




      2012-04-29 16:54:01張滿顏普
      電腦知識與技術 2012年16期

      張滿 顏普




      A Color Remote Sensing Image Segmentation Algorithm Based on Graph Cut and Support Vector Machine

      ZHANG Man,YAN Pu

      (Key Lab Intelligent Computing & Signal Ministry of Education,Anhui University, Hefei 230039,China)

      Abstract:A color remote sensing image segmentation algorithm based on graph cut and support vector machine is proposed in this paper. Firstly, because it is difficulty to evaluate the similarity of two colors from their distance in RGB color space, color image processing is im? plemented in Hue Saturation Intensity (HSI) space which reflects the features of human vision. Secondly, An energy function is defined by graph cut algorithm for determining the image pixels belongs to the image background image and the prospects,then prospects seed nodes and background seed nodes are used as training set of SVM.Finally, remote sensing image are classified using SVM. A color remote sensing image segmentation is completed. Experiments show the efficiency of the proposed algorithm on color remote sensing images.

      Key words:Image Segmentation; Support Vector Machine (SVM); Graphic Theory and Graph Cut; HIS





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