張京京1, 2,閆澍旺1,練繼建1,郎瑞卿3
(1. 天津大學水利工程仿真與安全國家重點實驗室,天津 300072;2. 中鐵十八局集團有限公司,天津 300350;3. 天津城建大學土木工程學院,天津 300384)
吸附力是一種常見的作用于海洋工程結構物上的外部作用,其作用機理較復雜,是海洋巖土工程學科的重要組成部分.在風和浪等荷載的作用下,位于飽和黏土中的基礎結構物處于上拔狀態(tài),對應的地基土進入卸荷狀態(tài),此時土體內(nèi)產(chǎn)生負孔隙水壓力,該力是吸附力的重要組成部分.負孔壓在不同結構物和工程中有多種用途:在吸力錨、吸力樁等結構物中,負孔壓可以用于抵抗外荷載;而在樁靴移動、打撈沉船等工程中,負孔壓則是需要克服的不利因素. 因此,對負孔壓的預測和計算具有重要的工程價值.
圖1? 模型試驗裝置
圖2 ?桶形基礎模型(單位:m)
圖3? 高嶺土含水率及容量
圖4? 有限元計算模型
表1? 計算參數(shù)
Tab.1? Calculation parameters
圖5? 上拔力計算結果
圖7? 數(shù)值模擬孔壓值與實測結果對比
圖8 ?高嶺土中模型試驗速率歸一化
(1) 采用修正劍橋模型對高嶺土地基中桶形基礎上拔試驗進行分析,數(shù)值計算得到的負孔壓小于實測值.該現(xiàn)象產(chǎn)生的原因為:修正劍橋模型在較低速率的常規(guī)三軸試驗中得到,該速率遠低于模型試驗條件,而卸荷速率越快,負孔隙水應力越大,修正劍橋模型低估了速率對孔壓的影響.
(2) 修正劍橋模型能夠揭示負孔隙水應力的產(chǎn)生機理,但較適用于計算低速卸荷條件下孔壓值.對于高嶺土,該低速卸荷條件的界限值為70,而對于較高速率的卸荷問題則參考模型試驗結果進行預測更為合理.
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Analysis on Predicting Negative Pore Stress Using Modified Cambridge Model
Zhang Jingjing1, 2,Yan Shuwang1,Lian Jijian1,Lang Ruiqing3
(1. State Key Laboratory of Hydraulic Engineering Simulation and Safety,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072,China;2. China Railway 18 Bureau Group Co.,LTD,Tianjin 300350,China;3. School of Civil Engineering,Tianjin Chengjian University,Tianjin 300384,China)
The negative pore pressure is an important component of the pullout force in the uplifting project of offshore engineering structures,such as a caisson or a jackup spudcan. It has great scientific significance and engineering value to carry out relevant research. The modified Cambridge model not only can explain the mechanism of negative pore water stress reasonably but also can calculate the development of pore water stress during the triaxial unloading process. Based on the pull model tests of bucket foundation in kaolin soil,variations of the total pullout force and excess pore pressure with time were studied. Combined with the numerical simulation,the modified Cambridge model was used to calculate the influence of unloading on the negative pore water stress. Moreover,the distribution of negative pore pressure during the uplifting process was analyzed. The uplift capacities of kaolin soil affected by the uplift rate were summarized,and the normalization rate was proposed to analyze the test and numerical calculation results. Furthermore,the applicable conditions of the modified Cambridge model was evaluated and quantified. The research showed that the negative pore water pressure mainly appeared at the lower part and the internal soil during the initial stage of uplifting,whereas the corresponding maximum displacement occurred at the bottom of the bucket skirt. When the upward displacement was large,the maximum negative pore pressure was observed in the soil inside the bucket. The area of the negative pore pressure increased gradually with increasing uplift displacement. The soil outside the bucket produced horizontal displacement into the bucket. The calculated value of the negative pore pressure using the modified Cambridge model is less than the test value. The modified Cambridge model was obtained from triaxial test with a low rate,much smaller than that of the model tests. Therefore,the influence of unloading rate on the negative pore water stress was underestimated. The applicable condition for calculating the negative pore pressure of the modified Cambridge model is a normalized rate of less than 70.
modified Cambridge model;negative pore stress;applicable condition;unloading
the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.41372291),the Tianjin Science and Technology Project (No.15ZCZDF00220),the Tianjin Key Research Program of Application Foundation and Advanced Technology (No.15JCYBJC48800).