a)
Grade 7
MU: Cn11.0.7aDemonstrateunderstanding of relationships between music and the other arts, other disciplines, varied contexts, and daily life.(MU: Cr1.1.7a, MU: Pr4.2.7c, MU: Pr6.1.7b, MU: Re7.2.7b, MU: Re9.1.7a)
Grade 8
MU: Cn11.0.8aDemonstrateunderstanding of relationships between music and the other arts, other disciplines, varied contexts, and daily life.(MU: Cr1.1.8a, MU: Pr4.2.8c, MU: Pr6.1.8b, MU: Re7.2.8b, MU: Re9.1.8a)
1 Analyze: examine in detail the structure and context of the music.
2 Repertoire: body or set (set: sequence of songs or pieces performed together by a singer, band, or disc jockey and constituting or forming part of a live show or recording) of musical works that can be performed.
3 Perform: process of realizing artistic ideas and work through interpretation and presentation.
4 Technical accuracy, technical skill: Ability to perform with appropriate timbre, intonation (intonation: singing or playing the correct pitch in tune), and diction as well as to play or sing the correct pitches and rhythms at a tempo appropriate to the musical work.
5 Program: presentation of a sequence of musical works that can be performed by individual musicians or groups in a concert, recital, or other setting.
6 Expressive qualities: qualities such as dynamics, tempo, articulation which—when combined with other elements of music—give a composition its musical identity.
7 Technical challenges: requirements of a particular piece of music that stretch or exceed a performer's current level of proficiency in technical areas such as timbre, intonation, diction, range, or speed of execution.
8 Personally-developed criteria: qualities or traits for assessing achievement level developed by students individually.
9 Structure: totality of a musical work.
10 Creator: one who originates a music composition, arrangement, or improvisation.
11 Performing, performance: experience of engaging in the act of presenting music in a classroom or private or public venue (See also Artistic Process of Performing).
12 Culture: values and beliefs of a particular group of people, from a specific place or time, expressed through characteristics such as tradition, social structure, religion, art, and food.
13 Pitch: identification of a tone or note with respect to highness or lowness (i.e., frequency).
14 Harmony: chordal structure of a music composition in which the simultaneous sounding of pitches produces chords and their successive use produces chord progressions.
15 Function: use for which music is created, performed, or experienced, such as dance, social, recreation, music therapy, video games, and advertising.
16 Articulation: characteristic way in which musical tones are connected, separated, or accented; types of articulation include legato (smooth, connected tones) and staccato (short, detached tones).
17 Dynamics: level or range of loudness of a sound or sounds.
18 Piece: general, non-technical term referring to a composition or musical work.
19 Tempo: rate or speed of the beat in a musical work or performance.
20 Interpretation: intent and meaning that a performer realizes in studying and performing a piece of music.
21 Sight-reading: first attempt to perform a notated musical work.
22 Timbre: tone color or tone quality that distinguishes one sound source, instrument, or voice from another.
23 Phrasing: performance of a musical phrase that uses expressive qualities such as dynamics, tempo, articulation, and timbre to convey a thought, mood, or feeling.
24 Ensemble: group of individuals organized to perform artistic work: traditional, large groups such as bands, orchestras, and choirs; chamber, smaller groups, such as duets, trios, and quartets; emerging, such as guitar, iPad, mariachi, steel drum or pan, and Taiko drumming.
25 Established criteria: traits or dimensions for making quality judgments in music of a particular style, genre, cultural context, or historical period that have gained general acceptance and application over time.
26 Expression: feeling conveyed through music.
27 Performance decorum: aspects of contextually appropriate propriety and proper behavior, conduct, and appearance for a musical performance, such as stage presence, etiquette, and appropriate attire.
28 Audience etiquette: social behavior observed by those attending musical performances and which can vary depending upon the type of music performed.
29 Venue: physical setting in which a musical event takes place.
30 Genre: category of music characterized by a distinctive style, form, and/or content, such as jazz, march, and country.
31 Stage presence: performer's ability to convey music content to a live audience through traits such as personal knowledge of the repertoire, exhibited confidence, decorum, eye contact and facial expression.
32 Stylistic expression: interpretation of expressive qualities in a manner that is authentic and appropriate to the genre, historical period, and cultural context of origin.
33 Culturally authentic performance: presentation that reflects practices and interpretation representative of the style and traditions of a culture.
34 Respond: understand and evaluate how the arts convey meaning.
35 Historical periods: period of years during which music that was created and/or performed shared common characteristics; historians of Western art music typically refer to the following: Medieval (ca.500 — ca.1420), Renaissance (ca.1420 — ca.1600), Baroque (ca.1600 — ca.1750), Classic (ca.1750 — ca.1820), Romantic (ca.1820 — ca.1900), and Contemporary (ca.1900 — ).
36 Analysis: see Analyze.
① 分析(動(dòng)詞):詳細(xì)研究音樂(lè)的結(jié)構(gòu)和背景。
② 曲目:可以表演的音樂(lè)作品的主體或集合(集合:由歌手、樂(lè)隊(duì)或DJ一起表演的一系列歌曲或作品,構(gòu)成現(xiàn)場(chǎng)表演或錄音的一部分)。
③ 表演(動(dòng)詞):通過(guò)解讀和呈現(xiàn)實(shí)現(xiàn)藝術(shù)想法和作品的過(guò)程。
④ 技術(shù)準(zhǔn)確性、技術(shù)技能:以恰當(dāng)?shù)囊羯?、音?zhǔn)(音準(zhǔn):演唱或演奏正確的音高音調(diào))和發(fā)音進(jìn)行表演,并以適合音樂(lè)作品的速度演奏或演唱正確音高和節(jié)奏的能力。
⑤ 節(jié)目:音樂(lè)家個(gè)人或團(tuán)體在音樂(lè)會(huì)、獨(dú)奏會(huì)或其他場(chǎng)合演出的一系列音樂(lè)作品。
⑥ 表現(xiàn)特征:力度、節(jié)奏、運(yùn)音法等品質(zhì);與其他音樂(lè)元素相結(jié)合,賦予作曲作品音樂(lè)身份。
⑦ 技術(shù)挑戰(zhàn):某特定音樂(lè)作品對(duì)表演者超過(guò)其技術(shù)領(lǐng)域(如音色、音準(zhǔn)、發(fā)音、音域或執(zhí)行速度)目前熟練程度的要求。
⑧ 個(gè)人制定的標(biāo)準(zhǔn):學(xué)生個(gè)人制定的評(píng)估成績(jī)水平的品質(zhì)或特征。
⑨ 結(jié)構(gòu):一個(gè)音樂(lè)作品的整體。
⑩ 創(chuàng)作者:創(chuàng)作音樂(lè)作品、改編或即興的人。
【翻譯說(shuō)明】 此《標(biāo)準(zhǔn)》中,Grade PreK譯為“早教”;Grade K譯為“幼兒園”;Grade 1-Grade 5分別譯為“一年級(jí)”至“五年級(jí)”;Grade 6-Grade 8分別譯為“初中一年級(jí)”至“初中三年級(jí)”。