(1西北農(nóng)林科技大學農(nóng)學院/旱區(qū)作物逆境生物學國家重點實驗室/國家小麥改良中心楊陵分中心,陜西楊凌 712100;2中國富硒產(chǎn)業(yè)研究院/ 農(nóng)業(yè)部富硒產(chǎn)品開發(fā)與質(zhì)量控制重點實驗室/富硒食品開發(fā)國家地方聯(lián)合工程實驗室/安康市富硒產(chǎn)品研發(fā)中心,陜西安康 725000;3河南省農(nóng)業(yè)科學院小麥研究中心,鄭州 450002;4四川省農(nóng)業(yè)科學院作物研究所,成都 610066)
以品冬34為母本和BARRAN為父本配置雜交組合,采用單籽粒傳遞方法,構建高代重組自交系。品冬34具有矮桿、千粒重高、籽粒大等特點,是由中國農(nóng)業(yè)科學院作物品種資源研究所選育。BARRAN是引進國外小粒種質(zhì)、粒小、千粒重較低。親本間以穗部性狀為代表的田間農(nóng)藝性狀表型差異較大。2007年得到F0代,2009—2016年用7年的時間,直到2016年得到F7:8重組自交系(共476份衍生的家系)。在3個地點(陜西楊凌、河南原陽和四川廣漢)、4個環(huán)境(即2016SY(環(huán)境E1)、2017SY(環(huán)境E2)、2017HY(環(huán)境E3)、2017SG(環(huán)境E4))種植,設置2個年度重復,即2015—2016年和2016—2017年。環(huán)境E1、環(huán)境E2為陜西楊凌西北農(nóng)林科技大學干旱半干旱地區(qū)節(jié)水農(nóng)業(yè)實驗農(nóng)場(34°17′30″N,108°3′53″E)。環(huán)境E3為河南省農(nóng)業(yè)科學院現(xiàn)代農(nóng)業(yè)示范試驗基地,地點在新鄉(xiāng)原陽縣(35°0′27″N,113°4′42″E),環(huán)境E4為四川省農(nóng)業(yè)科學院在德陽廣漢(31°0′29″N,104°23′43″E)的育種試驗基地。田間常規(guī)管理,每個生長季節(jié)在10月份播種,并在6月初收獲,每個環(huán)境采用隨機區(qū)組設計,2次重復,行長2 m,行距24 cm,株距10 cm,每行播種20粒。
穗部性狀調(diào)查和測定參考李立會的方法[25],每個品系調(diào)查10株,如穗長(spike length,SL):主穗基部小穗節(jié)至穗頂端(不含芒)的長度;主穗小穗數(shù)(spikelets of main ear,SME):主穗小穗數(shù)總數(shù)包括不育小穗數(shù),另計每穗有效(結實)小穗數(shù);主穗粒數(shù)(grains of main ear,GME):全穗粒數(shù)或單穗實際粒數(shù)或單株每穗平均結實粒數(shù);小穗最多粒數(shù)(grains of small ear,GSE):穗中部最多粒數(shù)的小穗。
利用SPSS Statistics 17.0軟件(SPSS,Chicago,IL,USA)進行表型數(shù)據(jù)、偏度及峰度系數(shù)估計值基本統(tǒng)計。RIL群體中各基因位點為純合,其遺傳方差等于加性方差,廣義遺傳力等于狹義遺傳力,公式為:B2=a/(a+e)(a為加性方差,e為環(huán)境方差)。根據(jù)Choo等[26]提出的基因間互作方式分析原理,由各性狀偏度系數(shù)(1)、峰度系數(shù)(2)的正負號及其相對大小可以估計基因的上位性互作及其互作方式。利用R語言包繪制小麥重組自交系穗部性狀的頻率分布直方圖;利用章元明教授團隊最新開發(fā)的R軟件包SEA[27-28]進行主基因+多基因混合遺傳分析。其遺傳模型原理是根據(jù)蓋鈞鎰等[6]和ZHANG等[29]提出的植物數(shù)量性狀“主基因+多基因混合遺傳模型中P1、P2和RIL群體的聯(lián)合世代分析方法”,獲得7類38個遺傳模型,進一步計算極大似然函數(shù)值(maximum likelihood method,MLV)并轉換為AIC(Akaike’s information criterion,AIC)值;選出最小或接近最小AIC值的備選遺傳模型[30],進行樣本分布與模型理論分布的適合性檢驗,包括均勻性檢驗(12、22、32)、Smirnov檢驗(w2)和Kolmogorov檢驗(D)。根據(jù)適合性檢驗的結果及AIC值最小原則選出最優(yōu)遺傳模型[31]。通過SEA軟件包中最小二乘法原理計算出最優(yōu)遺傳模型的遺傳效應等一階遺傳參數(shù)[32]、遺傳方差和遺傳率等二階遺傳參數(shù)[6,29],其中2p、2mg和2pg分別是群體表型方差、主基因和多基因遺傳方差;2mg和2pg分別是主基因和多基因遺傳率。
表1 重組自交系及其親本穗部性狀最佳線性無偏預測描述性分析
SL: Spike length; SME: Spikelets of main ear; GME: Grains of main ear; GSE: Grains of small ear. *: difference at the 0.05 probability level; **: significant difference at the 0.01 level. The same as below
對備選模型進行一組適合性檢驗見表3,包括均勻性檢驗、Smirnov檢驗和Kolmogorov檢驗的5個統(tǒng)計量12、22、32、W2和D,選擇具有最小AIC值和統(tǒng)計顯著性水平個數(shù)最少的模型作為最優(yōu)模型(表3)。由表3可知,穗長和小穗數(shù)的最佳遺傳模型均B-2-1(PG-AI)模型,即2對連鎖主基因+加性-上位多基因遺傳模型。2對主基因連鎖,具有明顯的上位性作用,表示2對增效主基因在一起時,穗長有較大幅度的提高。表1中穗長最大的株系長于最長親本5 cm,推測是2對增效主基因的聚合體。依次類推,G-1(MX3-AI-A)是穗粒數(shù)的最佳遺傳模型,即3對加性-上位性主基因+加性多基因混合遺傳模型。小穗粒數(shù)的最佳遺傳模型是H-1(4MG-AI)模型,即4對主基因+加性上位性遺傳模型。
SL: Spike length; SME: Spikelets of main ear; GME: Grains of main ear; GSE: Grains of small ear
圖1 RIL群體產(chǎn)量相關性狀的次數(shù)(柱形)、理論(實線)與成分(虛線)分布
Fig. 1 Frequent (column), mixed (solid line, theoretical) and component (dotted line) distributions for wheat panicle-related traits in RILs
表2 小麥重組自交系品冬34×Barran F8、F9群體穗部性狀最佳遺傳模型分離分析的極大似然函數(shù)MLV值和Akaike信息準則AIC值
表續(xù)表2 Continued table 2
a:A模型表示1對主基因,無多基因遺傳模型;B模型表示2對主基因,無多基因遺傳模型;D模型表示1對主基因+多基因混合遺傳模型;E模型表示2對主基因+多基因混合遺傳模型;F模型表示3對主基因,無多基因遺傳模型;G模型表示3對主基因+多基因混合遺傳模型;H模型表示4對主基因+多基因遺傳模型。b:MG:主基因模型;PG:多基因遺傳模型;MX:主基因+多基因混合模型;A:加性效應;D:顯性效應;I:互作;N:負向;E:相等;AI:加性上位性效應;EA:等加性;ED:顯性上位;ER:隱性上位;AE:累加作用;CE:互補作用;DE:重疊作用;IE:抑制作用;CEA:全等加性;PEA:部分等加性;EEA:2個主基因等加性;EEEA:3個主基因等加性。例如: E-1模型MX2-ADI-AD,表示2對加性-顯性-上位性主基因+加性-顯性多基因混合遺傳模型。MX3-CEA-A則表示3對等加性主基因+加性多基因混合遺傳模型;粗體表示備選模型的AIC值(具有最低的2個AIC值)。下同
a: A: one major gene without polygene; B: two major genes without polygene; D: one major gene plus polygene mixed model; E: two major genes plus polygene mixed model; F: three major genes without polygene; G: three major genes plus polygene mixed model; H: four major genes plus polygene mixed model.b: MG: major gene model; PG: polygene model; MX: mixed major gene and polygene model; A: additive effect; D: dominance effect; I: interaction; N: negative; E: equal; AI: additive+epistasis effect; EA: equal additive effect; ED: epistasis dominance; ER: epistasis recessively; AE: accumulative effect; CE: complementary effect; DE: duplicate effect; IE: inhibition effect; CEA: congruent equal additive; PEA: partial equal additive; EEA: 2 major genes with equal additive effect; EEEA: 3 major genes with equal additive effect. Model E-1=MX2-ADI-AD, means mixed model with two major genes of additive-dominance-epistasis effects plus additive-dominance polygene. MX3-CEA-A: 3 major-genes with congruent equal additive effects plus polygenes mixed model. Bond latter are AIC for the selected optimal models. The same as below
表3 重組自交系群體(品冬34×Barran)穗部相關性狀的最佳遺傳模型適合性檢驗
12,22,32are the statistic of Uniformity test, the numbers in brackets are the distribution values in theory;2is the statistic of Smirnov test;Dis the statistic of Kolmogorov test1; P1, P2: Parents; RILs: Recombinant inbred lines. SL: Spike length; SME: Spikelets of main ear; GME: Grains of main ear; GSE: Grains of small ear
表4 品冬34×Barran群體產(chǎn)量相關性狀的部分模型的遺傳參數(shù)
m: The mean value of P1generation; d: main gene effect value; da: Addictive effect of the first pair major gene; db: Addictive effect of the second pair major gene; dc: Addictive effect of the third pair major gene; dd: Addictive effect of the fourth pair major gene; iab(i*): Addictive effect plus addictive effect of the 1stpair major genes×the 2ndpair major gene; iac: Additive effect plus additive effect of the 1stpair major gene × the third pair major gene; iad: Additive effect plus additive effect of the 1stpair major gene × the fourth pair major gene; ibc: Additive effect plus additive effect of the 2ndpair major gene × the third pair major gene; ibd: Additive effect plus additive effect of the 2ndpair major gene × the fourth pair major gene: icd: Additive effect plus additive effect of the third pair major gene × the fourth pair major gene; iabc: Additive effect plus additive effect of the 1stpair major gene × the 2ndpair major gene × the third pair major gene; [d]: the additive effects of polygenes; σ2e: environmental variance;2p: phenotypic variance;2pg: polygene variance;2mg: major gene variance;2e: environmental variance;2mg(%): heritability of major gene;2pg(%): heritability of polygene-Var;“—”in the cells mean the value is absent
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Genetic analysis of panicle related traits in wheat with major gene plus polygenes mixed model
XIE SongFeng1,2, Ji WanQuan1, WANG ChangYou1, Hu WeiGuo3, Li Jun4, ZHANG YaoYuan1, SHI XiaoXi1, ZHANG JunJie1, ZHANG Hong1, Chen ChunHuan1
(1College of Agronomy, Northwest A&F University/State Key Laboratory of Crop Stress Biology in Arid Areas/Yangling Sub-centre, National Wheat Improvement Centre, Yangling 712100, Shaanxi;2Key Laboratory of Se-enriched Food Development, Ankang R&D Center for Se-enriched Prducts, Ankang 725000, Shaanxi;3Wheat Research Centre, Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Zhengzhou 450002;4Crop Research Institute, Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Chengdu 610066)
【Objective】Panicle traits are important yield traits of wheat, occupying an important position and role in wheat yield composition. Carrying out genetic research on wheat panicle traits and analyzing its genetic mechanism provide theoretical and practical guidance for formulating high-yield breeding strategies and improving breeding efficiency. 【Method】Based on the length of the main stem, the number of spikelets, the number of grains per spike, and the number of spikelets, the main gene + polygene mixed genetic model of quantitative traits was used to obtain the parental product 34 and the male parent under different ecological conditions. BARRAN and its derived F7:8, F8:9generation recombinant inbred line population (RIL) were used for genetic model analysis and genetic parameter estimation of panicle traits to determine the number of genes controlling various traits, and to estimate genetic effect values and heritability.【Result】The best genetic model for panicle length and spikelet number were B-2-1 (PG-AI), which was consistent with two pairs of linked major genes + additive-epistasis polygene genetic model. The polygenic heritability of spike length was 90.64%, the polygenic heritability of spikelet number was 89.52%, the average of environmental variation of spike length accounted for 9.39% in phenotypic variation, and the average of environmental variation of spikelet number accounted for 10.50% in phenotypic variation; Major gene heritability was 69.39%, Polygenes heritability rate was 29.94%, and the average environmental variation accounted for 2.18% in phenotypic variation. Additive effect value of the first pair of main genes controlling the number of spikes and the additive effect value of the third pair of major genes are equal, and the same was 4.56, which has a positive effect. The additive effect value of the second pair of major genes was the same as the additive effect of the first pair of major genes × the second pair of major genes × the third pair of major genes, both of which were -1.44, and are negative effects. The additive and additive × additive epistasis interaction values were equal to the additive and the second pair of major gene additions × the third pair of major gene additive epistatic interactions, both of which were -6.02. Additive and the first pair of major gene additive × the third pair of main gene additive epistatic interaction effect value is 0.18, the multi-gene additive effect value is 0.15, showing a lower positive genetic effect; H-1(4MG-AI) was best-fitting genetic model for the spikelet number traits, which showed that their inheritance was controlled by incorporating four major genes additive-epistasis genetic model. The heritability of the main gene was 81.50%. The additive effect values of the main genes in the first to fourth pairs were 0.22, 0.18, -0.20, and 0.24, respectively, the additive and epistatic interactions of the first pair of major genes × the first pair of major genes were -0.170, the additive effect value of the additive and the first pair of major genes × the third pair of major genes was 0.240. the additive effect value of the additive and the first pair of major genes × the fourth pair of major genes was -0.200, additive and the second pair of major genes × the third pair of major genes × additive effect value and additive and the second pair of major gene additive × fourth pair of major gene additive epistatic interaction value absolute value, the effect in contrast, the former value was 0.030, and the latter value was -0.030. The additive effect value of the additive and the third pair of major genes × the fourth pair of major genes was 0.060.【Conclusion】The panicle traits of wheat are mainly polygenic genetic effects, which are in line with quantitative genetic characteristics and are susceptible to environmental influences. The number of spikelet grains has the genetic characteristics of the main gene. The main gene has high heritability and is affected by the environment. The number of spikelets can be used as a direct indicator to effectively improve the early selection of panicle traits, achieving single plant directional selection and improving breeding efficiency.
wheat; panicle traits; major gene + polygene; genetic effect
(責任編輯 李莉)