林秀 鄭蓮欽 石秀紅
[摘要] 目的 分析研究引起胎兒畸形的相關環(huán)境因素,對孕期遺傳咨詢提供參考意見,以提高人口素質水平。方法 研究對象方便選取該院2017年10月—2018年12月間確診為胎兒發(fā)育異常的120例孕婦和同期正常妊娠的120名孕婦,分別記為觀察組和對照組。兩組患者在院期間予相同孕期飲食、適當運動及營養(yǎng)素補充,以問卷調查形式對兩組孕婦的生活習慣及環(huán)境因素進行統(tǒng)計分析,比較所觀察危險因素與胎兒畸形的發(fā)生在兩組孕婦之間有無差異。結果 觀察組孕婦的文化程度為高中/中專及以上的占37.50%,明顯低于對照組80.00%(χ2=14.160,P=0.000);觀察組孕前半年即孕3個月內接觸新房、車和家具等人數(shù)均多于對照組(χ2=31.510,P=0.000);觀察組孕婦抽煙、酗酒者占8.33%,明顯高于對照組0.83%(χ2=31.510,P=0.000);觀察組孕婦丈夫抽煙、酗酒者占48.33%,明顯高于對照組25.00%(χ2=32.110,P=0.000);觀察組孕婦長期接觸寵物者占22.50%,明顯高于對照組11.67%(χ2=6.970,P=0.000);觀察組長期接觸電子產品者占53.33%,明顯高于對照組17.50%(χ2=19.600,P=0.000);觀察組常用重金屬含量超標的化妝品者占25.83%,明顯高于對照組4.17%(χ2=14.810,P=0.000);觀察組有機會吸入空氣中殘余農藥者占14.17%,高于對照組10.00%(χ2=14.620,P=0.000);觀察組頻繁燙發(fā)、染發(fā)者占80.00%,明顯高于對照組27.50%(χ2=40.820,P=0.000);觀察組常用空氣清新劑、殺毒劑者占26.67%,高于對照組14.17%(χ2=24.420,P=0.000);觀察組增補葉酸者占21.67%,明顯低于對照組53.33%(χ2=24.340,P=0.000)。 結論 胎兒出現(xiàn)畸形的高危環(huán)境因素主要包括孕婦周圍環(huán)境、不良生活習慣、接觸化學因素三大方面。在備孕階段的夫婦和處于孕期的孕婦應盡量規(guī)避上述高危因素、積極補充葉酸、孕前咨詢、定期孕檢,加強孕期保健,向孕婦普及產檢的重要性,以避免或減少胎兒畸形的出現(xiàn),降低畸形兒的出生率,從而提高生育質量及孕齡婦女的身心健康。
[關鍵詞] 胎兒畸形;環(huán)境因素;葉酸
[中圖分類號] R5? ? ? ? ? [文獻標識碼] A? ? ? ? ? [文章編號] 1674-0742(2019)12(a)-0104-04
[Abstract] Objective Analyze and study the relevant environmental factors that cause fetal malformation, and provide reference for genetic counseling during pregnancy to improve the quality of the population. Methods A total of 120 pregnant women diagnosed with abnormal fetal development and 120 pregnant women with normal pregnancy during the period from October 2017 to December 2018 in the hospital were convenienty selected as observation group and control group. The two groups of patients were given the same pregnancy diet, appropriate exercise and nutrient supplement during the hospital. The living habits and environmental factors of the two groups of pregnant women were statistically analyzed by questionnaire. The observed risk factors and fetal malformations occurred in the two groups of pregnant women, to observe whether there is any difference between them. Results The education level of the pregnant women in the observation group was 37.50% of the high school/secondary school and above, which was significantly lower than that of the control group 80.00% (χ2=14.160, P=0.000); the observation group was exposed to new houses, cars and the first half of pregnancy during the first half of pregnancy. The number of furniture and other people was higher than that of the control group (χ2=31.510,P=0.000); the pregnant women in the observation group smoked and alcoholics accounted for 8.33%, which was significantly higher than the control group 0.83%(χ2=31.510, P=0.000); Smoking and alcohol abuse accounted for 48.33%, which was significantly higher than 25.00% of the control group(χ2=32.110, P=0.000). The pregnant women in the observation group accounted for 22.50% of the long-term exposure to pets, which was significantly higher than the control group of 11.67% (χ2=6.970, P=0.000); 53.33% of the observation group's long-term exposure to electronic products, significantly higher than the control group 17.50% (χ2=19.600, P=0.000); the observation group used the heavy metal content exceeding the standard of cosmetics accounted for 25.83%, significantly higher than the control group 4.17 %(χ2=14.810,P=0.000); the observation group had the opportunity to inhale the residual pesticide in the air accounted for 14.17%, which was higher than the control group 10.00%(χ2=14.620, P=0.000); the observation group frequent perm and dyed hair accounted for 80.00%, significantly higher than the control group 27.50%(χ2=40.820, P=0.000); the observation group used air fresheners, anti-virus agents accounted for 26.67%, higher than the pair According to the control group 14.17%(χ2=24.420, P=0.000); the folic acid supplementation in the observation group accounted for 21.67%, which was significantly lower than the control group 53.33%(χ2=24.340, P=0.000). Conclusion The high-risk environmental factors of fetal malformation mainly include three aspects: the surrounding environment of pregnant women, bad living habits and chemical factors of exposure. Couples in the pregnancy stage and pregnant women in pregnancy should try to avoid the above-mentioned high-risk factors, actively supplement folic acid, pre-pregnancy counseling, regular pregnancy check, strengthen pregnancy care, and popularize the importance of birth check-up to pregnant women to avoid or reduce the occurrence of fetal malformation and reduce The birth rate of deformed children, thereby improving the quality of birth and the physical and mental health of women of gestational age.
[Key words] Fetal malformation; Environmental factors; Folic acid
1? 資料與方法
1.1? 一般資料
1.2? 方法
1.3? 統(tǒng)計方法
以SPSS 20.0統(tǒng)計學軟件統(tǒng)計分析研究數(shù)據(jù),計量資料用均數(shù)±標準差(x±s)表示,行t檢驗,計數(shù)資料用[n(%)]表示,行χ2檢驗,P<0.05為差異有統(tǒng)計學意義。
2? 結果
3? 討論
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