




      2019-07-22 04:38楊秋玉阮江軍黃道春莊志堅
      電機與控制學報 2019年6期

      楊秋玉 阮江軍 黃道春 莊志堅

      摘 要關鍵詞:高壓斷路器;觸頭超程;振動信號;經驗模態(tài)分解; Hilbert邊際譜能量


      中圖分類號文獻標志碼:A 文章編號:1007 -449X(2019)06 -0000 -00

      Abstract:This paper presents a new method for identifying the state of electrical contacts overtravel in highvoltage circuit breaker (HVCB) using vibration signature. The vibration signal generated during the process of HVCB opening/closing operation contains the information of electrical contacts overtravel, which can be extracted by appropriate feature extraction method. The vibration signals of different overtravels are obtained by experimental investigation. The empirical mode decomposition (EMD) is used to decompose the vibration signal, and the marginal spectral energy of the decomposed intrinsic mode function (IMF) is calculated as the feature for identifying overtravel state. Furthermore, the variation rule between the feature and the overtravel is analyzed in detail. The experimental results show that the proposed method can effectively extract the overtravel state information from HVCBs vibration signal, which can realize the accurate identification of the overtravels state. This method provides a feasible approach for online monitoring and diagnosis of HVCBs electrical contact overtravel.

      Keywords:highvoltage circuit breaker; overtravel of electrical contact; vibration signal; empirical mode decomposition; Hilbert marginal spectrum energy

      0 引 言





      4 結 論






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