




      2021-11-26 01:30:47

      ReviewandProspectoftheResearchonInner-PartySupervisionoftheCommunistPartyofChinaintheNewEra/GUO Zhao(School of Marxism, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710129, China)

      Abstract: The inner-party supervision of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in the New Era is mainly focused on the theoretical connotation, value implication, innovative experience, institutional norms, guiding ideology, and problem management. Among them, the institutional norms and Xi Jinping’s important expositions on inner-party supervision are the new highlights of the research on inner-party supervision at this stage. In the New Era, CPC’s inner-party supervision research shows a good research trend of diversified research topics, continuously broadening research horizons, and gradually strengthening theoretical originality. At the same time, there are still some deficiencies, such as the basic theoretical research needs to be deepened, the connection between theory and practice needs to be strengthened, the level of systematization of research needs to be improved, and the cross-disciplinary vision needs to be extended. The subsequent deepening of the CPC’s inner-party supervision research needs to further consolidate basic theoretical research, strengthen the problem orientation, enrich the research perspective, and build a distinctive discourse system, so as to better serve the practice and innovation of the CPC’s inner-party supervision in the New Era.

      Keywords: the New Era; inner-party supervision of the CPC; status evaluation; future prospects

      GenerativeLogicofXiJinping’sImportantExpositiononPeacefulDevelopment/ZHENG Jinpeng(School of Marxism, Shandong University, Jinan 250100, China)

      Abstract: Xi Jinping’s important exposition on peaceful development is an important part of Xi Jinping’s diplomatic thoughts. Considering the generative logic of Xi Jinping’s important exposition on peaceful development, we can make a theoretical analysis from four dimensions: theory, history, reality and value. Xi Jinping’s important exposition on peaceful development stems from a firm belief in Marx’s theory of “peace”, from the inheritance of the history of Chinese civilization and the centennial struggle of CPC, from the scientific grasp of the profound changes and adjustments of the current international and domestic situations, and from the goal guidance of meeting the aspirations of people all over the world for a better life. Systematically sorting out the generative logic of Xi Jinping’s important exposition on peaceful development is of great practical significance for us to correctly understand the development and changes of the world situation, build a stable international and domestic environment, achieve peaceful development and strong rise, and promote the sustainable development and prosperity of mankind in a new world.

      Keywords: peaceful development; the generative logic; community of common destiny for mankind; global governance

      ThePresenceLogicandValueImplicationofMarx’sWealthThoughtintheEraofDigitalCapitalism/YAN Song(Institute of Marxism, Nankai University, Tianjin 300350,China)

      Abstract: Wealth thought is an important content of Marxist philosophy. Its core theme includes three levels including the origin of wealth, the essence of wealth and the distribution of wealth. In the era of digital capitalism, the theoretical logic of Marx’s wealth thought is still present, which is manifested in the connection of “value creation logic” with wealth origin thought, “subject absence logic” with wealth essence thought, and labor alienation logic with wealth distribution thought. Returning to reality, Marx’s wealth thought has three value implications: writing the value of data wealth, leading the value of Internet freedom and regulating the value of digital capital.

      Keywords: digital capitalism; Marx; wealth thought; presence; value

      ConstructionofNetworkModeofIdeologicalandPoliticalEducationinCollegesandUniversitiestoDealwithMajorCrisisEvents/WANG Guopeng(School of Marxism, Jilin University,Changchun 130012,China)

      Abstract: In response to the COVID-19 crisis, college ideological and political education has opened up the possibility of constructing a networked model of ideological and political education in the network environment. Ideological and political education in colleges and universities should follow the basic concepts of controlling the value of ideological and political education, enhancing the awareness of participating in the ideological and political education network, and expanding the function of rational construction of the value of ideological and political education. The platform improves the information feedback mechanism of ideological and political education, uses typical practical cases to enrich the content of online ideological and political education, uses big data technology to improve the management efficiency of online ideological and political education, and develops technical ability training to promote the construction of online ideological and political education teams. The effectiveness and accuracy of political education in dealing with major crises have enabled ideological and political education to be adapted to the situation, to advance with the times, and to be updated in response to the situation.

      Keywords: ideological and political education; major crisis; network mode; subject consciousness; value rationality

      DeepfakeandPoliticalPublicOpinionVariationfromthePerspectiveofArtificialIntelligence/ZHANG Aijun,et al(School of Journalism and Communication, Northwest University of Political Science and Law, Xi ’an 710063, China)

      Abstract: Deepfake is the act of altering and falsifying information with the help of intelligent technology. Political public opinion refers to the common opinions or general social opinions formed around political issues, including class, regime, ideology, political party, national governance, social management and so on. Deepfake in the age of artificial intelligence has been expanded in political, economic and social dimensions. Deepfake opens up new forms of machine generation and compound generation of political public opinion. Machine generation includes machine unit generation, multi-machine co-generation and man-machine co-generation, and compound generation includes vertical generation, horizontal generation and three-dimensional generation. Deepfake adds new contents to political opinion, such as fabrication, confusion between true and false, and imbalance between memory and forgetting. Deepfake leads to the complication of political public opinion, which is manifested in the emotional discourse appeal of the subject of political public opinion, the discourse mobilization in the form of political public opinion and the discourse confusion in the content of political public opinion. To regulate deepfake requires deep countermeasure. The value path of deep countermeasure is the input of intelligent ethical value, the practice path is the construction of deep countermeasure platform, and the idea path is the establishment of intelligent fetching thinking. Deepfake makes political public opinion appear a new turn and complexity in form and content. It is necessary to guard against the suppression and manipulation of deepfake on political public opinion, and establish the value path, practice path and idea path of deep countermeasures.

      Keywords: Artificial Intelligence;deepfake;political opinion;machine generation;compound generation

      ValueConflictandItsSolutionintheAgeofIntelligence/YANG Xiaoli,et al(School of Philosophy and Government,Shanxi Normal University,Xi’an 710119,China)

      Abstract: Value conflicts in the age of intelligence can be divided into conflicts between different values of the same value subject and value conflicts between different value subjects. The former value conflicts are mainly manifested between freedom and network norms, between freedom from extensive use of intelligent tools and freedom of alienation dominated by combination of capital logic and technology logic, between virtual survival value and realistic survival value, and between the continuous expansion of the value of artificial intelligence and the risk of human value being replaced. The latter value conflicts mainly lie between Leakage and protection of personal privacy information and national security information, between “universal value of algorithm” and multi value, and between justice and partiality. There are two ways to resolve conflicts between different values of the same value subject: scientific value evaluation based on dialectical thinking and keeping both conflict sides tension and balance. The way of defusing value conflicts between different value subjects is reaching consensus on values according to the characteristics of value conflicts in the information age.

      Keywords: age of intelligence; value conflict; path of solution

      TheImpactofIntelligentizationonChina’sEconomicGrowth/LIU Jun,et al(School of Management Science and Engineering & Institute of Free Trade Zone, Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, Nanjing 210044, China)

      Abstract: Using China’s provincial panel data from 2010 to 2016, this paper empirically studies the impact of intelligence on China’s economic growth and its mechanism. The study found that intelligence has a significant and steady positive impact on China’s economic growth, and intelligence has a greater role in promoting the economic growth in the eastern region. After dealing with the endogenous problem of the model, the promotion effect of intelligence on economic growth is still significant. The mechanism test shows that improving production efficiency and technological innovation capabilities are two important ways of intelligently promoting economic growth. Based on the above conclusions, relevant policy recommendations are put forward. The research and development and application of smart technologies should be further accelerated to improve the level of intelligence. And we should give full play to its role in promoting economic growth, and take differentiated smart development paths for different regions.

      Keywords: intelligentization; economic growth; regional differences; mechanism test

      DevelopmentModeandPathofOpenBankingintheDigitalEconomyEra:AComparativeStudybetweenChinaandtheUnitedKingdom/GUO Yineng,et al(College of Engineering Management, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093,China)

      Abstract: Born in the United Kingdom, the open banking has been widespread concern by the domestic industry and regulators, while the comparative study of its development mode between the domestic and foreign market is insufficient and the summary of valuable experiences in overseas mature market is not enough. With the support of regulators, the British open banking has reached the level of data sharing, unlocking the intrinsic value of massive financial data. Although the open banking in China has found its unique development mode of ‘going out’ and ‘bringing in’ driven by the markets, it has not realized the level of data sharing. The direct cause is the lack of related open banking rules and specification standards. The regulators should take a proactive regulatory attitude, accelerating the establishment of rules and standards of the open banking system. Commercial banks should place the strategy of the open banking at the height of the enterprise and improve the ability of data governance and information security management. Technology companies should actively embrace regulatory change and become an important supplement to the channel and value chain of commercial banks.

      Keywords: open banking; Big Data; data sharing; digital economy; financial technology

      OntheBasicParadigm,ConstraintsandInnovationPathofUrbanandRuralSmartGovernanceSystemConstruction/YANG Rongjun(School of Marxism, East China University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai 201620, China)

      Abstract: At present, the technicality, complexity, instantaneity and risk of social development and changes, as well as people’s diversified and personalized demand for public services, objectively promote the practice and exploration of urban and rural intelligent governance in China. Among them, Shanghai is an outstanding example for the local government to explore the urban and rural intelligent governance, especially its practice of “one network to run” and “one network to manage”. Therefore, the aim of the theoretical exploration of the practice of “one network to run” and “one network to manage” in Shanghai is to clarify the connotation, value, and basic paradigm of intelligent governance. In detail, the experience and practice of “one network to run” and “one network to manage” in Shanghai can be summed up in three intelligent governance paradigms: full time and space, wide area, and multiple elements. However, in terms of the basic paradigm of building intelligent governance system at the grassroots level in urban and rural areas nationwide, we need to pay special attention to and focus on solving the practical constraints of digital transformation, information security, digital divide and development imbalance, and actively seek innovative ways to resolve them.

      Keywords: urban and rural intelligent governance;full time and space governance;wide area governance;multiple elements governance;digital divide;information security

      TheProductionMechanismof“CommunityResilience”andtheGoalConstructionRoutesof“ResilientCommunity”IntervenedbySocialWork:AnEmpiricalResearchonMajorPublicEmergencyEvents/XU Xuanguo, et al (School of Social and Public Administration, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, China)

      Abstract: Forty years of reform and opening up has shaped the community-centered social governance order at the grass-roots level, and nurtured a deep sense of community resilience. However, this resilience will fail or be absent in the face of major public emergency events. Therefore, it is necessary to activate community resilience through specific mechanisms to enhance the effectiveness of community governance. Based on multiple cases of social work participating in epidemic prevention and control in 10 urban communities in Shanghai, China, and from the perspective of social capital theory, this paper constructs a practical mechanism for professional social work to activate community resilience and multiple paths to promote the construction of resilient communities from three dimensions of resilience subject, resilience model and resilience goal. The paper found that social work forces participate in the practice of the community epidemic prevention and control, and promote the activation and production of “community resilience” by means of multiple linkage of community resilience subjects, expanding the scope of trust, promoting resource integration, reconstructing social relations and other resilience action mechanisms. At the same time, the activation of community resilience improves the psychological resilience, organizational resilience and cultural resilience in community epidemic prevention and control, shaping a picture of “resilient communities”. This will help community respond to sudden public crises more effectively and improve the effectiveness of community governance.

      Keywords: major public emergency events; community resilience; resilient community; Chinese social work

      TheInfluenceof“theBeltandRoad”InitiativeonChina’sRegionalIncomeInequality/YU Jinping, et al(Business School, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China)

      Abstract: The Belt and Road initiative is regarded as a quasi-natural experiment in this paper,and the difference-in-differences model is used to investigate the impact on the inter-county income gap brought by the Belt and Road initiative.By using the panel-data of china’s 31 provinces from 2013 to 2019, we find that the Belt and Road initiative narrowed the income gap effectively within the province. The reason for the effect is that the initiative has significantly promoted foreign direct investment and outward direct investment. We also find that the initiative narrowed the income gap among the provinces.

      Keywords: “the Belt and Road” initiative; income inequality; regional economy

      AnEvolutionaryAnalysisofManufacturerEncroachmentonaClosed-LoopSupplyChainConsideringRetailerFairnessConcern/HU Yufei,et al(School of Economics and Management, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China)

      Abstract: Under closed-loop supply chain encroachments, manufacturers often compensate retailers by lowering the wholesale price. When considering retailer fairness concern and the consequent anti-encroachment behavior, manufacturers are forced to further reduce the wholesale price, yet it changes the demand structure between channels. Then, how does retailer fairness concern affect manufacturer’s encroachment strategy? This paper examines the impact of retailer’s fairness concern on the closed-loop supply chain encroachment effects and outcomes, and the dynamic evolution of manufacturer’s encroachment strategy in repeated games. We propose four static scenarios: fairness neutral scenarios with and without encroachment, and retailer fairness concern scenarios with and without encroachment, based on which an evolutionary game model is established. The results show that in the static and fairness neutral setting, manufacturer encroachment results in retailer losses in most cases. In the static and retailer fairness concern setting, both supply chain members could benefit from the encroachment under lower online channel acceptance level. Retailer fairness concern promotes the “win-win” encroachment to some extent, but is always harmful to the manufacturer. Therefore, the coordination of fairness concern on static encroachment profit distribution is not satisfactory, and the encroachment strategy and coordination remain to be further discussed under dynamic conditions. In the dynamic and retailer fairness concern setting, the manufacturer achieves a “win-win” encroachment when considering the retailer’s benefit from fairness concern.

      Keywords: closed-loop supply chain; manufacturer encroachment; retailer fairness concern; evolutionary game theory

      ResearchontheDecision-MakingofPrecautionaryEffortInvestmentunderCross-RiskAversion/DU Jingnan, et al(Business school, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China)

      Abstract: Against the background of the country’s battle against major financial risks, this paper deals with the problem of preventive investment under multiple risks in bivariate utility setting. We identify preference conditions to insure positive or negative effect of a background variable uncertainty on preventive investment in the presence of other risks. We allow for the simultaneous presence of wealth and background variable uncertainties. We investigate the joint effect of two-source uncertainties on preventive investment when two risks are either small or positive quadrant dependent. Our work extends the previous model of preventive investment to bivariate utility framework, and shows that the decision-makers with cross-risk aversion shall make more preventive investment to avoid cross-risk when the cross-risk or its correlation is increasing. This paper presents new insights into the issue of preventive investment of decision-makers with cross-risk preference under correlated risks, and provides basic theoretical support for improving the financial risk prevention, early warning, handling, and accountability systems, and maintaining the bottom line of preventing systemic financial risks.

      Keywords: effort investment; risk correlation;risk aversion;cross-prudence; decision-making under uncertainty

      兴和县| 宜川县| 邢台市| 乌恰县| 兴宁市| 河西区| 太白县| 隆安县| 沅江市| 阳谷县| 北票市| 庄河市| 静宁县| 中江县| 马龙县| 西城区| 阳城县| 英超| 敖汉旗| 施甸县| 吉木乃县| 凉城县| 温宿县| 大丰市| 佛学| 铜鼓县| 禄劝| 渝北区| 谷城县| 醴陵市| 麟游县| 临桂县| 昌江| 且末县| 武宣县| 谢通门县| 连州市| 姜堰市| 沙雅县| 腾冲县| 黔西县|