



      英文摘要(Selected Abstracts)

      2016-04-16 10:25:52
      翻譯界 2016年2期

      英文摘要(Selected Abstracts)

      Abstract: Interpreting studies as a discipline has been developing rapidly in recent years.This encyclopedia, as one of the latest additions to Routledge series in translation and interpreting studies, not only presents current achievements in IS, but also delineates future trends of the discipline.Whilst the book is characterized by its attempts at comprehensiveness, innovativity, integration and convenience, it has def i ciencies such as over-relying on sources in English and occasional inaccuracy in facts.For Chinese translation and interpreting researchers wishing to compile an encyclopedia or handbook,this book provides valuable guidance in entry structure and presentation.

      Keywords: interpreting studies, entries, integration

      The Dissemination of Chinese Classics in the West: Efforts by Western Scholars and Sinologists

      WANG Jiankai (Fudan University)

      Abstract: Western scholars and sinologists have made significant contribution to the dissemination of Chinese literature overseas.They usually select source texts by themselves and out of scholarly interest.A good example of this involves Chinese classical poetry, the gem of Chinese literature.Since the 17th century, many sinologists have translated Chinese classical poetry into English and produced their own versions.Thanks to their efforts, Chinese classical poetry has been collected into anthologies and textbooks in the West.This article, by looking at the three representative figures(Arthur Waley, Ezra Pound and Burton Watson), endeavors to recount the history of their translating Chinese poetry and to reveal—through the analysis of the translations—the way their translations entered the anthologies of English and America literature.It is found that their translations tend to strike a balance between faithfulness and readability;their popularity has been partially brought around by their publication in various journals, excellent reviews and awards received, collection into prestigious anthologies,and imitation by Western poets.

      Keywords: Chinese poetry in English translation, Chinese poetry in English literature

      The Use of the Formal Language of Painting in Literary Translation—with Special Reference to Kenneth Rexroth’s English Translations of Classical Chinese Poems

      ZHANG Baohong (Guangdong University of Foreign Studies)

      Abstract: Based on the viewpoints of the formal language of painting, the present paper analyzes how Kenneth Rexroth applied the formal language of painting in his Chinese-English poetry translation in terms of line drawing and geometric construction.It aims to decipher the mechanism of artistic cognition governing Kenneth Rexroth’s Chinese-English poetry translation, outline the values of the formal language of painting for translation studies, and highlight the significance of interarts studies for literary translation.

      Keywords: the formal language of painting, Kenneth Rexroth, English translations of classical Chinese poems

      The Translation and Dissemination of Modern Chinese Fiction in the World of English in the First Half of the 20th Century

      MA Huijuan & LI Ping (Beijing Foreign Studies University)

      Abstract: The fi rst anthology of modern Chinese fi ction in English was translated by E.H.F.Mills in 1930.Research on the English translations of modern Chinese fi ction in the English-speaking world from a macro perspective is scarce though some achievements have been made in recent years.This study attempts to analyze the English translations of modern Chinese fiction in the first half of the twentieth century in the Englishspeaking countries, and present a general picture of the translated modern Chinese fi ction in the UK and the USA in that period.It is found that the English translations of modern Chinese fi ction in that time have three features in terms of story selections, translators and publishers.

      Keywords: modern Chinese fi ction, translation, English-speaking world

      Chinese Bible Translation and the Criteria of Xin, Da, Ya—A Survey of Lu Chen-Chung’s Thoughts on Bible Translation

      REN Dongsheng (Ocean University of China)

      Abstract: St.Jerome recommended sense-for-sense approach for literary translation and word-for-word approach for Bible translation.This sacred-secular dichotomous view in translation did not change until Robert Morrison in 1819 and George Campbell in 1879 proposed their translation principles, respectively, based on their Bible translation.Yan Fu, who translated part of Mark in the Bible, proposed in 1897 xin da ya (i.e.,faithfulness, comprehensibility, and elegance) as translation criteria.Lu Chen-Chung,a Chinese Bible translator, called in 1946 for balance between xin, da, and ya when translating the Bible and strove to apply it to his practice.This paper makes a survey of Lu Chen-Chung’s thoughts on Bible translation with reference to his translation in order to summarize the role of xin, da, and ya in guiding the Chinese translation of the Bible and its signif i cance in translation practice.

      Keywords: Chinese Bible Translation, Lu Chen-Chung, xin da ya, translation principle

      The Violence of Translation: The Case of Translating Western Terms into Chinese

      ZHANG Jinghua (Hunan University of Science and Technology)

      Abstract: In the period of Late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China (from late19th century to around the 1930s), in order to translate Western terms into Chinese,Chinese translators had to face the violence of translation in two aspects: one was to domesticate Western terms by removing the cultural differences so as to satisfy Chinese intellectuals’ cultural narcissism; the other was to foreignize them by signifying the cultural differences so as to challenge Chinese traditional academic systems.The conflicts between Chinese and Western academics as well as the disputes between traditional and modern Chinese academics resulted in the violence.Translation integration, as a strategy, played an important role in reducing the violence of translation and reconciling various academic conf l icts.Yet, it has its historical limitations.As the historical context changed, violence in translation abated and the Chinese translations of some Western terms evolved.

      Keywords: Western terms, translated terms, violence of translation

      On the Monism of Poetry Creation and Poetry Translation and Its Implications for Poetry Translation

      LI Tenglong (Zhengzhou University of Light Industry)

      Abstract: Although there are some similarities between poetry creation and poetry translation, they are usually regarded as two completely different literary activities.Based on the review and discussion of emotions, this article attempts to put forward the theory of monism of poetry creation and poetry translation with emotion as their soul, and they are in fact both the result of transference of emotion and crystallization of language arts by means of empathy.Implications for poetry translation are discussed through case studies.

      Keywords: poetry creation, poetry translation, monism, emotion, empathyAbstract: Canadian translation and interpretation education took off in the 1970s,driven by a confluence of factors.The rapid expansion of the market for translation and interpretation as a result of the introduction of the off i cial Languages Act in 1972,coupled with the extensive communication and dissemination of information and knowledge on the global scale and the intensive development and application of ICT, has profound implications on the translation and interpretation industry and its demand for qualif i ed translators and interpreters.This change called for a new model of educationand training that focuses on a set of competences addressing the real needs of the profession.

      On the Key Features of Canadian Translation and Interpretation Education

      LUAN Haiyan (Nankai University)

      Keywords: translation and interpretation education, development features, successful models

      Taking the Technological Turn in Translation Studies

      ZHANG Chengzhi (Hebei University)
      WANG Huashu (Guangdong University of Foreign Studies)

      Abstract: With the rapid development of information technology and the global language industry, translation technology has increasingly been adopted, and translation practice has been transformed hereby.This study explores the technology-driven developments in translation studies and argues that, following a linguistic turn and a culture turn,translation studies is taking a technological turn.We define this technological turn,present supporting evidence, and analyze the underlying causes.It is suggested that such a turn will benef i t translation studies and that translation researchers pay more attention to the use of translation technology and implications thereof.

      Keywords: translation technology, translation studies, technological turn

      Translation Studies’ Present and Future: An Interview with Professor Annie Brisset

      ZHANG Cuiling (University of Science and Technology Beijing)

      Abstract: Annie Brisset is a professor of translation studies and discourse theory at the University of Ottawa, Canada, and a member of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.Since 1996 she has been a consultant to UNESCO, and has worked on various projects for the development of multilingual communication in Central and Eastern Europe, including the creation of the network of UNESCO Chairs in Translation and Cross-Cultural Communication.She is also the president and founding member of IATIS (international Association for Translation and intercultural Studies).Her fi elds of interest include translation theories, discourse theories, and sociology and socio critique of translation.She has published extensively.Currently she is working on translation fl ows and practice (UNESCO).This interview covers a wide range of topics concerning translation studies in Canada, key translation scholars in Canada, the relationship between theory and practice, sociology of translation, and the present and future of translation studies in the world.

      Keywords: interview, translation studies, sociology of translation, translation turns

      A Book Review of Routledge Encyclopedia of Interpreting Studies

      YAO Bin & DENG Xiaoling (Beijing Foreign Studies University)

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