摘要 研究廣西涉農高校產業(yè)服務隊開展鄉(xiāng)村產業(yè)幫扶情況,有助于更好地發(fā)揮涉農高?,F代農業(yè)科技和人才支撐作用。運用文獻分析法、訪談法,就廣西大學、廣西農業(yè)職業(yè)技術學院、廣西職業(yè)技術學院、廣西生態(tài)工程職業(yè)技術學院4所涉農高校產業(yè)服務隊助推鄉(xiāng)村產業(yè)發(fā)展的實踐,提出優(yōu)化人員構成,加強人員培訓以及團隊之間的合作交流,提升團隊科技服務能力;以校對接縣(市、區(qū))政府、企業(yè)和鄉(xiāng)村產業(yè)示范基地,強化校地、校企合作等措施,進一步改進服務成效,推動鄉(xiāng)村產業(yè)高質量發(fā)展,帶動一方百姓富裕。
關鍵詞 產業(yè)服務隊;產業(yè)幫扶;涉農高校;廣西
中圖分類號 F 323.8? 文獻標識碼 A? 文章編號 0517-6611(2021)19-0250-03
The Exploration of the Industrial Service Teams of Agriculture-related Universities in Guangxi to Build Rural Areas with Thriving Businesses
(Guangxi Agricultural Vocational College, Nanning, Guangxi 530007)
Abstract Research on the rural industry support of Guangxi agriculture-related university industrial service teams will help to better play the supporting role of modern agricultural science and technology and talents in agriculture-related universities. We use the methods of literature analysis and interview base on Guangxi University, Guangxi Agricultural Vocational College,Guangxi Vocational and Technical College,Guangxi Eco-Engineering Vocational and Technical Colleges practice of supporting rural industries, proposing measures such as optimize the team members, further education and training, exchanges and cooperation to enhance the teams ability of scientific and technological service,connect schools with county, enterprise and rural industry demonstration base, strengthen cooperation between schools and local governments,schools and enterprises to further improve service effectiveness, so as to promote the quality development of rural industry, improve the livelihoods and well-being of rural residents.
Key words Industrial service teams;Support rural industries;Agriculture-related universities;Guangxi
基金項目 2019年度廣西高校中青年教師科研基礎能力提升項目(2019KY1412)。
作者簡介 張珍(1980—),女,廣西北海人,副教授,碩士,從事思想政治教育研究。
收稿日期 2021-02-05;修回日期 2021-03-11
1 廣西涉農高校產業(yè)服務隊的歷史緣由與發(fā)展現狀
1.1 廣西涉農高校產業(yè)服務隊的歷史緣由