During my second year of high school, myfather suggested that I choose Chinese as my thirdforeign language, believing that it would improve mychances of gaining entry to a prestigious university;I remember his constant saying: “You only need tostudy Chinese for one year.” Today, I often share thisstory with my students, hoping that they are ableto choose a foreign language based on their owninterests and motivations as early as possible.
In fact, it was coincidence which brought Chineseinto my life. At that time I was an avid reader,and I studied foreign languages to fulfill my dream oftraveling far and wide. When given the opportunityto learn a third foreign language, I hoped to studyRussian or any Asian language, provided that it wasdifferent to my mother tongue of French.
It was the pre-Internet era, and there was verylimited access to information and images of Chinaother than the photos my teacher had taken and somemagazines she brought to class. Yet, with these limitedresources, she captivated us with adventure stories froma vast and entirely different country, both delighting andmesmerizing us. It was therefore no surprise that I continuedto study Chinese in my third year of high school,although the real turning point in my life came on theday of the oral examination for our college entranceexamination. The moment I left the examination room,I realized that life without Chinese was unimaginable,even though I had initially intended to study Italian.I later enrolled in the Chinese Language, Literature,and Culture program at the University of Provence,where I obtained a Master’s degree in language and aMaster’s degree in comparative literature. I have visitedChina many times, initially for study in Beijing andsubsequently for work, undertaking interpretation andtranslation tasks at Xinhua News Agency and ChinaRadio International, and teaching French at YunnanUniversity. Who could have imagined that, four decadesinto my journey with the Chinese language, I wouldbecome a teacher of Chinese? This is indeed the resultof my dedication to learning the Chinese language andits underlying culture.
I am a passionate learner, and I have never tiredof learning Chinese. I am fascinated by the writingsystem of the language, which is so different fromours, and I am motivated to pursue it as a lifelongcareer. Moreover, Chinese culture has transformedmy ways of thinking, enabling me to view the worldfrom a different perspective. I spent my first twoyears in China in Beijing, later relocating to YunnanProvince for work. What attracted me to Yunnan wasnot only its picturesque natural scenery, but also thearea’s diverse cultural environment. Compared toBeijing, Yunnan is home to more ethnic groups, eachwith rich and varied lifestyles, traditions, and customs.Many locals sit on their doorsteps, dressed in colorfulclothing and wearing warm smiles, chatting leisurelywith passersby; they are always at ease, regardless ofwhat they are doing. My favorite evening pastime isto enjoy the cool breeze by the small lake in the citycenter, or to listen to guzheng musicians perform theirfavorite melodies, which helps them to earn extraincome. I am deeply moved by the distinctive charmof Yunnan; as a native of southern France, I rapidly fellin love with this southern Chinese province. Its climateis pleasant all year round, and its capital, Kunming, isknown as the “Spring City” for its perpetual springlikewarmth. Although I was born in Marseille, France,the place where I truly feel at home is Yunnan, a land“South of the Clouds, ” which is the love of my life.