




      2017-09-16 10:19齊超
      課程教育研究 2017年32期



      【關(guān)鍵詞】跨文化交際 網(wǎng)民評論語篇 對比分析 虎媽問題

      【Abstract】In order to give a hand to the cross-cultural communication, the study of Chinese and foreign netizens comments debating the “Tiger Mother” event is conducted in order to find the major differences in online comments between Chinese and foreign (mainly British and American) netizens. The materials are chosen by random with the help of qualitative and quantitative research including the statistical method. Chinese netizens are found using some emotional vocabulary to express comments, but the foreign netizens are found using some facts to express comments. The experimental results indicate that the Chinese netizens have a perceptual tendency and the foreign netizens have a rational tendency obviously.

      【Key words】the cross-cultural communication, netizens comments, contrastive analysis, Tiger Mother

      【中圖分類號】G64 【文獻標識碼】A 【文章編號】2095-3089(2017)32-0103-01

      In the modern society, we have a close relationship with the internet. With the help of the internet, people can communicate in a much quicker and boarder way. The people will work with high efficiency. Following the development of the internet, it becomes easier for the businessmen from the China and foreign countries to do business. The internet makes our experience of study and life rich and colorful.

      The following are two typical postings of net worms to give their comments on the “Tiger Mother” event.

      1)A netizen called Joan wrote that he read the Wall Street Journal piece authored by Ms. Chua last week and found it very interesting.

      2)A netizen called Talbot wrote that Chua should be charged for the child abuse.

      The expert Huang Guowen thinks the discourse is communicative activity or the use of language in a specific condition. It means what is said (spoken discourse), and what is written (written text). With the scientific research methods and theory of discourse analysis, Chinese and foreign netizens comments are different.

      Table 1 Expression of views: straightforward vs. roundabout

      Table 2 Length of comments

      Table 3 Position: for or against

      According to the Table One, there are 22 poetries and 10 historical stories in Chinese netizens comments. Foreign netizens not have these two aspects of reference. China has a long history, Tiger Mother event has contact with a lot of poetries and history stories.endprint

      According to the Table Two, the length of Chinese and foreign netizens comments is different. To get the essential reason, due to the Chinese culture background, Chinese people express comments to comprehensively and completely, but foreigners pay attention to the key, and express comments to the point.

      In Chinese and western education have obvious difference, according to the Table Three, most of Chinese netizens support Tiger Mother. This embody Chinese education philosophy.

      5 Conclusion

      Through the research, the writer discovers that the Chinese are inductive while the foreigners are sensible especially the American. And the author finds the meaning of the research when we talk with the foreigner on the internet, we should use more facts. The writer takes the different aspects, like rational and emotional. At last, the writer points out the applicable scope of this paper—on the forum of the internet. In the later intercultural communication, especially in the network comments, Chinese netizens should use more datum and facts. In this way, Chinese netizens can fully express their ideas and make foreign netizens understand better. At the same time, when to express comments we should highlight the emphasis and when to discuss education problem we should be not extreme.

      Works cited

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