



      Application Research of Hand Hook Lace in Fashion Design

      2018-10-21 05:55符妮


      Abstract: Hand hook lace product is a special kind of coil tissue weaving product.It has the artistic style of “exposed,elastic,dense,soft and live”.The product structure is arbitrarily strong and can achieve any effect and specification.It is any machine.A special artistic handicraft that cannot be replaced by products.With the development of the clothing market,the hand hook lace can provide a new development direction for the clothing market,provide new design ideas for the clothing designer,and enhance the aesthetic connotation and artistic value of the clothing.

      Keywords: hand hook lace,fashion design,applied research


      The hand hook lace can be divided into three types.The first type is a strip-shaped hand hook lace,which is a hook-shaped hook,which can be used for the edge position of clothes such as the bottom hem,cuffs,etc.,and can also be used for decoration on the dividing line.The second type is a block-shaped hand hook lace,which has a square shape,a round shape,and an irregular shape.It can be used to decorate the part of the garment; the third is to hook out a complete piece of clothing with a crochet hook.

      (2)Process characteristics

      “Lu” mainly refers to its organizational structure with hollow artistic effects,which can be better integrated with human body clothing and decorative objects to form a special effect against each other.“Bullet”mainly means that we can make a special elasticity through different crochet stitching methods.This elastic effect can better reveal the beauty of the human body and achieve the comfort of wearing; “tight”means it The compactness of the tissue,we can make the product have a dense style through the corresponding crochet stitching method,forming a dense and inter-phase effect in the same product.“Soft”refers to its flexible characteristics,which can be said to be the most flexible product of flexible fiber material fabrics.

      (3)Application of hand hook lace in clothing

      Hand hook lace is widely used in the design of clothing parts.He is mainly used in neckline,bottom cuffs and other positions.According to different styles of clothing,different yarns can be used to hook out different laces by peoples smart hands,and then according to different design requirements,the lace can be fixed in the position we need according to different design requirements.The application of the hand hook lace in the whole garment means that the crochet hooks out a complete piece of clothing.In the design process,the style of the clothes should be considered,and what kind of yarn should be used for weaving,so that consumers can wear it.Created on the body will not cause discomfort due to the yarn,so it is necessary to require the yarn to wear more comfortable and give the clothes a certain profile.Also design the entire piece of clothing with or without woven patterns,there are several groups,how big.What is the weaving form of the neckline,the threshold and the bottom pendulum? These are the elements of design.The cost of such a garment is very high,but the future prospects are good.Another form of design is the use of large-handed laces,such as the entire body or the entire sleeve of the sleeves.We can also use the crochet to hook the lace directly onto the clothes.The method has high requirements on both fabric and technology.For example,due to the improper selection of the fabric or the hole in the position of the needle when the fabric is hooked,the garment is a substandard product and cannot enter the market,which will cause much loss to the enterprise.The effect of the combination of hand hook lace and different fabrics and accessories is also different.

      Since the hand hook lace is spread in the folk,many people use the hook lace in their daily life.We can make hats,scarves,gloves,shawls,shoes,etc.by hand and lace.Not only is it widely used in the application of hand-hook lace,but also in the same thing.People use hooks and pieces of round,hand-knot lace to cover home TVs,air conditioners and other household appliances and appliances.There are many small dolls that are also hooked out by hand hook lace.

      As a special handicraft,hand hook lace occupies an important position in the clothing industry.Today,with the rapid development of science and technology,the hand-look lace appears in the publics vision in a simple and simple artistic style,providing a new development direction for the development of the garment industry,and providing new design ideas for the fashion designer.The author hopes to pass this paper.Arouse more craftsmen who like crochet lace to provide a theoretical basis for the study of handmade lace.


      [1]https://baike.baidu.com/item/Hand hook lace/1163608?fr=aladdin

      [2]Ommel(Zhou)Wen Huijuan(translation).THE FINER EDGE.Henan:Henan Science and Technology Press,2015

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