




      2024-12-20 00:00:00班超
      孔子學(xué)院 2024年5期

      2012 年5 月,布隆迪大學(xué)孔子學(xué)院正式成立,由中國渤海大學(xué)與布隆迪共和國布隆迪大學(xué)合辦,為班超和其他布隆迪青年打開了一扇通往中國語言、文化的大門。

      The Confucius Inst itute at theUniversity of Burundi was founded in May2012, jointly operated by China’s BohaiUniversity and the University of Burundi.This opened doors to Chinese languageand culture for Bankuwiha Etienne, amongother young people in Burundi.


      At the t ime, B ankuwiha, a s asecond-year mathematics student at theUniversity of Burundi, was full of curiosityand had a deep fascination with China;when he heard about the new courses atthe Confucius Institute, he enrolled immediately.From this moment on, Chineseculture became intertwined with his life.


      In 2013, Bankuwiha was among the first group ofstudents from the Confucius Institute to visit China,embarking on a journey of Chinese language andculture. He studied at Shenyang Normal University,where he embraced the local identity to such anextent that he identified as a “Northeasterner.” Today,when asked about his heritage, he proudly says, “I ama Northeasterner!” His time in China has not onlybroadened his horizons, but has also made him aconduit for Sino-African cultural exchange.


      On returning to Burundi, Bankuwiha was determinedto share his knowledge widely. He diligentlypursued his Chinese language studies, receiving ascholarship in 2017 to pursue a Master’s degree inteaching Chinese to speakers of other languages at BohaiUniversity. After graduating in 2019, he returnedto teach at the Confucius Institute at the University ofBurundi. In his classes, Bankuwiha does not simplyteach the Chinese language, he also imparts Chineseculture and spirit, enriching his students’ learningthrough his personal stories and insights.


      In addition to his teaching work, Bankuwihahas been deeply involved in Sino-African culturalexchange initiatives. Along with other Burundian“China experts” who have returned from studyingin China, he has acted as a translator and consultantfor Chinese-funded businesses, providing essentiallanguage input and cultural advice to support theirinvestment projects in Africa. To enhance thesecultural exchanges and cooperation, they haveestablished the Association of Chinese Translatorsof Burundi, officially registering it in 2018 with thenon-profit Association Management Departmentof Burundi’s Ministry of Interior, CommunityDevelopment, and Public Security. This vibrant teamhas since played a pivotal role in numerous projects,establishing themselves as key facilitators betweenChina, local governments, and businesses. Theirefforts include contributing to the construction of theBurundian Presidential Palace, digitizing the nationalbroadcasting and television station. They also haveextended their services to neighboring countries. In Tanzania they offer translation services forChinese-funded small and medium-sized enterprises,in Kenya they help Chinese nationals to navigate localbusiness environments, in Uganda they support Chinesecompanies in the lottery industry, in South Sudanthey provide cultural consultancy, and in Rwanda theyadvise on mining and lottery investments. Their workhas extended across the Central and West Africa, likethe mining sector of the Democratic Republic of Congo,the forestry in Gabon, and the road constructionprojects in C?te d’Ivoire. Throughout their time inthese countries, these talented young Burundians havesignificantly eased the language and cultural barriersfor Chinese businesses, fostering stable cooperationwith local entities.


      Meanwhile, Bankuwiha and other Burundian“China experts” have been prolific in their academiccontributions on Chinese-African relations, providingvaluable intellectual insights. Bankuwiha’s papers,including “The Development of Chinese Enterprisesin Burundi and Their Impact” and “China’s PovertyAlleviation Miracle,” have generated considerableinterest and impact.


      In 2021, with the support of theConfucius China Study Plan (CCSP)PhD Scholarship from the Center forLanguage Education and Cooperation ofChina’s Ministry of Education, Bankuwihagained the opportunity to continue hisstudies at Nanjing University, focusing oncomparative literature and interculturalstudies between China and Africa. In2023, he was awarded the title of “OverseasCommunication Officer” by the WorldSinology Center at Beijing Language and CultureUniversity and the Qingdao Daily Newspaper Groupin recognition of his significant contributions tointernational cultural exchanges.


      Bankuwiha and his peers demonstrate howChinese language education serves both as a gatewayto understanding Chinese culture and as a cruciallink in promoting cultural exchanges and businesscooperation between different countries and regions.Their inspiring stories are encouraging more youngpeople from both China and Africa to participatein cultural exchanges, injecting new energy into thefriendship between these two countries.

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