One day, Zi Qin asked his master Mo Zi, “Master, is there any goodtalking too much?”
Mo Zi answered, “1)Toads and frogs 2)croak and flies buzz day andnight until they are 3)parched and dry in the mouth, yet nobody listensto them. But a 4)rooster in a chicken coop crows only a few times atdawn, and everyone knows that when it crows, daylight is coming andthe whole world will be awakened.”
Mo Zi thought for a while, and then answered, “If one talks toomuch, what good is there?”
Therefore, there is no use talking too much. What is important isto suit the words to theoccasion, and say thingswhich hit the nail on thehead.
1) toad n. 癩蛤蟆
2) croak v. 呱呱地叫
3) parched adj. 干渴的
4) rooster n. 公雞;雄雞
Fill in the blanks:
When a rooster crows, is coming and the whole world will beawakened.
Know More
Mo Zi, also named Micius (Mo-tzu), with his original name Mo Di, was born ina poverty-stricken family. To make a living, he even worked as a craftsman.
Mo Zi founded the Mohism, which advocates the rich to share wealth with thepoor, the strong to help the weak and the sages to educate the other people. Thethoughts and sayings of Mo Zi as well as his disciples were all collected in theMozi. It is an important reference to study the great thinker along with the Mohismphilosophy.