




      2024-12-20 00:00:00斯博耶夫·亞歷山大·尼古拉耶維奇馮光曾韻
      孔子學院 2024年5期


      Throughout the journey of Chinese teachingand learning, many beautiful and touching storieshave emerged, in which young people from diversebackgrounds meet, grow close, fall in love, and starttheir happy families.


      The Confucius Institute at Far Eastern FederalUniversity, established in December 2006, hasbeen acknowledged many times as “Russia’s BestConfucius Institute”; its exceptional Chineselanguage teaching, modern curriculum, andcomprehensive training courses have attracted anever-growing number of students to learn Chinese.


      Alexander studied at Far Eastern FederalUniversity from 2007 to 2013, majoring inTranslation Studies with a focus on Chinese. Duringhis fourth year, he met Daria while competing in the“Chinese Bridge” Chinese proficiency competitions,achieving outstanding results several times. Theirmutual passion for the Chinese language andculture, coupled with their shared experiences invarious competitions, brought them closer, leadingto their happy marriage on July 12th, 2014. Aftergraduating in 2013, Alexander began working asa teaching assistant in the Chinese Studies Sectionat Far Eastern Federal University, where he waspromoted to Associate Professor in 2018. Duringthis period, he made many visits to China foracademic exchanges, gradually becoming a “Chinaaficionado.” Meanwhile, Daria continued her studiesat the Confucius Institute, later becoming a Chineseteacher in the university’s Sinology Department. AsHead of the Chinese Studies Section at the Instituteof Oriental Studies, Alexander has whole-heartedlysupported Chinese language education, encouragingstudent participation in activities and competitions,and often serving as a judge in various contests.


      Today, Alexander and Daria’s children are alsolearning Chinese, which gives the couple both ajoyful sense of accomplishment and some minorannoyances. What was once a means for the coupleto discreetly discuss “grown-up topics” in front of thechildren is no longer effective, because the children’sChinese proficiency has improved. Nevertheless,strong Chinese language skills will undoubtedly bean asset for their future career development.


      Our next story highlights the way in whichconnections are formed through Chinese teaching.In 2011, Feng Guang and Zeng Yun were bothpursuing a Master’s degree in Teaching Chineseto Speakers of Other Languages at Beijing ForeignStudies University. By 2012, they were volunteerteachers at Confucius Institutes in different countries,having little contact. After returning to China in2013, Feng Guang began teaching Chinese at theCollege of International Education at Beijing JiaotongUniversity, focusing on preparatory courses forstudents from Mongolia and other “Belt and Road”countries. These students had limited Chineselanguage proficiency and some of them evenstruggled to keep pace with the course, but theyrequired to pass the HSK Level 4 examination withinfour months. Under the circumstance of the tighttimeline and the demanding tasks, Feng reconnectedwith Zeng, who offered valuable support; they subsequentlybecame colleagues, learning from each otherat work. They went on to teach at the ConfuciusInstitute at E?tv?s Loránd University in Hungary.Over the years, their relationship evolved fromclassmates to colleagues and eventually to lifelongpartners, with their roles evolving from volunteerteachers to professional language educators.


      In 2018, with the support and presence of theirmentors, friends, and students, Feng Guang andZeng Yun had a simple wedding in Budapest. Duringthe ceremony, their students played a celebrationvideo they had created, highlighting the couple’sshared experiences in teaching and participating invarious activities, which added special significanceto the occasion. In 2019, Feng Guang and Zeng Yuncompleted their term and left Hungary; by 2023, theywent abroad together again, this time teaching at theConfucius Institute at the University of Rome.


      The stories of how Alexander and Daria, aswell as Feng and Zeng, crossed paths, deepenedtheir bonds, and ultimately fell in love are merelyglimpses into the rich tapestry of lives that havebeen intertwined through the Chinese language.Chinese teaching and learning, enabled by ConfuciusInstitutes around the world, acts as a bridge whichcultivates profound connections, enabling peoplearound the world to acquire knowledge, forge friendships,and establish sustained relationships throughtheir shared journeys.

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