蘇格蘭中小學孔子學院,由思克萊德大學、蘇格蘭國家語言中心與天津市教委聯(lián)合共建,是世界上為數不多的政府間合建的孔院。該孔院成立于2012年,下設46個孔子課堂(22個高中課堂、20個小學課堂和4 個特色課堂),分布在蘇格蘭的22 個行政區(qū)。
As one of the few Confucius Institutes in theworld to be co-founded with a government, theConfucius Institute for Scotland’s Schools (CISS)was co-founded by the University of Strathclyde,Scotland’s National Centre for Languages, andTianjin Municipal Education Commission. Establishedin 2012, CISS has launched 46 ConfuciusClassrooms across Scotland’s 22 districts, including22 secondary school Confucius Classrooms, 20primary school Confucius Classrooms, and four specialist Confucius Classrooms.
Since the establishment of CISS,Chinese has become part of the curricula ofScotland’s primary and secondary schools;over 140,000 Scottish pupils have learnedChinese in the classroom. Alongside teachingthe Chinese language, each ConfuciusClassroom endeavors to create vibrant andmulticultural learning opportunities for studentsto broaden their understanding of the world. The“Climate and Environmental Protection Classroom”is one of these special projects.
Language makes for a better world
In October 2018, at the “Confucius InstituteHeadteachers’ Conference” in Tianjin, a delegationof Scotland’s headteachers of the CISS scheme mettheir counterparts from their Tianjin partner schoolsand delegates from Tianjin Municipal EducationCommission. Together, they planted the seed for thejoint building of the “Climate and EnvironmentalProtection Classroom” project, which was officiallylaunched in October 2021 after three years ofpreparation.
在與蘇格蘭環(huán)保組織的合作及該環(huán)保組織的支持下,孔院開設了“氣候環(huán)保課堂”,共有中國和蘇格蘭的12所孔子課堂合作小學參加,中外學校兩兩結對,分為6組。環(huán)保組織的工作人員針對參與的中外方教師進行培訓,之后雙方團隊建立項目教研組,經溝通,他們選擇了低碳出行、校園環(huán)境、健康飲食和生物多樣性等8個題目。自此,相隔近10 000公里的小學生們在各自老師的帶領下,通過線上連線進行學習研究和課堂展示,展示內容從蜜蜂授粉對校園環(huán)境的重要性到校園垃圾回收,從校園植被到小動物飼養(yǎng),等等,孩子們從他們的視角解讀環(huán)境對我們生活的影響。生活在東西半球的孩子們坐在同一個課堂里,討論如何讓我們的環(huán)境更美好。從最初的好奇靦腆,到項目結束時孩子們紛紛走到大屏幕前手“拉”手,相約下次再見,情景令人頗為感動。
The Confucius Institute’s “Climate andEnvironmental Protection Classroom” project wascreated with the support and aid of environmentalorganizations in Scotland, with a total of twelveprimary schools from China and Scotland joiningthe project. The twelve schools were paired into sixpartnerships, each consisting of a school from Chinaand one from Scotland. Staff of the environmentalorganization provided training for teachers from theparticipating Chinese and Scottish schools, with bothteams of the partnership subsequently establishing aproject research group. Through communication, theparticipating schools chose eight educational themes,including low-carbon travel, campus environment,healthy diet, and biodiversity. Since then, primaryschool students in China and Scotland, separatedby some 10,000 kilometers, have been learning,researching, and presenting in classes through onlineconnections under the guidance of their respective teachers. Students’ presentation topics have rangedfrom the impact of bee pollination on the campusenvironment, campus waste recycling, and campusvegetation, to the breeding of small animals. The childrenhave interpreted the impact of the environmenton daily life from their own perspectives. Despiteliving in the eastern and western hemispheres respectively,the children of these partner schools shareda virtual classroom, discussing together how toimprove our environment. Their journey began withcuriosity and shyness, ending in warm friendshipby completion of the project, as the children walkedto the big screen and “held” hands there with theirclassmates, promising to meet each other next time.
2021年11月,恰逢世界氣候環(huán)保大會在蘇格蘭格拉斯哥舉行。這次環(huán)保項目的活動成果也登上了世界氣候環(huán)保大會的展示屏幕,為大會獻上一份厚禮。前蘇格蘭政府首席部長妮古拉 · 斯特金(Nicola Sturgeon)在2022年慶祝中國農歷新年的致辭中,用三分之一的篇幅贊揚了這個活動。她說,這對于中國和蘇格蘭來說都具有特殊的重要性?!皻夂颦h(huán)保課堂”由此成為該孔院的特色項目,至今已成功運作了近4 年。
In November 2021, the World Climate Conferencewas held in Glasgow, Scotland; the achievementsof this environmental project were showcased on theconference’s display screens, representing a significantcontribution to the event. Former Scottish FirstMinister Nicola Sturgeon praised this activity in her2022 Chinese New Year address, dedicating one-thirdof her speech to it; she asserted that this project holdsspecial importance for both China and Scotland. The“Climate and Environmental Protection Classroom”has since become a signature project of the ConfuciusInstitute, operating successfully for nearly four years.
Technology makes dreams come true
In 2023, the “Climate and EnvironmentalProtection Classroom” was upgraded to the “ELPEcological Learning Partner Project.” In 2024, nineschools from China and nine from Scotland haveconducted online classes, focusing on themes suchas campus environment and endangered species.Students from King’s Park Primary School in Glasgowpresented in Chinese, showcasing their school’slocation, buildings, playgrounds, gardens,and waste sorting and recycling facilities.Meanwhile, students from Wu Ma LuPrimary School in Tianjin presentedin English, showcasing their buildings,playgrounds, classroom reading corners,reading rooms, and craft workshops,along with waste sorting and volunteeringactivities.
In the new round of eco-environmental coursedesign, teachers from both sides of the partnershiphave ensured the integration of the concepts ofenvironmental protection and technology. Duringthe online class, students from Tianjin have displayedtheir science and technology classroom to theirScottish peers; on the screen, the intelligent robot“Xiaopang” busily shuttled around the classroom,explaining how to sort refuse and adjust variousenvironmental classroom parameters such as lightingand temperature to save energy. On seeing this,the Scottish students wanted to know more abouthow the robot works, beginning to reflect on howintelligent robots could provide more services tosupport school life.
When introducing biodiversity, Scottishstudents, under the guidance of Confucius Instituteteachers, learned about animals such as China’spandas, Siberian tigers, and snub-nosed monkeys.After class, they used shoeboxes to build models ofthese animals’ habitats and described the animals’characteristics and living habits in their own words.During the class, students displayed their work.Among them, one boy’s work was particularlyunforgettable. He used recycled materials and rubberbands to create a small mechanical device thatallowed a miniature whale to “swim” on the shoebox.He said, “I hope that one day, all whales can swimfreely in the ocean instead of being in danger ofextinction.” Such classes not only provided studentswith diverse knowledge related to environmentalprotection but also prompted them to reflect onglobal environmental crises.
Infinite possibilities for the future
Environmental protection is an eternal themefaced by the whole world. The CISS uses languageas a bridge for communication and facilitates environmentalprotection courses with technology. Thisallows children from different cultural backgroundsto communicate and understand each other acrossborders and regions, broadening their horizons,increasing their knowledge, and learning teamworkand innovative thinking. By planting the seeds oftechnological development and environmentalprotection in the hearts of children, we are full ofhope for the future and anticipate the fruition ofthese efforts.