



      Spotting a liar through body language通過肢體語言識破謊言

      2020-10-09 08:53:44河南固始縣高級中學
      瘋狂英語·新悅讀 2020年9期

      河南固始縣高級中學 湯 潤




      1. pathological /?p?θ??l?d??kl/ adj. 無法控制的;病態(tài)的;不理智的

      2. instinct /??nst??kt/ n. 直覺;本能;天性

      3. stance /stɑ?ns/ n. 站立姿勢

      4. twitch /tw?t∫/ n. 抽動;抽搐

      5. fidget /?f?d??t/ v. 坐立不安

      6. itch /?t∫/ v. 發(fā)癢

      According to some researchers at the Harvard Business School, body language should be read through a scientific and unemotional eye.Whether in business or romance, some people use body language to convey false messages and to take in others. A person's body language will very often betray that a person is lying. It can be very useful to learn a few tips about how to read body language lies.

      Keep a close watch on the eyes. It is very difficult for a liar to look at you straight in the eye. At the same time, pathological liars and those practiced in the art of lying may hold your eyes for longer than a few seconds to make you feel uncomfortable and unable to rely on your instincts.

      Watch the hands of the person who speaks.While keeping the hands held behind the back may be thought of as a power stance, it is more likely to mean the person is hiding something. Truthful people use open palms,while liars usually will keep their palms hidden in the pockets or turned over.

      Consider how the person touches his face.Taekwondo instructors at TKD Tutor report that people will often cover their mouths when they are lying. They will place the thumb on their cheeks and spread two or more fingers across their mouths in an effort to “cover up” their lies. They may institute a fake cough to cover up the signal.

      Be on guard around people who touch their faces in any form. Rubbing the nose often indicates the person is a skilled liar and is merely diverting his hand from his mouth on purpose. A person who rubs his eyes often is trying to avoid eye contact while lying.

      Pay attention to nervous gestures that could give away a liar. No matter how accomplished liars are, they often develop twitches in their feet or legs. They may fidget with their clothing by straightening their pants' leg. Slouching(沒精打采地站), shrugging and other gestures that are abnormal for the person can also be signs of a lie.

      Take notice of excessive scratching. When a liar feels trapped, it stimulates their fight or flight instinct and the body directs blood flow away from their skin tissue. As a result, a person's face and hands will begin to itch. Liars will often scratch their nose, eyes, ears, and their hands, providing clues of their deception.

      Reading Check

      Decide if each statement can be the sign of a liar with a T(true) or an F(false) according to the text.

      ( )1. Someone stares at you longer than a few seconds.

      ( )2. Someone tends to talk with his palms wide open.

      ( )3. Someone places the thumb on his cheeks and spreads two or more fingers across his mouth.

      ( )4. Someone talks with his feet trembling occasionally.

      ( )5. Someone frequently scratches when talking to others.

      Language Study

      Sentence for writing

      While keeping the hands held behind the back may be thought of as a power stance, it is more likely to mean the person is hiding something.

      【信息提取】it be likely to... 意為“有可能……”。


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