




      2014-12-22 23:43夏燕平宋瑩顧善忠
      中國醫(yī)藥科學(xué) 2014年22期

      夏燕平 宋瑩 顧善忠 等

      [摘要] 目的 探討上海市松江區(qū)居民CKD與高尿酸血癥的相關(guān)性。 方法 選取2010年2月~2013年2月上海市松江區(qū)居民體檢人群中CKD合并高尿酸血癥患者244例,并按統(tǒng)計學(xué)四分位數(shù)方法選出高尿酸組和相對低尿酸組患者,對比兩組患者的年齡,BMI,SBP,DBP,CHOL,GLU,GFR。用線性回歸方法分析各變量與GFR的相關(guān)性。 結(jié)果 兩組比較,年齡、CHOL、GLU等差異無統(tǒng)計學(xué)意義(P>0.05);低尿酸組的BMI,SBP,DBP等顯著低于高尿酸組,GFR顯著高于高尿酸組,差異有統(tǒng)計學(xué)意義(P<0.05);GFR與血尿酸、年齡、收縮壓(SBP)、BMI呈負相關(guān),差異有統(tǒng)計學(xué)意義(P<0.05);血尿酸與GFR獨立相關(guān)。 結(jié)論 高尿酸血癥是影響GFR的獨立危險因素,建議臨床上發(fā)現(xiàn)CKD合并高尿酸血癥的患者應(yīng)該及時糾正高尿酸血癥從而防止CKD的進展、惡化。

      [關(guān)鍵詞] 慢性腎臟??;高尿酸血癥;腎小球濾過率

      [中圖分類號] R692 [文獻標(biāo)識碼] A [文章編號] 2095-0616(2014)22-10-03

      慢性腎臟病(chronic kidney disease,CKD)已成為繼心腦血管疾病、腫瘤、糖尿病之后又一個威脅人類健康的重要疾病,成為全球性公共衛(wèi)生問題,成為新的流行病。CKD已是人類面臨的主要健康問題,其診斷標(biāo)準(zhǔn)為腎小球濾過率(glomerular filtration rate,GFR)<60mL/(min*1.73m2)[1]。檢測微量白蛋白等指標(biāo)可以早期發(fā)現(xiàn)慢性腎臟病的趨勢,及早進行治療[2]。CKD是一種慢性疾病,很難痊愈,患者往往越來越嚴重,最后導(dǎo)致腎衰竭危及生命,因此,探究CKD的相關(guān)危險因素顯得極為重要。



      1 資料與方法

      1.1 一般資料



      1.2 研究方法


      1.3 統(tǒng)計學(xué)處理


      2 結(jié)果

      2.1 兩組CKD患者基本指標(biāo)

      2.2 各變量與腎小球濾過率的相關(guān)性分析

      3 討論


      本次研究中就CKD3期合并高尿酸血癥 患者做了系統(tǒng)的分析,對象選取了上海市松江區(qū)居民中慢性腎病的患者。研究結(jié)果表明,血尿酸與GFR獨立相關(guān),差異有統(tǒng)計學(xué)意義(P<0.05)。高尿酸同GFR獨立相關(guān),除了GFR可以影響血尿酸的排出外,還與血尿酸能夠影響腎臟的代謝及變化有關(guān)[13]。尿酸可以引起腎臟分泌炎性介質(zhì),誘發(fā)炎癥反應(yīng),腎小管間質(zhì)炎性增生,缺血,產(chǎn)生蛋白尿,引起腎小管間質(zhì)損傷。浸潤的炎性細胞核腎小管上皮細胞分泌生長因子,加重腎組織炎癥和纖維化[14]。因此,高尿酸血癥可以誘發(fā)或加重慢性腎病的發(fā)生。及時糾正高尿酸血癥可以減輕慢性腎病的癥狀,阻礙慢性腎病的進程,改善其預(yù)后[15]。



      [1] Kasiske BL,Wheeler DC.KDIGO Clinical Practice Guideline for the Evaluation and Management of CKD [J].Kidney International Supplements,2013,11(3 ):63-72.

      [2] 周弋,齊慧,趙根明,等.上海市浦東新區(qū)居民高尿酸血癥與慢性腎病相關(guān)性研究[J].中華流行病學(xué)雜志,2012,33(4):351-355.

      [3] Iseki k,Ikemiya Y,Inoue T,et al.Significance of hyperuricemia as a risk factor for developing ESRD in a screened cohort[J].Am J Kidney Dis,2004,44(4):642-650.

      [4] Iseki k,Oshrio S,Tozawa M,et al.Significance of hyperuricemia on the early detection of renal failure in a cohort of screened subjects[J].Hypertens Res,2001,24 (6):691-697.

      [5] Madero M,Sarnak MJ,Wang XL,et al.Uric acid and long-term outcomes in CKD[J].Am J Kidney Dis,2009,53(5):796-803.

      [6] Chonchol M,Shlipak MG,Katz R,et al.Relationship ofuric acid with progression of kiney disease[J].Am J Kidney Dis,2007,50(2):239-247.

      [7] Obermayr RP,Temml C,Gutjahr G,et al.Elevated uric acid increases the risk for kiney disease[J].J Am Soc Nephrol,2008,19(6):1204-1211.

      [8] Krishnan E,Pandya BJ,Chung L,et al.Hyperuricemia and the risk for subclinical coronary atherosclerosis data from a prospective observational cohort study[J].Arthritis Res Ther,2011,13(2):66.

      [9] Chen JH,Chuang SY,Chen HJ,et al.Serum uric acid level as an independent risk factor for all cause.cardiovascular,and isehemic stroke mortality:a Chinese cohort study[J].Arthritis Rheum,2009,61(2):225-232.

      [10] Ito S,Naritomi H,Ogihara T.Impact of serum uric acid on renal function and cardiovascular events in hypertensive patients treated with losartain [J].Hypertens Res,2012,35(8):867-873.

      [11] Ogawa S,Nakayama K, Nakayama K,et al.Methylglyoxal is a predictor in type 2 diabetic patients of intima-media thickening and elevation of blood pressure [J]. Hypertension,2010,56(3):471-476.

      [12] Libetta C,Sepe V,Esposito P,et al.Oxidative stress and inflammation: implications in uremia and hemodialysis [J].Clin Biochem,2011,44(14-15):1189-1198.

      [13] 鄒貴勉,眭維國,晏強,等.腎移植后高尿酸血癥對移植腎遠期功能的影響[J].解放軍醫(yī)學(xué)雜志,2009,34(9):1108-1110.

      [14] George J,Struthers AD.Role of urate,xanthine oxidase and the efects of allopurinol in vascular oxidative stress[J].Vase Health Risk Manag,2009,5(1):265-272.

      [15] 鄭東鵬.老年人高尿酸血癥與代謝綜合征組分的關(guān)系[J].上海醫(yī)藥,2012,33(10):29-31.

      [16] 于峰,姚曉霞,韓伏蒞.高尿酸血癥與頸動脈、股動脈粥樣硬化及腦梗死的關(guān)系[J].中國實用神經(jīng)疾病雜志,2012,15(8):14-16.

      [17] Kanbay M,Ozkara A,Selcoki Y,et al. Effect of treatment of hyperuricemia with allopurinol on blood pressure, creatinine clearence, and proteinuria in patients with normal renal functions[J].Int Urol Nephrol,2007,39:1227-1233.


      [2] 周弋,齊慧,趙根明,等.上海市浦東新區(qū)居民高尿酸血癥與慢性腎病相關(guān)性研究[J].中華流行病學(xué)雜志,2012,33(4):351-355.

      [3] Iseki k,Ikemiya Y,Inoue T,et al.Significance of hyperuricemia as a risk factor for developing ESRD in a screened cohort[J].Am J Kidney Dis,2004,44(4):642-650.

      [4] Iseki k,Oshrio S,Tozawa M,et al.Significance of hyperuricemia on the early detection of renal failure in a cohort of screened subjects[J].Hypertens Res,2001,24 (6):691-697.

      [5] Madero M,Sarnak MJ,Wang XL,et al.Uric acid and long-term outcomes in CKD[J].Am J Kidney Dis,2009,53(5):796-803.

      [6] Chonchol M,Shlipak MG,Katz R,et al.Relationship ofuric acid with progression of kiney disease[J].Am J Kidney Dis,2007,50(2):239-247.

      [7] Obermayr RP,Temml C,Gutjahr G,et al.Elevated uric acid increases the risk for kiney disease[J].J Am Soc Nephrol,2008,19(6):1204-1211.

      [8] Krishnan E,Pandya BJ,Chung L,et al.Hyperuricemia and the risk for subclinical coronary atherosclerosis data from a prospective observational cohort study[J].Arthritis Res Ther,2011,13(2):66.

      [9] Chen JH,Chuang SY,Chen HJ,et al.Serum uric acid level as an independent risk factor for all cause.cardiovascular,and isehemic stroke mortality:a Chinese cohort study[J].Arthritis Rheum,2009,61(2):225-232.

      [10] Ito S,Naritomi H,Ogihara T.Impact of serum uric acid on renal function and cardiovascular events in hypertensive patients treated with losartain [J].Hypertens Res,2012,35(8):867-873.

      [11] Ogawa S,Nakayama K, Nakayama K,et al.Methylglyoxal is a predictor in type 2 diabetic patients of intima-media thickening and elevation of blood pressure [J]. Hypertension,2010,56(3):471-476.

      [12] Libetta C,Sepe V,Esposito P,et al.Oxidative stress and inflammation: implications in uremia and hemodialysis [J].Clin Biochem,2011,44(14-15):1189-1198.

      [13] 鄒貴勉,眭維國,晏強,等.腎移植后高尿酸血癥對移植腎遠期功能的影響[J].解放軍醫(yī)學(xué)雜志,2009,34(9):1108-1110.

      [14] George J,Struthers AD.Role of urate,xanthine oxidase and the efects of allopurinol in vascular oxidative stress[J].Vase Health Risk Manag,2009,5(1):265-272.

      [15] 鄭東鵬.老年人高尿酸血癥與代謝綜合征組分的關(guān)系[J].上海醫(yī)藥,2012,33(10):29-31.

      [16] 于峰,姚曉霞,韓伏蒞.高尿酸血癥與頸動脈、股動脈粥樣硬化及腦梗死的關(guān)系[J].中國實用神經(jīng)疾病雜志,2012,15(8):14-16.

      [17] Kanbay M,Ozkara A,Selcoki Y,et al. Effect of treatment of hyperuricemia with allopurinol on blood pressure, creatinine clearence, and proteinuria in patients with normal renal functions[J].Int Urol Nephrol,2007,39:1227-1233.


      [2] 周弋,齊慧,趙根明,等.上海市浦東新區(qū)居民高尿酸血癥與慢性腎病相關(guān)性研究[J].中華流行病學(xué)雜志,2012,33(4):351-355.

      [3] Iseki k,Ikemiya Y,Inoue T,et al.Significance of hyperuricemia as a risk factor for developing ESRD in a screened cohort[J].Am J Kidney Dis,2004,44(4):642-650.

      [4] Iseki k,Oshrio S,Tozawa M,et al.Significance of hyperuricemia on the early detection of renal failure in a cohort of screened subjects[J].Hypertens Res,2001,24 (6):691-697.

      [5] Madero M,Sarnak MJ,Wang XL,et al.Uric acid and long-term outcomes in CKD[J].Am J Kidney Dis,2009,53(5):796-803.

      [6] Chonchol M,Shlipak MG,Katz R,et al.Relationship ofuric acid with progression of kiney disease[J].Am J Kidney Dis,2007,50(2):239-247.

      [7] Obermayr RP,Temml C,Gutjahr G,et al.Elevated uric acid increases the risk for kiney disease[J].J Am Soc Nephrol,2008,19(6):1204-1211.

      [8] Krishnan E,Pandya BJ,Chung L,et al.Hyperuricemia and the risk for subclinical coronary atherosclerosis data from a prospective observational cohort study[J].Arthritis Res Ther,2011,13(2):66.

      [9] Chen JH,Chuang SY,Chen HJ,et al.Serum uric acid level as an independent risk factor for all cause.cardiovascular,and isehemic stroke mortality:a Chinese cohort study[J].Arthritis Rheum,2009,61(2):225-232.

      [10] Ito S,Naritomi H,Ogihara T.Impact of serum uric acid on renal function and cardiovascular events in hypertensive patients treated with losartain [J].Hypertens Res,2012,35(8):867-873.

      [11] Ogawa S,Nakayama K, Nakayama K,et al.Methylglyoxal is a predictor in type 2 diabetic patients of intima-media thickening and elevation of blood pressure [J]. Hypertension,2010,56(3):471-476.

      [12] Libetta C,Sepe V,Esposito P,et al.Oxidative stress and inflammation: implications in uremia and hemodialysis [J].Clin Biochem,2011,44(14-15):1189-1198.

      [13] 鄒貴勉,眭維國,晏強,等.腎移植后高尿酸血癥對移植腎遠期功能的影響[J].解放軍醫(yī)學(xué)雜志,2009,34(9):1108-1110.

      [14] George J,Struthers AD.Role of urate,xanthine oxidase and the efects of allopurinol in vascular oxidative stress[J].Vase Health Risk Manag,2009,5(1):265-272.

      [15] 鄭東鵬.老年人高尿酸血癥與代謝綜合征組分的關(guān)系[J].上海醫(yī)藥,2012,33(10):29-31.

      [16] 于峰,姚曉霞,韓伏蒞.高尿酸血癥與頸動脈、股動脈粥樣硬化及腦梗死的關(guān)系[J].中國實用神經(jīng)疾病雜志,2012,15(8):14-16.

      [17] Kanbay M,Ozkara A,Selcoki Y,et al. Effect of treatment of hyperuricemia with allopurinol on blood pressure, creatinine clearence, and proteinuria in patients with normal renal functions[J].Int Urol Nephrol,2007,39:1227-1233.


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