




      2018-05-15 01:50:22PingDu
      校園英語·下旬 2018年1期


      【Abstract】The topic of my final paper is the refugee crisis to EU. As we all know , most of the refugees come from Middle East countries such as Syria ,Afghanistan and the other North Africa countries. The reasons of the refugee crisis are various, for example , the Arab Spring ,the Terrorism and the USs interference in these countries. Today we are facing the worst refugee crisis since cold war , this refugee crisis attracted attention from all over the world and has caused a lot of trouble that mainly exist in the western country ,especially European countries , but meanwhile ,there are chance for the EU.so it is important for EU to should control the refugee crisis reasonably

      【Key words】refugee crisis; chance; EU

      【作者簡介】Ping Du,Qingdao University。

      I. The connotation of the refugee crisis of EU

      The refugees crisis in EU has existed since ancient times, meanwhile, the policy on the refugees crisis were changeable. As reported, the refugee policy were loose before 1980s, but after that the policy become tighter gradually And the collapse of the Soviet Union and local war made the refugee crisis to the final formation.

      Since the beginning of the year, nearly 500, 000 people have made their way to Europe. The vast majority of them are fleeing from war in Syria, the terror of the Islamic State in Libya or dictatorship in Eritrea. The most affected Member States are Greece, with over 213, 000 refugees, Hungary, with over 145, 000, and Italy, with over 115, 000. Obviously, those countries simply cannot absorb this influx of refugees without preparations for the crisis, so the crisis must cause problems. For example, social unrest, economic issues, the inner contradiction in the European integration and the clash of civilization.So, the top content is what we talk about in this passage.

      II. The reasons for the refugee crisis in EU

      What we can know from the media is that most of the refugees come from Middle East countries such as Syria, Afghanistan and North Africa countries such as Libya. The reasons of the refugee crisis are divided into inner and external, the inner cause of the refugee crisis is the recent turbulence and even war in Middle East and North Africa.For example, half of the Syrian become refugees due to the conflict between the government force and anti-government rebels in Syria, and those refugees chose to seek asylum in Europe.The external causes of the refugee crisis are the interference of the Western countries such as US and EU countries.

      III. The optimistic influence of the Refugee Crisis in EU:A chance for the EU to Raise the international imagine of the EU

      The objective of the public diplomacy of the EU is to maintain and realize the interests ou the EU by means of building the national images in international systems.In recent years, the images of the EU has been damaged by ineffiency of the wholistic strategy, the double standard and the contradiction between member states, so, it is urgent for the EU to change the situation.In my opinion, I think the refugees crisis give the chance to EU to do something.

      On one hand, in 2015, the perspective that refugees crisis is a challenges for humanitarian are prevailing in the world, especially after heartbreaking picture of dead child who is three washed to the shore published on September 6.All the people in the world were shocked, they begun to appeal for the change of the national policies. The EU changed their policy, Angela Merkel even announced that Germany would basicly accept all refugees coming from Syria or other war torn countries at the end of the August.What the Germany showed to us is a responsible image of a nation, it is helpful to build positive image of the EU too.

      On the other hand, part of the refugees are elites in their country, they could be developed language and educational training programs and integrated into the national economy.If the EU help them integrate into the society, they will repay.What is more, this behavior can accumulate resources to rebuild Middle East.And this will strengthen the influence power in Middle East, even in international systems.

      IV. Conclusion:EU should control the refugee crisis reasonably

      It is Europe today that represents a beacon of hope, a haven of stability in the eyes of women an men in the Middle East in Africa.

      That is something to be proud of and not nothing to fear.

      Every coin has two sides, the refugees crisis is also the same.What I talked about plus what the media reported, we can go a conclusion that the EU should control the refugee crisis reasonably.


      [1]Pei Yufeng.The impact on “One Belt One Road”[J].Arab World Studies,2015.9(5):55.

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