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The article in Time on Jan 14th 2019, Why You Should Be Happy About China's Historic Moon Landing that A top-down system that exerts complete control of all aspects of the economy and society can pretty much will its great works into existence.America’s political dysfunction has long since hamstrung NASA too, with every president since Ronald Reagan making a sharp turn from his predecessor’s policies.
The article with the title saying Arms Sales to Saudis Leave American Fingerprints on Yemen’s Carnage in Washingtonpost on Jan 3rd, 2019,mentioned that American fingerprints are all over the air war in Yemen, where errant strikes by the Saudi-led coalition have killed over 4,600 civilians.For American officials, the stalled war has become a strategic and moral quagmire.It has raised questions about complicity in possible war crimes.And the civilian toll has posed a troubling dilemma: how to support Saudi allies while keeping the war’s excesses at arm’s length.