Adam may not be the best- known foreigners living in Jinan, but he must be one of them who speak such good Chinese. Speaking fluent Mandarin, Adam makes us forget he’s from another country.
Born in Palestine, Adam has lived in Jinan for more than 10 years. When talking about why lived in Jinan for over 10 years, he told a story, "When I first came to Jinan, I couldn’t speak Chinese and my English was not good either. I could only say ’Shandong University’, but I didn’t know Shandong University had multiple campuses in Jinan, and the taxi driver had no idea where I want to go." Adam believed that drivers might charge by time or even say no to him if in other countries or cities. But the driver didn’t refuse, and took Adam for nearly an hour to look for the destination. Finally, the driver learned from his friends which campus foreign students went to and took Adam there safely. "I decided to stay in Jinan after that." Adam said.
Adam has graduated with a bachelor degree of International Economics and Trade at Shandong University, and is getting his master degree of International Business at Shandong Normal University. When Covid-19 pandemic was rampant in 2020, he found students around him lacking masks, then he bought 3000 masks at his own expense from his friend who produced masks and donated them to schools in Jinan.
Adam says Jinan has sufficient magnetism to keep him from leaving it. With the exuberance of his talent and ambition, he has been vibrant in attracting personnel and promoting i n t e r n a t i o n a l e x c h a n g e a n d cooperation for Jinan. He thought that the development of Jinan’s construction as well as economy is rapid over the past decade, "I hope to stay here forever," he added.