




      2015-11-21 07:11:55YingWANG王影

      Ying WANG(王影)

      School of Mathematics and Information Science,North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power,Zhengzhou 450011,China

      Mingxin WANG(王明新)

      Natural Science Research Center,Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin 150080,China


      Ying WANG(王影)

      School of Mathematics and Information Science,North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power,Zhengzhou 450011,China


      Mingxin WANG(王明新)

      Natural Science Research Center,Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin 150080,China


      In this article,we consider existence and nonexistence of solutions to problem

      quasilinear elliptic equations;existence and nonexistence;gradient terms;singular weights

      2010 MR Subject Classification 35D05;35D10;35J92;46E30

      1 Introduction

      In this work,we study existence and nonexistence of solutions to the problem

      where 1<p<+∞,??RNis a smooth bounded domain,and the operator?pstands for the p-Laplacian defined by?pu=div(|?u|p-2?u).Throughout this paper,we assume that for any compact subset ω??,there exists a positive constant fωsuch that

      For the problem

      where 1≤q≤p,g(x,u)∈L1(R),and the data f in suitable Lebesgue spaces,has been exhaustively studied.We refer the readers to[1-4]and the references therein for semilinear elliptic problem,and to[5-15]and the references therein for quasilinear elliptic problem.If g(x,u)=1/|u|αwith α>0 is singular at u=0,the existence of solutions to(1.1)with p=2 has been obtained in[16-18]for 0<α≤1,and the authors in[19]have proved that α<2 is necessary and sufficient for the existence of solutions in H10(?)for every f with sufficient regularity and satisfying(1.2).

      In this article,we extend the results of[19]to general case p>1.That is,we consider that g(x,u)is singular at u=0 for a.e.x∈?,and obtain existence and nonexistence of solutions to problem(1.1).Here is our main result.

      Theorem 1.1 Suppose p>1,f∈L1(?)such that(1.2)holds.Let h:(0,+∞)→[0,+∞)be a continuous nonnegative function which is nonincreasing in a neighborhood of 0,and assume that


      then problem(1.1)admits a positive solution in)for any max

      Furthermore,if there exist constants s0>0 and g0>0 such that

      then the solution belongs to W1,p(?).

      2 Preliminaries

      To obtain the existence of solutions to problem(1.1),we need to study the behavior of g(x,u)at the neighborhood of u=0.The following result shows that the solution u is bounded below away from 0 in every compact subset of ?,and hence,we conclude that g(x,u)is bounded in every compact subset contained in ?,if u is bounded.

      Proposition 2.1 Suppose that f∈Lr(?)with r>N/p,satisfies(1.2)and that h is such that(1.3)holds.Let ω be an open subset compactly contained in ?,then there exists a constant cω>0 such that every solution(supersolution)in ?,of the equation


      Proof From assumption(1.3)it follows that the function h may be integrable near 0,set,thenis non-integrable near 0.For any s>0,we define the nonincreasing function


      Because z∈C(ˉ?)and z>0 in ?,then z is bounded away from 0 in any compact subsetand takeas a test function in(2.1),from ?h(s)≥h(s),we deduce that

      Let v=ψ(z),we have

      This implies that v is a subsolution of the equation

      We claim that

      (ii)b(s)satisfies the Keller-Osserman condition,i.e.,

      Indeed,let ψ(z)=s,then

      Because h(s)is nonincreasing in a neighborhood of 0,there exists z0∈(0,1)such that?h is decreasing in(0,z0].Let z≤z0,then

      To prove(2.3),it is sufficient to prove

      Using the change ψ(z)=s again,we obtain

      From the define of?h,it follows from(1.3)that

      Let t0>0 be such that,then to prove(2.3),it is sufficient to prove that

      Therefore,it follows from[20]that for any compact subset ω??,there exists a constant Cωsuch that

      Moreover,since ψ is nonincreasing,we have

      3 Existence

      In this section,we study the existence of positive solution for problem(1.1)if f is sufficiently regular,and give the proof of Theorem 1.1.

      3.1 Solutions of Problem with Regular Function

      To prove Theorem 1.1,we give the following existence result for,first.

      Proof As in[19],we define a suitable sequence of Carath′eodory functions gnby

      where Tn(f)is the k-truncation of f defined by

      which implies that un>0 in ?(see[22]).Moreover,F(xiàn)rom(1.4)and from the definition of gn,we have that,for any n∈N,

      It follows from the regularity results in[23,24]that un∈Cα(?)for some α∈(0,1).

      For any n≥n0,we have that gn(x,s)≤g(x,s)≤h(s)for a.e.x∈? and every s>0,thenis a supersolution of

      We deduce from Proposition 2.1 that for any compact subset ω??,there exists a positive constant cωsuch that

      Let ε→0,we obtainThen,take un∈W1,p0(?)∩L∞(?)as a test function in(3.1),we have

      where S is the Sobolev constant.Therefore,there exist constants C1and C2independent of n,such that

      and hence,up to subsequences,un?u weakly inBy the weak-?convergence in L∞,we have thatFix k>0,similar to the proof in[19],we have that Tk(un)→Tk(u)strongly in

      Now,we prove that un→u strongly inLetL∞(?)be a test function in(3.1),then

      which implies that

      Let E?? be a compact subset,then

      3.2 Proof of Theorem 1.1

      To prove that u is a weak solution of(1.1),it is sufficient to prove that

      Let n→+∞in(3.3),we have

      If E?? is a compact subset,then


      we have

      It follows from f∈L1(?)that

      Moreover,since Tk(un)→ Tk(u)strongly in,we see from (3.6)that gn(x,is equiintegrable,and equality(3.5)holds by applying the Vitali'theorem.Moreover,

      As Tn(f)→f strongly in L1(?),we have that

      Letting n→+∞in second inequality in(3.4),we obtain that g(x,u)|?u|pu∈L1(?),which implies that the solution u itself is allowed as a test function in(1.1).

      Proof Let fn∈L∞be such that fn↗f in L1(?),then by Theorem 3.1,there exists a sequence of positive solutionsto problems

      for all n∈N.Then unis a supersolution of(2.1)with f=fn,applying Proposition 2.1,it follows that,for any compact subset ω in ?,there exists a positive constant c′ωsuch that

      Therefore,up to sequences,Tk(un)?Tk(u)weakly in.We claim that Tk(un)→Tk(u) strongly in

      Indeed,let ω?? be a compact subsetsuch that suppφ?ω,and as in[12]and[13],let ?k(un)=T2k(un-Tj(un)+Tk(un)-Tk(u))with j>k,then??k(un)≡0 if un>2k+j,and

      Moreover,?k(un)≤0 if and only if un≤Tk(u)≤k.Then,takeas a test function in(3.7),we have that

      That is,

      and we deduce from Tk(un)?Tk(u)weakly inand Tk(un)→Tk(u)almost everywhere,that

      Applying Lemma 4.2 in[25],it deduces from(3.8)thatwhere Mtdenote the space of measurable function v:?→R such that there exists a constant c>0,and

      where|?|denotes the Lebesgue measure of ?.Then,equipped with the pseudo-norm

      the space Mt(?)is a Banach space.Since ? is bounded,for every ε∈(0,p-1],there exists a positive constant C such that

      Then,let n,j→+∞in(3.10),we have that

      By the fact that

      which implies that Tk(un)→Tk(u)strongly inand completes this claim.

      To conclude the proof of Theorem 1.1,it is sufficient to prove that

      Let E?ω be a compact subset in ?,then

      Because Tk(un)→Tk(u)strongly inand f∈L1(?),we have thatis local equiintegrable.

      Combing with g(x,un)?un→ g(x,u)?u a.e.in ?(see[26]),it follows from the Vitali' theorem that

      As un→u strongly in W1,σ(?)for any max{p-1,1}≤σ<μ,we conclude(3.15)by letting n→+∞in the following equality,

      If(1.5)holds,let k≥max{s0,1},then it follows from(3.16)that

      combing with(3.8),we havewhich means that unis bounded in W1,p(?).Similar to the proof of Theorem 3.1,we have that there exists a solution u∈W1,p(?),which is the limit(a subsequence of)of un. □

      3.3 Other Existence Results

      If f∈Lr(?)with r>Np,then,combining with the methods in[27],we have the following results.

      Theorem 3.2 Suppose f∈Lr(?)with r>Np,such that(1.2)holds,then under the conditions of Theorem 1.1,problem(1.1)has a positive solution in

      If g(x,s)=1/sα,consider the problem

      where α>0.We have the following result by applying Theorem 3.2.

      Corollary 3.3 Suppose f∈Lr(?)with r>Np,such that(1.2)holds.If α<p,then problem(3.17)has a positive solution in W1,p0(?).

      Proof Obviously,if α<p,then h(s)=g(x,s)=|s|-αsatisfies(1.3).Since f∈Lr(?),r>Np,it follows from Theorem 3.2 that there exists a positive solution u∈W1,p(?)∩L∞(?).□

      4 Nonexistence

      In this section,we consider the nonexistence of positive solution for problem(1.1)if assumption(1.3)does not hold,and obtain the following nonexistence result.

      For any f∈Lr(?)with r>N/p,we consider the following eigenvalue problem

      then,we see from[28]that the first eigenvalue,denote λ1(f),is positive,simple and isolated,and the associated eigenfunction is of definite sign in ?.

      Theorem 4.1 Let f∈Lr(?)with r>N/p,be such that(1.2)holds,and assume that there exists a nonnegative continuous function h:(0,+∞)→[0,+∞),such that



      then problem(1.1)does not have any positive solution in)for λ1(f)>1.

      Proof Assume by contradiction that there exists a solution u∈)to problem(1.1).Since g≥0,we can assume that h(s)≡0 if s≥1,and we define the following two nonnegative function G,σ∈C1([0,+∞)as

      Since p>1,it deduces from(4.1)and(4.2)that G(0)=0,σ(0)=0 and

      Now,we construct a nonnegative continuously differentiable function ? on[0,+∞)as

      In fact,

      and for s>0,


      which implies that ? is continuous and differentiable on[0,+∞).Moreover,we have

      It follows from(4.4)and(4.5)that ?,?′are bounded in[0,+∞),then takeL∞(?)as a test function in(1.1),we have

      We deduce from(4.3),(4.4)and(4.5)that

      which is a contradiction with λ1(f)>1.□

      By applying Theorem 4.1,we have the following result.

      Corollary 4.2 Suppose 0≤f∈Lr(?)with r>N/p and f/≡0.If either α>p or α=p and λ1(f)>1,then problem(3.17)does not have any positive solution in

      Proof If u∈W1,p0(?)is a positive solution of(3.17),let R>0 and v=Ru,then v∈W1,p0(?)satisfies

      Set h(s)=Rα-1|s|-α,then h satisfies(4.1).If α>p,then

      As λ1(Rp-1f)=λ1(f)/Rp-1and λ1(f)is positive(see[28]),it follows that there exists R0>0 such that λ1(f)/Rp-1>1 for any R∈(0,R0).Therefore,we conclude by Theorem 4.1 that(4.7)does not admit positive solution in W1,p0(?).

      If α=p,then

      Thus,h satisfies(4.2)with h0≥0,if and only if R≥1,and Theorem 4.1 implies the nonexistence of solutions to(4.7)provided that λ1(Rp-1f)=λ1(f)/Rp-1>1.Let R=1,we conclude that(3.17)does not admit positive solution in W1,p0(?)if λ1(f)>1. □

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      ?Received April 8,2014;revised April 25,2015.This research is supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Henan Province(15A110050).

      with 1<p<∞,where f is a positive measurable function which is bounded away from 0 in ?,and the domain ? is a smooth bounded open set in RN(N≥2).Especially,under the condition that g(x,s)=1/|s|α(α>0)is singular at s=0,we obtain that α<p is necessary and sufficient for the existence of solutions into problem(0.1)when f is sufficiently regular.

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