




      2016-04-14 19:38:25
      檔案與建設(shè) 2016年5期



      NO.5 2016(Serial No.329)

      1. The Factors which Affect the Evidential Quailty and Evidence Value of Electronic Commerce Transaction Records

      Huang Shizhe,Liang Yuanliang 4

      2. The Nature of the Property Right of Archival Information and Its Institutional Value

      Jiang Ruixue 8

      3. Research on Connotation and Path of Archives Open under the Open Government Background

      Yu Ling 12

      4. Problems and Countermeasures of Enterprise Electronic Archives Compiling and Researching in Network Environment

      Jia Congcong,Zhou Yaolin 16

      5. The Enlightenments of One-call Notification System to Record Management and Utilization of Underground Pipeline in Our Country

      Chen Yihan,Gu Shuting,Chen Meisi 20

      6. Enlightenment of Australian and Zelanian Archival Work

      Jiangsu Archival Work Delegation 25

      7. Integration and Services of Digital Archival Resources from the View of Public Security

      Zhu Qiang 28

      8. Discussion on the Application of Interoperability Protocols in the Integration of Archive Information Resources

      Xu Luoyi 32

      9. The Conflict Between Different Rules and Regulations

      ——Taking the Colleges Construction Archives Collection as An Example

      Zhang Yuanyuan 36

      10. The Unique Lost Experience of Zhangjian’s Six Strategies of Aftermath in Korea

      Shu Ren 40

      11. The Whole Story about Syndicated Debt’s Issue of Tongtai Fifth Firm of Salt Production and Farming

      Zhu Jiang 42

      12. The History of Control of Huai River in North Jiangsu from Ancient to the Republic

      Shen Fujun,Chen Zhiyuan 48

      13. Model of United Front Work and Pioneer of Joint Anti-Japanese

      ——The First Period Recruit Team of the Northeast Army 57 Corp 112 Division 667 Regiment

      Bao Lin 50

      14. Xinhua Daily in the KMT-Ruled Area During the Period of Anti-Japanese War

      Zhou Fu,Zhao Zhi 55

      15. The Story of Yiduju in Guazhen

      Gong Jun,Wei Zhiwen 58

      16. Mao Yisheng’s Additional Post of National Economic Council Water Conservancy Director

      Li Shuo 60

      17. The Protection and Cultural Heritage of GanXi Mansion

      Xu Li 63

      Under the Auspices of Jiangsu provincial Archives Bureau and Jiangsu povincial Archives Society,

      Published and Edited by the Editorial Board of Archives and Construction

      [Translated by Hu Jintao]





      Chief Editor:Fang YuningAddress:1Qingdao Road,Nanjing,P.R.China

      Post code:210008 Tel:0086-25-83301449 Fax:0086-25-86636669

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