目的研究海軍某部官兵各部位功能性胃腸病(FGIDs)的重疊情況,為該人群相關(guān)疾病的診治提供依據(jù)。方法2006年11月-2007年4月,采用羅馬Ⅲ調(diào)查問卷對3個不同服役地域的8600名海軍官兵進行多級分層隨機整群抽樣問卷調(diào)查,記錄被調(diào)查者的一般情況。采用EpiData3.02軟件進行數(shù)據(jù)錄入,利用SPSS 13.0軟件對各部位FGIDs的重疊情況進行分析。結(jié)果共回收有效問卷7574份。兩部位及以上FGIDs重疊率為46.7%。功能性胃十二指腸病(FGD)+功能性腸病(FBD)重疊占兩部位FGIDs重疊的比例最高,為51.2%(339/662);其次為功能性食管病(FED)+FBD,為15.4%(102/662)。三部位FGIDs重疊中,F(xiàn)ED+FGD+FBD的比例最高,為44.4%(151/340);其次為FGD+FBD+功能性腹痛綜合征(FAPS)重疊,占20.3%(69/340)。四部位FGIDs重疊中,最常見的是FED+FGD+FBD+FAPS重疊,占57.7%(94/163)。五部位FGIDs重疊只有FED+FGD+FBD+FAPS+功能性肛門直腸病(FAD)一種形式。南區(qū)服役的海軍官兵FGIDs患病率為49.8%(987/1983),較北區(qū)[31.8%(1064/3351)]和東區(qū)[23.8%(533/2240)]高。南區(qū)單部位FGIDs患病率為44.9%,較東區(qū)(59.0%)和北區(qū)(58.4%)低,但南區(qū)2~5個部位的FGIDs重疊率均高于東區(qū)和北區(qū)。結(jié)論 海軍官兵中各部位FGIDs重疊常見,其中FGD+FBD重疊率最高。不同服役地域各部位FGIDs重疊存在差異。應(yīng)當(dāng)重視海軍官兵各部位FGIDs重疊的預(yù)防和診治。
羅馬Ⅲ標(biāo)準(zhǔn)將成人功能性胃腸病(functional gastrointestinal disorders,F(xiàn)GIDs)按部位劃分為六大類[1-6],即功能性食管病(functional esophageal disorders,F(xiàn)ED)、功能性胃十二指腸病(functional gastroduodenal disorders,F(xiàn)GD)、功能性腸病(functional bowel disorders,F(xiàn)BD)、功能性腹痛綜合征(functional abdominal pain syndrome,F(xiàn)APS)、膽囊和Oddi括約肌功能障礙(gallbladder and sphincter of Oddi disorders,GSOD)和功能性肛門直腸病(functional anorectal disorders,F(xiàn)AD),各部位疾病常合并存在[7-9]。目前按六大部位分類的FGIDs重疊研究較少,本研究針對海軍官兵這一特殊人群,對FGIDs各部位重疊情況進行調(diào)查分析。
1.1研究對象 納入2006年11月-2007年4月在東區(qū)、南區(qū)和北區(qū)三處地域服役的解放軍海軍現(xiàn)役官兵。
1.2調(diào)查方法 采用多級分層隨機整群抽樣方法進行隨機抽樣,抽樣人數(shù)為8600人。采用FGIDs羅馬委員會2006年發(fā)布的羅馬Ⅲ調(diào)查問卷,結(jié)合調(diào)查對象一般情況設(shè)計而成。診斷標(biāo)準(zhǔn)嚴(yán)格按照FGIDs的羅馬Ⅲ標(biāo)準(zhǔn)[1-6],以被調(diào)查者填寫的問卷答案為基礎(chǔ)進行分類和診斷。
1.3數(shù)據(jù)錄入和質(zhì)量控制 由專業(yè)人員進行統(tǒng)一授課及答疑后,發(fā)放調(diào)查表,現(xiàn)場統(tǒng)一填寫。問卷回收后由專人逐份檢查并剔除不合格問卷。問卷由兩人統(tǒng)一編號,一人編寫、一人復(fù)核,確保編號正確唯一。采用EpiData 3.02軟件進行數(shù)據(jù)錄入,錄入前對所有變量的合理取值進行控制,采用雙人雙錄雙校對形式并進行一致性檢驗和糾錯。
1.4統(tǒng)計學(xué)處理 采用SPSS 13.0軟件進行統(tǒng)計分析,采用χ2檢驗及多重反應(yīng)分析法進行統(tǒng)計學(xué)分析,P<0.05為差異有統(tǒng)計學(xué)意義。
2.1一般情況 共回收問卷8106份,應(yīng)答率94.3%(8106/8600);其中合格問卷7574份,合格率93.4%(7574/8106)。海軍官兵FGIDs的總體患病率為34.1%(2584/7574),其中FED患病率為10.1%(764/7574),F(xiàn)GD為16.7%(1268/7574),F(xiàn)BD為24.5%(1854/7574),F(xiàn)APS為4.4%(336/7574),GSOD為0.05%(4/7574),F(xiàn)AD為3.4%(259/7574)。單個部位的FGIDs患者為1378例,占FGIDs總患病數(shù)的53.3%(1378/2584)。本調(diào)查中2個及2個以上部位重疊率為46.7%,具體重疊形式分為4種,包括2個部位重疊662例,占25.6%(662/2584),3個部位重疊340例,占13.2%(340/2584),4個部位重疊163例,占6.3%(163/2584),5個部位重疊41例,占1.6%(41/2584)。
2.2FGIDs各部位重疊情況 FGD+FBD重疊占兩部位FGIDs重疊的比例最高,為51.2%(339/662,P<0.05);其次為FED+FBD和FED+FGD,所占比例分別為15.4%(102/662)和12.1%(80/662),兩者間比較差異無統(tǒng)計學(xué)意義(P>0.05)。在三部位FGIDs重疊者中,F(xiàn)ED+FGD+FBD組合所占比例最高,為44.4%(151/340,P<0.05),其次為FGD+FBD+FAPS和FGD+FBD+FAD組合,所占比例分別為20.3% (69/340)和16.8%(57/340,P>0.05)。在四部位FGIDs重疊中,最常見的是FED+FGD+FBD+FAPS組合,占57.7%(94/163,P<0.05)。五部位FGIDs疾病重疊41例,且只有FED+FGD+FBD+FAPS+FAD一種組合形式(表1)。
2.3不同服役地域海軍官兵各部位FGIDs重疊情況 東區(qū)、南區(qū)和北區(qū)三處服役地域的海軍官兵FGIDs患病率分別為23.8%(533/2240),49.8%(987/1983)和31.8%(1064/3351);南區(qū)FGIDs患病率最高,其次為北區(qū)和東區(qū),三地區(qū)間差異均有統(tǒng)計學(xué)意義(P<0.05)。單部位FGIDs患病率南區(qū)最低,為44.9%(P<0.05),東區(qū)和北區(qū)患病率無差異(P>0.05);但是南區(qū)服役的海軍官兵中,2~5個部位的FGIDs重疊率均高于東區(qū)和北區(qū)(表2)。
表1 海軍官兵FGIDs各部位重疊總體情況Tab.1 General circumstance of the overlaps of FGIDs in Chinese navy
表2 不同服役地域海軍官兵FGIDs各部位重疊情況Tab.2 The overlaps of FGIDs in different regions of military service
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Epidemiological study of overlapping of involved organs in functional gastrointestinal disorders in the Chinese naval servicemen
WANG Zi-kai1, CUI Li-hong2, PENG Li-hua1, GUO Xu1, SUN Gang1, WANG Wei-feng1, YANG Yun-sheng1*
1Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, General Hospital of PLA, Beijing 100853, China
2Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Navy General Hospital, Beijing 100048, China
*Correspondence author, E-mail: sunny301ddc@126.com
This work was supported by the “Eleventh Five-Year Plan” for Medical Science Development of PLA (06G113)
ObjectiveTo study the overlapping of involved organs in functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGIDs) occurring in the Chinese naval servicemen, and to provide a sound basis for its diagnosis and treatment.MethodsFrom November 2006 to April 2007, a questionnaire survey was conducted in 8600 officers and soldiers of Chinese naval force in three regions using randomized, stratified, multistage sampling method. All respondents completed the Rome Ⅲ Modular Questionnaire. The collected data were double input by EpiData3.02 sothware and analyzed by SPSS 13.0 sothware.Results7454 valid questionnaires were retrieved. The incidence of overlapping was 46.7% involving two to five sites. In two-site overlap of FGIDs, the incidence of overlap functional gastroduodenal disorder (FGD) and functional bowel disorder (FBD) was shown to be highest (51.2%, 339/662), followed by the overlap of functional esophageal disorder (FED) and FBD (15.4%, 102/662). In three-site overlap of FGIDs, the overlapping rate of FED, FGD and FBD was the highest (44.4%, 151/340), followed by that of FGD, FBD and functional abdominal pain syndrome (FAPS) (20.3%, 69/340). The commonest four-site overlap of FGIDs included FED, FGD, FBD and FAPS (57.7%, 94/163). The five-site overlap of FGIDs was the combination of FED, FGD, FBD, FAPS and functional anorectal disorder (FAD). The incidence of FGIDs in southern military region was 49.8% (987/1983), which was higher than that of northern (31.8%, 1064/3351) and eastern (23.8%, 533/2240) regions. The incidence of FGIDs of single organ was 44.9% in southern military region, which was lower than 59.0% in eastern and 58.4% in northern region. The incidence of the illness involving two to five sites were higher in southern military region as compared with that of eastern and northern regions.ConclusionsThe rate of overlapping of FGIDs at different sites is common in the Chinese naval servicemen. Thereis a difference in rate of overlapping between different military areas. More athention should be paid to the prevention and treatment of overlapping organs in FGIDs in the Chinese naval servicemen.
military personnel; gastrointestinal diseases; epidemiologic studies
100853 北京 解放軍總醫(yī)院消化科(王子愷、彭麗華、郭旭、孫剛、王巍峰、楊云生);100048 北京 海軍總醫(yī)院消化科(崔立紅)