Joanna C.Lee
Joan: First of all, congratulations to the Guangzhou Opera House for putting on Marco Polo in June and opening its doors to the audience. It marked the first Chinese opera production in the post-COVID era. Alas, American opera houses are lagging far behind.
Valery: But Madrids Teatro Real was the first in Europe to welcome the audience. Between July 1 and 29, Verdis La Traviata appears on stage for a total of 27 performances.
Joan: The Teatro Real has devised some ingenious ways to follow strict health protection measures mandated by the government. Yet they also understand the publics pent-up demand for culture, which is why they increased their planned run from 19 performances to 27 within the 29-day period. First of all, two conductors share the workload, with a large rotation of leading singers throughout the run: 5 sopranos playing Violetta, 4 tenors playing Alfredo and 4 baritones playing Germont.
Valery: What about the orchestra? How can they maintain distance in the pit?
Joan: The opera house extended the size of the pit to its maximum (140 square meters, normally reserved for massive Wagner or Strauss orchestras).With only 56 musicians required for Traviata, each person is assigned a music stand and everyone sits at a minimum distance of 1.5 meters from each other. Plexiglass dividers are also used in the wind section. Even the on-stage band has ample space.
Valery: What about the chorus and the main characters? You mean our lovers never touch?
Joan: Always remember, artists are creative! Director Leo Castaldi conceived a semi-staged production that keeps everyone safe, yet preserves some of the drama, especially with effective lighting design. The stage floor and even the walls are marked with square grids measuring 2 by 2 meters, partly to ensure that everyone stays in place, but also to add color and texture as the story unfolds. Youre right that the soloists dont touch, but that only further accentuates the latent anguish in this sad love story. Director Castaldi even refers to the grids as symbols of psychological “imprisonment.”
Valery: What about the audience? I have heard that Europe was very strict regarding keeping people apart.
Joan: As in many Asian concert halls, seating capacity in Madrids Teatro Real is now restricted to 50 percent. Hopefully, the situation will improve, and gradually the percentage will increase.