




      2019-01-13 11:17:18

      An Analysis of the Distribution and Function of Linguistic Processes in the Intertextuality of American Newspaper Reports on China’s 9.3 Parade

      XIN Bin

      Abstract:It’s necessary to make a distinction between types of writing and literary genres,the former includes narrative writing,expository writing,descriptive writing,argumentative writing,various utility texts,etc.,while the latter poetry,novel,drama,essay,etc.Intertextuality refers to the co-occurrence or mixture of features of different genres from either classification.This paper attempts to make a critical discourse analysis of the distribution and function of the linguistic processes in the intertextuality of American newspaper reports on China’s 9.3 Parade,and shows that the reporters deployed and exploited different linguistic processes and intertextual resources express a rather negative,if not hostile,attitude towards the parade and the rapid development of China in general.

      Key words:American reports;generic intertextuality;linguistic processes;9.3 parade

      The Construction of Confucius Institute and Chinese Culture from the British and American Medias:A Critical Discourse Analysis of News Reports in The Guardian and The New York Times

      JIAO Jun-feng&LIU Mei-lan

      Abstract:News discourses represent social power relations and ideology.Based on attitude of the appraisal and critical discourse analysis,as well as the news reports fromThe GuardianandThe New York Times,this paper studies the possible stereotype of Confucius Institute and Chinese culture,and the underlying ideological motivation.It shows thatThe Guardianconstructs and justifies Confucius Institute as an organization for Chinese cultural transmission overseas,whileThe New York Timesregards Confucius Institute as a propaganda tool to deviate from the reality.The critical discourse analysis of these reports will possibly break the stereotype of,thus reinforce the confidence in Chinese culture.

      Key words:news discourse;Confucius Institute;power relations;stereotype

      An Analysis of Reported Speech in the Chinese and American English News on Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

      Lü Yi-zhe

      Abstract:This paper chooses 20 Chinese and American news reports concerning the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank(AIIB)at the same periods since 2014 in ten stages in the history of AIIB.Through synchronic and diachronic,qualitative and quantitative analyses from the aspects of reporting modes,reporting verbs and news sources,the paper finds out that news reports,the seemingly objective and impartial tool to spread information,are in fact ideology-loaded.Therefore,the readers should improve their critical sensibility and awareness.

      Key words:AIIB;news discourse;reported speech;intertextuality

      Discursive Construction of Gansu Image in China Daily

      ZHANG Ya-ping&REN Yu-xin

      Abstract:Based on the news reports on Gansu image inChina Dailyfrom May 1,2015 to May 31,2018,this paper investigates the construction of Gansu image from the theme,mode and inclination of discourse.The theme includes culture,economy,eco-environment,politics and people’s livelihood to reveal different aspects of Gansu image,and people’s livelihood is mostly reported.Multimodal discourse of text and picture is mostly used inChina Dailyto construct Gansu image.The inclination of discourse is positive,negative and neutral.The positive image of Gansu is mainly constructed in the reports on culture,economy,eco-environment and politics,and the reports on people’s livelihood tend to be neutral.The study may be helpful for the active construction of regional image and city image in the global context.

      Key words:news reports;discursive construction;Gansu image

      On the Thinking Paradigm of Non-subject Discourse Translation in The Analects

      BAO Tong-fa&ZHANG Shen-shen

      Abstract:The viewpoints inThe Analects,the precious and original scripture of Chinese culture,has already soaked into such social events as Chinese personality cultivation,political and religious system,social customs,mental habit,behavior and conduct,etc.This paper,based on the isomorphism theory of Wilhelm von Humboldt’s philosophy of language and Sapir-Wolf Hypothesis,considers the subjectless sentences inThe Analectsdemonstrate how our ancient minds understand the world events and their life values.Therefore,the translation involves not only linguistic form,but also their world views and philosophical schema of life.Based on the translations of subjectless sentences ofThe Analectsin four versions of Liu Dianjue,James Legge,Gu Hongming and Arthur Waley,the paper analyses the relevance and difference between linguistic form and thinking schema to help target readers grasp the thinking paradigm and spiritual charm in value judgment ofThe Analects.

      Key words:Confucianism; thinking schema; subjectless sentence; translation method;spirit of Chinese scripture

      The Translation of Chinese Literary Classic Works and Dissemination of Cultural Soft Power

      ZHOU Xiao-mei

      Abstract:The translation and internationalization of Chinese classic works,a narration of Chinese stories,is of great significance for shaping our national image,transmitting values and showcasing cultural soft power.In light of the theory of soft power,this paper tries to analyse western readers’ different understanding of Chinese cultural soft power,so as to explore the main challenges from the overseas introduction of Chinese classic works.In order to strengthen our cultural soft power,we should pay close attention to the transmission of Chinese cultural symbols to promote western readers’ emotional resonance and value identification for our cultural elements and spirit at a deeper level.

      Key words:literary classic works;translation;cultural symbols;cultural soft power

      A Bourdieusian Approach on Red Pine’s Zen Poetry Translation

      QIN Si&CHEN Lin

      Abstract:Red Pine is one of the most renowned translators of classical Chinese poetry in the United States.Most of his translated works are Zen poems.This paper intends to analyse the historical and cultural context of Red Pine’s Zen poetry translation practice in light of Pierre Bourdieu’s reflective sociology,and suggests that the translation practice of Red Pine is deeply influenced by his habitus of being a long-time Zen practitioner.His cultural and social capital contributes to the establishment of his status in the field of Zen poetry translation in America and thus to the further construction of the field.

      Key words:Zen poetry;Red Pine;Pierre Bourdieu;habitus;field;capital

      On the Basic Definition of French Semiotic Theory

      DUAN Hui-min

      Abstract:French semiotics has played a foundational role in the development of semiotic theory.French semioticians and semiotic schools have played an important role in promoting the development of world semiotics.In recent years,the research on French semiotic theory has developed vigorously,but the understandings of some basic questions of French semiotic theory remain divergent.The complexity of semiotics theory,the wide range of fields involved and the multitude of viewpoints bring some difficulties to the research.This paper analyses the distinction betweensémiologieandsémiotique,the evolution and comparison of different definitions of semiotics to make clear the basic framework of theoretical definition of French semiotics.

      Key words:French semiotics;semiotic theory;signification

      A Socio-cognitive Pragmatic Account of Sequences Constructed for Resolving Misunderstanding

      PENG Jing

      Abstract:This paper explores the sequences constructed for resolving misunderstanding from the perspective of socio-cognitive approach to pragmatics.Based on the conversation analysis of mandarin daily interaction,it probes into the sequences constructed for resolving misunderstanding in a mismatch of common ground.With the aim of mechanism for the sequences constructed for resolving misunderstanding,it finds that co-constructing emergent common ground is the socio-cognitive contextual factor,and collective situational salience the motivating factor for the sequences constructed for resolving misunderstanding.The study offers implications and directions for investigating misunderstanding from the perspective of socio-cognitive approach to pragmatics.

      Key words:socio-cognitive approach to pragmatics; sequences constructed for resolving misunderstanding; co-constructing speaker meaning; co-constructing collective situational salience

      A Corpus-based Study of Manner Salience in Metaphorical Motion Events

      DENG Yu

      Abstract:Lexicalization typology of mandarin literal motion events has been explored extensively,however,few studies analyse lexicalization patterns of metaphorical motion events.This paper investigates the salience of manner in mandarin metaphorical motion events based on corpus data.The results indicate that mandarin Chinese is a high-manner-salient language.Both type frequency and token frequency of manner verbs are significantly higher than other motion verbs.There are alternative manner expressions in mandarin to elaborate the manner information,such as adverbials,adjectives,verb complement,repetition,etc.The results support Talmy’s claim that mandarin Chinese is a strong satellite-framed language,and the prediction that as the discrete units of linguistic system,manner is more universal than path at the level of linguistic representation.

      Key words:metaphorical motion event; manner salience; lexicalization; satellite-framed language;corpus

      A Corpus-based Empirical Analysis of Retrospection of Text Category

      CHEN Hong

      Abstract:Interdisciplinary research is an important direction in the development of modern linguistics.Complying with the multiple development trend,this paper,based on the small self-built Russian corpus and generalized linear regression model of statistics of Russian linguists Galiperin,uses STATA software to analyse the influence factors of the frequency distribution of retrospection.The results show that functional style has a significant positive influence on the frequency distribution of retrospection in text and prospection in 1% level is the significant positive influence factor for the frequency distribution of retrospection.There is a significant positive influence from the number of words on the frequency distribution of retrospection.The significant total influence factors for the frequency distribution of retrospection may not be its significant influence factors for specific types.Significant factors for each type of retrospection may be same and may be different.

      Key words:retrospection;corpus;empirical analysis

      文苑(2020年7期)2020-08-12 09:36:22
      財經(jīng)(2016年19期)2016-08-11 08:17:03
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