Green, A. 2014.ExploringLanguageAssessmentandTesting:LanguageinAction. London & New York: Routledge.ⅱ+269 pp. ISBN 978-0-415-59723-4.
1. 引言
無論是在大規(guī)模測試還是在實際課堂教學中,語言測試與評估都在檢驗學習者掌握程度和教師教學成果中起到重要作用。Anthony Green是目前語言評估與測試領域內極具影響力的人物之一,他曾在牛津大學、布魯克斯大學和北倫敦大學教授語言評估課程,目前的研究興趣包括評估與學習之間的關系和實際測試開發(fā)過程等。他于2014年推出的新作《探索語言評估與測試:行動中的語言》(ExploringLanguageAssessmentandTesting:LanguageinAction)是繼其《語言功能的重新審視》(LanguageFunctionsRevisited,2012)之后,又一部語言測試與評估領域專著,對普及語言教師的測試與評估素養(yǎng)將產生積極作用,值得國內讀者研讀。
2. 簡介
在第1章“認清語言評估本身”中,作者概述了語言評估的基本概念以及在教育情境中,語言教學、語言學習與語言評估三者之間的相互依賴關系。作者認為,廣義上的語言評估是以聽到或讀到的語言片段為證據來對語言產出者進行判斷,但本書所探討的語言評估更加注重語言知識的掌握與語言能力的運用。由此,作者對語言評估進行了簡單定義:“通過獲得證據來對一個人的語言知識和語言能力進行推斷”(Green 2014:5)。其中,語言知識包括對外語單詞的識別、外語句子的翻譯以及語法規(guī)則的了解等,語言能力則更多強調在實際生活中對所學語言的使用。作者認為語言評估應該是對這兩者的綜合判斷。由于語言教學、語言學習和語言評估三者是一個不可分離的整體,教師不僅應了解語言評估是如何制定、評分和解釋的,還應具備獨立完成這一系列任務的能力。在語言教學和學習方面,語言評估的重要性體現在兩個方面:第一,語言評估可以為教師提供信息,幫助他們做出正確的決定,以提高教學質量。教師一旦缺少了評估所提供的反饋信息,或者因評估不當獲得錯誤的反饋信息,教學活動和學習活動便會受到影響。第二,除了學習者自身通過對教師的模仿來進行語言學習以外,教師也可以通過觀察學習者的學習情況并提供反饋信息來幫助學習者進行語言學習。
第4章“有效評估系統(tǒng)的特質”描述了有用的評估應具備的品質和特點,這四個基本特質是“可行性”(Practicality)、“可靠性”(Reliability)、“有效性”(Validity)以及“積極后效”(Beneficial Consequences)。(1)可行性是指開展評估所需資源與現有資源之間的差距(Bachman & Palmer 2010),這里的資源主要包括時間、工具、資金以及專業(yè)知識等,兩者之間的差距越小,評估的可行性越大,越容易實現;反之,則越小,越難實現??尚行允撬性u估實施的最基本要求,如果沒有足夠的資源,任何評估都將無法開展。(2)可靠性是指評估結果是否有用、可信、站得住腳。語言能力是一個不穩(wěn)定的、不確定的概念,在不同環(huán)境下,我們很難將人們的語言能力進行對比,于是,應該根據使用語言的社會目的的差異將語言能力分類進行評判。同時,評判過程中也不可避免地會存在大量不確定因素或測量誤差,因此,要求我們從測量工具、具體情況、不同考生等多個方面來減小誤差,從而保證評估的可靠性。(3)有效性是指評估結果對評估目的的反饋程度以及理論和實踐證據對評估結果的支持程度,它經常被認為是好的評估的必要條件。好的評估應該實現最初的評估目的,達到理想的評估效果。(4)積極后效指的是評估對所評估的語言知識、語言能力和語言技巧本身的影響,對評估所涉及的個人的影響,甚至是對整個社會的影響。一個真正有用的評估對每個所涉及的個人甚至是整個社會群體的有利影響應大于不利影響。任何一個評估都不能夠完全滿足可行性、可靠性、有效性和積極后效這四個重要特征,但可通過優(yōu)化與合理使用所有資源來達到最佳評估效果。
第5章“輸入性技能的評估”主要探討對“輸入性技能”(Receptive Skills)的評估與測試,這里的輸入性技能是指學習者的閱讀技能和聽力技能。對這兩種能力進行評估的目的是為了考察學習者應用其語言能力對文字和口頭輸入內容的理解水平,這些輸入內容常常為考生在語言學習過程中或日常生活中會遇到的問題和內容。通過對考生輸入性技能的評估,評估使用者可以了解學習者在學習外語過程中在讀和聽兩方面所面臨的主要困難,并幫助他們采取措施,進行解決。作者提出,無論是在大規(guī)模的語言測試還是在課堂教學評估中,評估設計者首先應該明確的是所要評估的閱讀能力和聽力能力,有目的的展開評估工作。在本章中,作者分別介紹了閱讀和聽力的種類和過程,以及如何選擇合適的輸入內容來對學習者的輸入性技能進行評估。然而,應當指出,學習者的理解技能是不能夠被直接觀察的,僅僅通過看別人讀一段文章或聽一段新聞,我們很難了解其對輸入內容的理解程度。因此,評估設計者只能通過設計其他評估方式來找到評估學習者輸入性技能的證據,這可能包括讓學習者根據指令來說或寫。
第6章“輸出性技能的評估”與第5章對應,主要探討對“輸出性技能”(Productive Skills)的評估與測試,這里的輸出性技能是指學習者的口語技能和寫作技能。在積累了一定的語言知識、具備了一定的語言技能之后,學習者需要利用所學語言來傳達個人思想,輸出所要表達的內容,這時,學習者的說和寫的技能則更為重要。在語言的輸出過程中,說話的人或寫作的人需要將想要表達的信息內容通過具體形式表現出來,然而,其信息內容對聽者或讀者來說是未知信息,因此,說話的人或寫作的人就需要在具備一定的語法、詞匯、語篇以及音韻知識的基礎上,按照一定的目標設定、交流策略將想要傳達的信息內容清楚表達出來,使聽者或讀者明白其表達用意。因此,學習者的輸出性技能直接影響其思想的傳達。對輸出性技能進行評估的目的是了解學習者是否具備完成現實任務的能力,如寫一篇技術報告、做一次有效果的演講等。
3. 簡評
作為語言評估與測試領域的基礎性入門讀物,本書也還存在一些不足之處。例如,本書對網上評卷(Onscreen Marking)(Coniam 2009)和自動評分(Automated Scoring)(Williamson,Xi & Breyer 2012)等新興信息科學技術的介紹略顯不足。
Bachman, L. F. & A. S. Palmer. 2010.LanguageAssessmentinPractice[M]. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Coniam, D. 2009. A comparison of onscreen and paper-based marking in the Hong Kong pulic examination system [J].EducationalResearchandEvaluation15: 243-63.
Fulcher, G. & F. Davidson. 2007.LanguageTestingandAssessment:AnAdvancedResourceBook[M]. London & New York: Routledge.
Green, A. 2014.ExploringLanguageAssessmentandTesting:LanguageinAction[M]. London & New York: Routledge.
Williamson, D. M., X. Xi & F. J. Breyer. 2012. A framework for evaluation and use of automated scoring [J].EducationalMeasurement:IssuesandPractice31: 2-13.
Abstracts of Major Papers in This Issue
Transitivity Shifts of Chinese Ascriptive Clauses in Translation, by ZHAO Jing, p. 8
In systemic functional linguistics, Chinese ascriptive clause refers to a kind of relational clause without a verbal phrase. It could be further divided into three types: the one with nominal as predicate, with adjective as predicate, and with subject-predicate phrase as predicate. This paper is mainly concerned with the features of Chinese ascriptive clauses and the transitivity shifts caused during the process of translation, including process type shifts, process deletion, transitivity scale moderation and the employment of metaphorical transitivity expressions. Those shifts are caused by either language structure, or distinctive status of nominals and adjectives in Chinese and English, or the need to optimize discourse. Languages have different ways of construing experience. The transference of experiential function does not guarantee the matching of transitivity types. Translation should conform to the features of construing experience in the target language.
Research Methods of Sound Change: Current Situation and Future Development, by QIU Chun’an, p. 13
The paper deals with the research approaches of sound change in Chinese dialects. The traditional methods are as follows, i.e., descriptive and comparative method, the integration of text-research method and historical-comparative method, lexical diffusion theory, overlapped theory, and historical strata analysis. The article also discusses the future developments of sound change, i.e., equilibrium-punctuation, phonetic typology, geographical linguistics, experimental phonetics, and variation sociolinguistics. The author holds that these methods are complementary to each other.
Evaluative Analysis of Projections in English and Chinese Academic Book Review, by ZHOU Hui & LIU Yongbing, p. 18
Based on an analysis of the use of projections in English and Chinese academic book reviews in Applied Linguistics, this study aims to explore the evaluative meanings in the review discourses from a cross-cultural perspective. The quantitive and textual analyses of the corpus data reveals that compared with English academic book review, there exists a marked difference in a less frequent use of projections in Chinese book reviews, specifically, in the categories of Author’s Acts and Writer’s Stance, and that a reduced interpersonal investment is made in Chinese book reviews with a preference for the experiential meaning potential, in contrast with the evaluative meaning potential. These differences are interpreted in reference to the nature of academic culture, interpersonal relations in the disciplinary community and the authorial voice.
Reflection of Teaching Reform of General Linguistics at Beijing Normal University, by PENG Xuanwei & YU Li, p. 29
Here a general description of the course reform of General Linguistics at Beijing Normal University is reported. First, a three-level course goal, namely, knowledge, skill and ability is introduced. Then, a practical reform scheme is put forward consisting of five aspects: teaching and learning content, methodology, experiential subjects, procedure and assessment, the focus of which lies in a three-subject interactive model with a question-oriented route: teacher, assistant and student. Finally, objective descriptions from students’ responses are presented. Remaining issues are also laid out for further thinking.
A Study of Chinese Relatives Produced by L2 Learners:A Typological Perspective, by LI Jinman, p. 34
As shown by typological observations, Chinese relative clause (RC) is prenominal, which is typologically rare in Verb-Object languages. Thus Chinese RC might be a difficult structure to acquire for learners whose first language does not have this type of word order. Based on a comparative corpus analysis of Chinese RCs produced by English, Japanese, and Korean learners, this study investigated the commonalities and differences between the distributions of Chinese RCs produced by the three groups of learners. The learner corpus data show that the distributional patterns of Chinese RCs produced by these second language learners, regardless of their first language, conform in varying degrees to typological generalizations derived from natural language observations as well as some minor disparities.
Uncovering Phrase Teaching Design via Meta-linguistic Sequences in English Textbooks: A Co-selection Perspective, by LIANG Hongmei, p. 40
The present paper, within the framework of co-selection theory, sets out to uncover features of phrase teaching design in three phrase-centered English textbooks by analyzing the meta-linguistic sequences in the textbooks. By applying the working model of extended units of meaning to analyzing the co-text of the “word” type words, the study works out the meaningful patterns of the meta-linguistic sequences in the textbooks which either highlight the four aspects of phrase knowledge or represent the two levels of cognitive demands on phrase exercises. Significance of the present research lies in the fact that the descriptive mechanism of co-selection analysis manifests itself as a powerful way to uncover features of a specific pedagogic approach embedded in English textbooks by retrieving recurrent patterns of meta-linguistic sequences.
A Study of China’s MTI Learner Translator Corpus Construction and Research, by ZHOU Qinqin, p. 56
This paper, resting on the systematic review and evaluation of corpus-based translation studies at home and abroad in the past two decades, sets out to propose that China’s MTI Learner Translator Corpus Construction be a strategic option that serves MTI translation pedagogy and the training of translation talents. This study puts forwards some prospect for the linguistic as well as translation research, and elaborates on the research approaches and methodology employed in this study, with a view of expanding the scope of translation studies and generating the paradigm of interdisciplinarity.
An Integrated Approach to Text-oriented Translation and Translation Teaching, by FENG Quangong, p. 63
Text-oriented translation requires that text should be treated as an organic whole and that a translator should follow the wholeness and harmony principles with great textual awareness when translating a text. Translation teaching should also be text-oriented or take a relatively independent text as the unit of teaching, and analyze the translation from a larger perspective. Relevant theoretical resources should be integrated into text-oriented translation teaching, such as rhetoric, writing, translation techniques and theories, contrast and comparison between English and Chinese languages, so that the students’ translation competence will be improved and their understanding of translation will be deepened.
Reconstructed Classics: Compensating Translation ofAhQZhengZhuan’s Style, by CUI Yanqiu, p. 68
Among the five translations of Lu Xun’sAhQZhengZhuan, Mr. and Mrs. Yang Xianyi’s version is widely acknowledged; William A. Lyell’s version is characterized by detailed notes and explanatory translation with a clear purpose of cultural dissemination; while Julia Lovell’s translation published in 2009 is recommended as “the most accessible” byTIMEmagazine. The translators, in different times, with different cultural identity and purposes of translation, convey the fiction’s style differently in register, temporal and spatial traits, narration, ways of humor and irony. Comparing with the Yangs’ faithful translation, Lyell and Lovell make creative attempts in representing Lu Xun’s style, some of which are successful. With the aim of Chinese literature going global, target readers’ reception and cultural dissemination should be important factors in translation criticism.