




      2017-04-02 09:11:44黃志力
      世界睡眠醫(yī)學(xué)雜志 2017年1期


      Introduction of Sleep Recheardh Scociaty and Sleep Medicine Academy


      Finnish Sleep Research Society

      Suomen Unitutkimus seura

      Foundation year 1984

      Webpage http://www.sfrms.org/

      Number of members 400

      Composition of members


      27% Pneumologists-27% Neurologists-13% ENT surgeons-10% Psychiatrists-10% GPs-13% others

      Historical perspective of the society

      The French Sleep Research and Medicine Society(SFRMS)is a scientific non-profit organization,which brings together clinical and basic science researchers,and healthcare professionals.The society organizes the accreditation process for sleep centers and provides standards for education.The main goal is now to facilitate development of sleep medicine as a subspecialty,and to initiate research networks.

      Important sleepphysicians / researchers in the history of the NSS and Past presidents

      Michel Jouvet,Michel Billiard,Jean Krieger,Odile Benoit,Joelle Adrien,Emmanuel Weitzenblum,Patrick Levy,Daniel Kurtz,Alain Besset,Michel Autret,Marie-Jo Challamel,Louis Arbus,Claude Gaultier,F Leygonie-Goldenberg,Jean Louis Valatx,Dominique Samson-Dollfus,Jacques Paty,Alain Muzet,Bruno Claustrat,Dominique Pringuey,Lucile Garma,Pierre Passouant,Claude Gottesmann,Marie Francoise Vecchierini,Joel Paquereau,Daniel Gieu.

      Number of Sleep Medicine Centers

      (link to their titles and locations)

      52 certified centers For a complete list: http://www.sfrms-sommeil.org/CARTE/carte-sommeil-web.html

      Number of Sleep Research Centers

      (link to their titles and locations)

      Main centers currently involved in a research network(Groupement de recherche(GDR):

      Pierre Philip / Colette Fabrigoule GENPPHAASS USR CNRS 3413 SANPSY(Sleep,Attention and NeuroPSYchiatry); Pierre Herve-Luppi Physiopathologie des reseaux neuronaux du cycle veillesommeil.

      Rattachement(EPST,INSERM,CNRS):Universite Lyon 1 et CNRS; Isabelle Arnulf Mouvements et ganglions de la base CRICM-UPMC-Paris 6; Inserm UMR_S 975; CNRS UMR 7225; Karim

      Benchenane Laboratoire de Physiologie de la Perception et de l′Action,UMR CNRS 7152,

      College de France; Patrice Bourgin CNRS-UPR 3212-INCI / Equipe n°4: Lumiere,rythmes,homeostasie du sommeil et neuropsychiatrie; Imad Ghorayeb CNRS UMR 5293 Institut des maladies neurodegeneratives-Physiopathologie des syndromes parkinsoniens; Agnes Daurat 5263 CNRS-EPHE

      Universite Toulouse II; Yves Dauvilliers Pathologies neuropsychiatriques,neurologie,epidemiologie et clinique(INSERM U888,Pathologies du systeme nerveux: recherche epidemiologique et clinique);

      Veronique Fabre/Joelle Adrien Sommeil,Neurotransmission:physiologie,anatomie fonctionnelle et biologie moleculaire Rattachement(EPST,INSERM,CNRS):Inserm/Cnrs/Universite Pierre et Marie Curie Paris 6; JS LIN-Karine Spiegel-Patricia Franco Physiologie integree du systeme d’eveil Inserm U1028/cnrs UMR 5292/ Universite Claude Bernard/HCL; Frederic Gagnadoux "Stress Oxydant et

      Pathologies Metaboliques(SOPAM)INSERM U 694; Claude Gronfier Departement chronobiologie Institut Cellule Souche et Cerveau INSERM U846 69500 Bron; Geraldine Rauchs Unite Inserm U923,Caen Neuropsychologie Cognitive et Neuroanatomie Fonctionnelle de la Memoire Humaine; Damien Davenne Mobilites:Attention,Orientation et Chronobiologie,INSERM ERI 27; Current President:Prof.Jean-Louis Pepin

      (黃志力 供稿)

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