




      2017-08-01 00:21:28陳廣輝王洪偉高鋒吳瓊楊海寶李銘章
      中華肩肘外科電子雜志 2017年1期

      陳廣輝 王洪偉 高鋒 吳瓊 楊海寶 李銘章



      陳廣輝 王洪偉 高鋒 吳瓊 楊海寶 李銘章

      目的評價改良切開修復巨大肩袖撕裂的臨床療效。方法回顧性分析自2012年3月至2015年3月東莞東華醫(yī)院收治的行改良切開修復巨大肩袖撕裂患者10例的病例資料,其中男6例,女4例;年齡47~65歲,平均56.6歲;肩袖撕裂左7例,右3例。采用視覺模擬評分法(visual analysis scale,VAS)、Constant評分、美國加州大學洛杉磯分校(University of California at Los Angeles,UCLA)肩關節(jié)功能評分評價早期臨床療效。結果所有患者均獲隨訪,隨訪時間為6~24個月,平均16.5個月。無切口感染、神經損傷。1例肩袖再撕裂,因患者疼痛輕、耐受好,未行翻修手術。VAS、UCLA、Constant評分均有改善,UCLA評分優(yōu)3例,良5例,差2例,優(yōu)良率為80%;Constant評分優(yōu)3例,良5例,差2例,優(yōu)良率為80%。結論采用改良切開修復巨大肩袖撕裂損傷較小,術后康復快,早期效果良好。












      采用視覺模擬評分法(visual analysis scale,VAS)、Constant評分[2]、美國加州大學洛杉磯分校(University of California at Los Angeles,UCLA)肩關節(jié)功能評分[3]進行療效評估,由1名醫(yī)師獨立完成。VAS評分總分10分,0分:無痛;3分以下:有輕微的疼痛,患者能忍受;4~6分:患者疼痛并影響睡眠,尚能忍受;7~10分:患者有漸強烈的疼痛,疼痛難忍。Constant評分總分100分,90~100分為優(yōu),80~89分為良,70~79分為可,<70分為差。UCLA肩關節(jié)功能評分總分35分,34~35分為優(yōu),29~33分為良,<29分為差。

      表1 10例患者一般資料

      圖1 患者,男,47歲,交通傷致右岡上肌腱、肩胛下肌腱撕裂合并骨性Bankart損傷,傷后13d行巨大肩袖撕裂及Bankart損傷修復術。圖A術前X線片示肱骨頭上移;圖B術前軸位CT示肩盂前緣撕脫骨折;圖C術前軸位MRI示肩胛下肌腱撕裂,肱二頭肌長頭腱脫位;圖D術前冠狀面MRI示岡上肌腱撕裂;圖E術前前屈上舉;圖F術前體側外旋;圖G術前體側內旋;圖H改良切開修復手術切口;圖I術后1個月X線片示錨釘位置良好;圖J術后3個月冠狀面MRI示岡上肌腱完整;圖K術后3個月軸位MRI示肩胛下肌完整、肱二頭肌長頭腱無脫位;圖L術后前屈上舉;M術后體側外旋;圖N術后體側內旋

      結 果

      所有患者均獲隨訪,隨訪時間為6~24個月,平均16.5個月。無切口感染、神經損傷。1例肩袖再撕裂,因患者疼痛輕、耐受好,未行翻修手術。VAS、UCLA、Constant評分均有改善,UCLA、Constant評分優(yōu)3例,良5例,差2例,其中1例為肩袖再撕裂,1例合并肩關節(jié)僵硬,優(yōu)良率為80% ,見表2。

      討 論






      表2 10例患者術前及末次隨訪時VAS,UCLA,Constant評分結果(分)










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      Analysis of early therapeutic effect of modified open repair of massive rotator cuff tear

      Chen Guanghui,Wang Hongwei,Gao Feng,Wu Qiong,Yang Haibao,Li Mingzhang.Department of Orthopaedic,Dongguan Donghua Hospital,Dongguan 523110,China

      Chen Guanghui,Email:sumscool@aliyun.com

      BackgroundThe rotator cuff is composed of supraspinatus,infraspinatus,subscapularis and teres minor,forming a sleeve structure around the anatomical neck of humerus.Due to the large bearing stress,the rotator cuff is easy to degenerate and its tear is common in clinical practice.Gerber,etc.defines massive rotator cuff tear as complete rupture of at least 2tendons,which is widely accepted.The treatment of massive rotator cuff tear is difficult with poor outcomes.Although the shoulder arthroscopic technology has been mature,it is not popularized in the extensive primary hospitals,especially for the greater difficulty of arthroscopic repair.Methods(1)General information:From March 2012to March 2015,10patients of massive rotator cuff tear were treated with modified open repair in our hospital,including 6males and 4females,aged from 47to 65years with an average of 56.6years;7cases were in the left and 3cases were in the right.(2)Operative methods:Under successful general anesthesia with endotracheal intubation,the patient was placed in beach chair position and the tracheal tube was properly fixed to avoid accidental slipping out.The bone landmarks such as acromion,coracoid process,etc.were marked after conventional disinfection and draping.As for patients combined with subscapularis injury,the subscapularis tendon was exposed after the ligation of the deltoid branch of thoracoacromial artery through the deltopectoral approach,and the partial or complete laceration was usually seen at the attachment point of small tuberosity with subluxation or dislocation of the long head of biceps tendon.One patient in this group was found to have Bankart injury and treated with a 3.5mm suture anchor placed in the glenoid avulsion fracture to repair the joint capsule.After the reduction of the long head of biceps tendon,a 5.0mm suture anchor was placed in lesser tuberosity with one suture penetrated through the end of subscapularis tendon andthe other through transverse ligament.After the sutures were fastened with knots at the neutral position of shoulder joint,both the subscapularis tendon and the transverse tendon were repaired.One patient with shoulder joint dislocation had emergency manipulative reduction and

      good recovery of Bankart lesion 2months later.Without subscapularis injury,the following procedures were carried out directly.Through the small incision of anterolateral acromion and along the anterior and middle bundles of deltoid,the supraspinatus tendon was exposed to find the laceration and its retracted end and decide the tearing configuration.The shoulder joint was examined at 0°of shoulder abduction and the surgical release was unnecessary as the tension after repair was not large.Two 3.5mm anchors were inserted into the greater tuberosity with sutures penetrated through the tearing rim of supraspinatus tendon.The knots were fastened at 0°of shoulder abduction and the repair was examined to be firm.The incision was closed as no malposition of anchors was found under fluoroscopy.(3)Postoperative management:The affected arm was in a sling for limitation of activities and wrist activities were encouraged immediately after anesthesia.The emphasis within 3days was focused on pain control and the 2nd generation of cephalosporin was given regularly for postoperative infection prevention.The passive activities of forward flexion,abduction and external rotation were allowed 3days later to distract the joint capsule and prevent adhesion,but not for the patient with subscapular injury.The active movements were also forbidden.The range of motion reached gradually at 90°of forward flexion,60°of abduction and 30°external rotation within 6weeks(excluding patients with subscapular injury).The active forward flexion,abduction and internal and external rotation was allowed 6weeks later,and accompanied by climbing action and pulling rubber band,the active and passive exercises were permitted to carry out in patients with subscapularis injuries.The goal was to reach the normal range of shoulder motion at 3months after the operation.3months after operation,the strength training,such as raising barbell,pulling rubber band,etc.were carried out with longterm maintenance to consolidate the curative effect and prevention the function from decreasing again.Ice compress in the rehabilitation facilitated pain relief and the principle of gradual improvement should be followed to avoid the palindromia rotator cuff tear.(4)Assessment of curative effect:The curative effect assessment of shoulder joint was completed by one clinician independently with visual analysis scale(VAS),Constant-Murley score and University of California at Los Angeles(UCLA)score.The total score of VAS was 10points with 0point for pain free,less than 3points for slight and tolerable pain,4-6points for mild pain which may affect the sleep but is still endurable and 7-10points for severe and insufferable pain.The total score of Constant-Murley was 100points with 90-100points in excellent,80-89points in good,70-79points in normal and less than 70points in poor.The total score of UCLA was 35points with 34-35points in excellent,29-33points in good and less than 29points in poor.Results All patients were followed up for 6to 24months with an average of 16.5months.No incision infection or nerve injury was found.One patient had the recurrence of rotator cuff tear,but had no revision surgery due to the slight pain and his good tolerance.VAS score,UCLA score and Constant-Murley score were all improved.According to UCLA score and Constant-Murley score,there were 3excellent cases,5good cases and 2poor cases,including 1case of recurrence and 1case of shoulder joint stiffness.The excellent and good rate was 80%.Conclusions Due to limited cases and experience,the remained problem is still complex,especially the basic study of shoulder biomechanics,biological repair of tendon tissue and pathology,and the treatment of long head injury of biceps tendon.The clinical effect requires long-term follow-ups and further analysis.In summery,the massive rotator cuff tear can be easily exposed and treated through modified open repair without stringing the anterior attachment of deltoid,which saves the operation time,accelerates the postoperative rehabilitation and particularly has the promotion value in hospitals and clinicians with insufficient shoulder arthroscopic experience.

      Open repair;Massive rotator cuff tear





      523110 東莞東華醫(yī)院骨一科


      陳廣輝,王洪偉,高鋒,等.改良切開修復巨大肩袖撕裂初步療效分析 [J/CD].中華肩肘外科電子雜志,2017,5(1):54-60.

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