



      How to Empower1 Your Friends to Be Their Best Self 如何讓你的朋友做最好的自己

      2019-12-06 06:33

      Feeling empowered can be an amazing thing. Its what makes us feel positive and confident that we can achieve anything we set our mind to. Empowerment breeds self-respect and respect for others. The tricky part is how we become empowered. Sometimes its a life-changing event that gives us the push, or sometimes its having other people believe in us. Whichever the case may be, we encourage you to be that person who motivates, inspires, and believes in your friends. Be the confidant2 who is trustworthy, honest, and wants the best for them. Here are a few ways you can empower your friends to lift them up!


      Give your time and attention

      Theres no better way to show someone you care about them than giving your time and attention. Whether its a professional issue with their boss or personal issues with their partner, having an open ear is crucial. Hear them out, validate their concerns, weigh out their options, and above all, express confidence in their decision making. By genuinely3 giving your time and attention as well as focusing on whats best for them, youll make your friends feel appreciated.



      Make sure your advice is unbiased4

      It can be hard to be supportive during times when your friends desires dont match yours. For instance, when our best friend wants to move away to pursue one of their dreams, it can be hard to encourage them to do so because we want them to stay, but we cant be the ones who hold them back. When they ask you whether or not they should do something that may affect you, look at the situation from an outside perspective. Is this something that is healthy for your friend and will make them happy? Are they scared because it would mean a big change? Be unbiased, supportive, and give your advice on whats best for your friends, not whats best for you.



      Tell them how you feel about them

      In life, we often hold back saying what we think and feel about people. But to truly empower your friends, you need to tell them how they make you feel. Tell them when you miss them or that theyre amazing friends. Do it often, and especially on off days and not just when its expected, like on their birthday. Because the truth is, everyone wants to know how they make others feel and how they impact their lives. Its empowering to be honest and its empowering to know you matter to others.



      Celebrate their wins and losses

      Celebrate them anyways. Maybe they finally found their passion or got a unique opportunity at work—be enthusiastic and excited when they tell you about it. This will encourage them to keep working on their goals and be proud of themselves when they accomplish them.



      Your friend who recently got cheated on or who lost their dream job may not see it as a time for celebrating, but its your job to show them the positives. The person who cheated on them was never meant to be their soulmate5, and when the door closes on a job it just means a better opportunity is right around the corner. Itll take time for them to realize they didnt lose as much as they thought they did, but with your help, they will soon start thinking positive and become empowered by their losses as well.


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